Lesson 17 - Animals in danger & word order

Welcome to English class!
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EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo tLeerjaar 2

This lesson contains 14 slides, with text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 50 min

Items in this lesson

Welcome to English class!

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Today we are going to...

- read a text about animals and answer some questions.
- practise your grammar skills.

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Lesson goals
At the end of this class...

- you can read a text in English and answer questions about it.
- you can make a correct English sentence.

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Look back at the previous lesson
So, what have we done in the last lesson?

Animals in danger/endangered animals

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is learning class HT2D at school every Monday and Thursday English.

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Go to page 78 in your Sterk book.
onderwerp - ww - lv - plaats - tijd

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1. De basisstructuur van een Engelse zin is: wie doet wat/wie waar wanneer.
Our teacher teaches English at school every Monday, Thursday and Friday.

2. Alle werkwoorden staan bij elkaar.
Ik heb een leeuw gezien. I have seen a lion.

 3. Scheid het werkwoord (verb) niet van het lijdend voorwerp (object).
Jason tiptoed quietly up the stairs. Jason tiptoed up the stairs quietly.

4. De tijd staat achteraan de zin, behalve als je de tijd wilt benadrukken.
Yesterday I went to the parc.

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Review the lesson
So, what have we learned today?

1. You can read a text in English and answer questions about it.
2. You can make a correct English sentence.

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Homework & next lesson
  • Study the vocabulary on page 75 of your Sterk book.
  • Finish exercise 69, 71 & 72.

Next lesson:

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