ESW+Literature - Australia 1

Welcome Down Under
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The 'Tell me more!' symbol marks bonus content, you don't have to watch it to achieve the learning goals. Nevertheless, these fragments are fun and very educational.
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Hotspots reveal additional information or images when you click on them. The icon and color of hotspots changes throughout the presentation. 

We've divided the key concepts into 6 themes, each with it's own colour. You will find more information on the next slide. 

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Slide 1: Slide
EngelsHBOStudiejaar 2

This lesson contains 48 slide, with interactive quiz and text slide.

time-iconLesson duration is: 90 min

Items in this lesson

Welcome Down Under
Tell me more!!!
The 'Tell me more!' symbol marks bonus content, you don't have to watch it to achieve the learning goals. Nevertheless, these fragments are fun and very educational.
Click me!!!
Hotspots reveal additional information or images when you click on them. The icon and color of hotspots changes throughout the presentation. 

We've divided the key concepts into 6 themes, each with it's own colour. You will find more information on the next slide. 

Slide 1 - Slide

Key concepts
History (Stephanie)
Abel Tasman / Penal Colony / 1788 Settlement
Aboriginals (Tonia)
History / Culture / Art / Uluru
Immigration (Hedwig)
Ancestry / Immigration / Asian / Italian / Irish / British / Language 
Population (Mariska)
Population History / Population Density
Symbols (Paul)
Currency / National Symbols / Flag / Didgeridoo / Boomerang
National Holidays (Tonia)
Anthem / National Holidays

Slide 2 - Slide

  • I know who Abel Tasman is and what he did 
  • I know what a penal colony is
  • I know about the British settlement
  • I am aware of the Rum Rebellion

Slide 3 - Slide

Abel Tasman
New Zealand

Slide 4 - Slide

Which island did Abel Tasman discover first?
New Zealand
Van Diemensland

Slide 5 - Quiz

Penal Colony
Start here
Who were the convicts?
  • 70% English & Welsh
  • 24% Irish
  • 5% Scottish
  • 1% other nationalities (India, Canada, Maori, Chinese etc.)
  • Thieves, soldiers (mutiny, desertion & insubordination), larceny, robbery

Tell me more!
This video gives extra information about the penal colonies

Slide 6 - Slide

Why did the English create a penal colony in Australia?
Guy Fawkes just tried to blow up the Parliament and they wanted to get him as far away as possible
They could no longer use the American colonies
The prisons in England were full
James Cook wanted to live in Botany Bay

Slide 7 - Quiz

Where did the First Fleet create the first settlement?
Botany Bay
Van Diemensland
Sydney Cove
New Zealand

Slide 8 - Quiz

Download the 'Ticket of Leave' assignment via blackboard.

Fill out the ticket of leave for William Thornhill. You will find all the information you need in the book "Secret River" (page 74 - 100).

Make a screenshot and upload it here.

Slide 9 - Open question

Interview with an Australian
This video is no longer available
Welke video was dit?
Tell me more!
Carlie Eades teaches English at a distant learning school in Australia. In this interview, she tells us about her ancestry and what Australians are taught on their history in school. As a bonus, she gives some tips on distant learning.

Slide 10 - Slide

Botany Bay
The Rum Rebellion
Sydney Cove

Slide 11 - Slide

Click here for a complete overview of all 500+ milestones in Australia's history

Tell me more!
This website teaches you more about the history of Australia.

Slide 12 - Slide

25th April ANZAC DAY,
The Australians commemorate:
Listen to answer the question
Those who were lost at Gallipoli in 1915
All ANZAC veterans of WW1 and WW2
The Servicewomen and veterans of the 'small' wars
All of the before-mentioned answers are correct

Slide 13 - Quiz

The anniversary of the arrival of the First Fleet of British ships at Sydney Cove, New South Wales in 1788.

The Commemoration of the loss of the Aboriginal sovereign rights to their land, as well as the loss of family and culture. 

Slide 14 - Slide


• I know key facts about the Aboriginal history
• I understand who the stolen generation is and what consequences it has for the Aboriginals
• I can understand what Dreaming / Dream time is 
• I understand more about family and kinship among the Aboriginals
• I know key facts about the special connection Aboriginals have to the land
• I can recognise a diverse range of Aboriginal art
• I know about Uluru/ Ayers Rock, geographically, and its sacred meaning to the Aboriginals.

Slide 15 - Slide

Aboriginals and
Torres Strait Islander people

Slide 16 - Slide

"We have been here since time began"
Arrival from Africa
Scientists recognise Aboriginals arrived from Africa / Asia between 40,000 and 70,000 years ago
There were over 200 different groups with their own languages
Currently the Aboriginals only make up 2.5 percent of the Australian population.

Slide 17 - Slide

The Stolen Generation

1910 - 1970

Who are they?
  • Aboriginal children were taken away from their families and communities.
  • Breed out "Black Blood"
  • Brought up to be cheap workers
Bringing Them Home
The 1997 The Bringing Them Home Report consisted out of 54 recommendations to redress the impacts of the removal policies and address the ongoing trauma.
stolen generation, song.
The Stolen Generation. Photo
Tell me more!
This song translates the history and feelings of the stolen generation very well.

Slide 18 - Slide

Family and Kinship
Connection to the land
A Dream Story
 Family and kinship

Slide 19 - Slide

How would you describe Dream Time?

Slide 20 - Open question

Different types of Aboriginal art
Watch the video below

Slide 21 - Slide

  • Sacred to Aboriginals
  • Returned  to the Aboriginals in 1985
  • Closed for public climbing in 2019

Uluru / Ayers Rock 

Slide 22 - Slide

National Anthem
On May 27 1967, 90% of Australia's population voted in a referendum in favour of amending the national constitution in regard to indigenous peoples to be included in the official census and extend parliament's jurisdiction to include them. (not an official holiday but of significant importance)
"Almost 200 years later, Australia remains the only Commonwealth country to have never signed a treaty with its indigenous people. While treaties were established early on in other British dominions such as New Zealand, Canada and in the United States, the situation in Australia has been, often notoriously, different." (BBC News, 2017) 

Curious about the full BBC News Article?

Slide 23 - Slide

Ancestry and Immigration
  • To understand the background of ancestry and immigration in Australia
  • To learn about the significant moments in immigration history
  • To be aware of the multicultural society of Australia and its major immigrant groups
  • To learn about the language and the English-Cockney influences

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Ancestry and Immigration


  • Indigenous people
  • Migration 40.000 b.c.
  • As mentioned before


  • European settlers
  • 1788: First Fleet
  • Captain James Cook

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Immigration in the 18th and 19th century
1850s - 1860s

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Slide 27 - Slide

Multicultural society: immigration groups
  • First Fleet
  • 1947-1982: more than 1 million immigrants
  • Ten Pound Poms
  • Culturally close

  • First Fleet- part of British Isles
  • Escape Irish Rebellion/Potato Famine
  • Now: 30% of population is of Irish descent

  • Gold Rush 
  • White Australian Policy
  • Japanese attack on Darwin + fear of Asian invasion
  • 1970-1980: 120.000 Asian immigrants

  • Antonio Ponto on board ship of James Cook
  • Political and economic unrest at home
  • 1921 strict immigration rules US > Italians to Australia
  • Displaced persons scheme
  • Top 6 of immigration groups   

British citizens who migrated to Australia and New Zealand after the Second World War.. The migrants were called Ten Pound Poms due to the payment of £10 in processing fees to migrate to Australia. The Commonwealth arranged for assisted passage to Australia on chartered ships and aircrafts. The word Pom is derived from "pomegranate" an Australian rhyming slang for "immigrant".

Slide 28 - Slide

Tell me more!
This video gives extra information about Italian immigrants

Slide 29 - Slide

What are "Ten Pound Poms"?
Immigrants who only had 10 pounds with them when they arrived in Australia.
Immigrants who received ten pounds of apples upon arrival in Australia.
British immigrants who had paid ten pounds for a ticket to Australia
Special Pomegranates that can only grow in Australia.

Slide 30 - Quiz

Language: English and Cockney influences
Cockney influences

Slide 31 - Slide

What is the correct translation of: "Because of my porky pies, I'm gonna get it from the trouble and strife."
I have been eating a lot of pies, I'm not going to have dinner with my wife.
I have been telling lies, I'm in trouble with my wife.
I don't like pork pies.
I went to a lot of trouble to get pork pies.

Slide 32 - Quiz

  • I am aware of events that influenced the population history.
  • I understand how the geography of the country influences the population density.

Slide 33 - Slide

Population History
Population history explained
BBC News on population numbers
This article gives a nice overview and explanation on recent population numbers

Slide 34 - Slide

Which factor influenced the population growth during the 1950s and 1970s?
Baby Boom

Slide 35 - Quiz

Average density 3.3 people per km2

89% live in urban areas

In the Australian Capital Territory the density is 127 people per km2 

A lot of the country is less suitable for habitation. 

Population Density 
Population density explained

Slide 36 - Slide

Why is the average density of 3.3 people per km2 in Australia a misleading number?

Slide 37 - Open question

Currency and Symbols

  • You will recognise the official currency of Australia.
  • You will meet and recognise different coins and banknotes. 
  • You can find out about the material Australian banknotes are made of. 
  • You will meet a very famous Australian Poet, who is depicted on one of these Australian banknotes. 


  • You will be able to recognise a lot of Australia’s national symbols.
  • You will know which features form the official Australian flag. 
  • You will know the story behind the features on the Australian flag. 
  • You will know the story behind the official colours of Australia. 
  • You will encounter funny Australian symbols and their story

Slide 38 - Slide

Australia's Flag
Union Jack
The Union Jack represents the British Empire
Commonwealth Star
Represents the Commonwealth (7 points)
The base of the flag is a blue field, representing the ocean.
Southern Cross
The other stars represent "The Southern Cross Constellation" which is the brightest zodiac in Australia.
Build the Australian flag 
by pressing the numbers

Slide 39 - Slide

National Symbols
Coat of Arms
Golden Wattle

Slide 40 - Slide

Where do Australia's national colours green and gold come from?
The Coat of Arms
The Golden Wattle
The Aboriginal Flag
Crocodile Dundee

Slide 41 - Quiz

National Symbols
Drag Me!!!
Sydney Opera House

Slide 42 - Slide


Australian Dollar
5, 10, 20 and 50 cents. 1 and 2 Dollar

1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 Dollar 
1 Aus Dollar = 0,62 Euro

Slide 43 - Slide

Tell me more!
This video gives extra information about the Australian Dollar

Slide 44 - Slide

Queen Liz
Queen Elizabeth 2 is depicted in the 1 and 5 Dollar bill
Banjo Paterson
Banjo Paterson is depicted on the 10 dollar bill
Walzing Matilda

Slide 45 - Slide

Who wrote Waltzing Matilda?
Queen Elizabeth II
Boris Johnson
Banjo Paterson
Slim Dusty

Slide 46 - Quiz

Drag and drop the music to its corresponding image
Australia Day
Alternative National 

Forced removal
Typical Australian
A. B. Original
Slim Dusty
Midnight Oil
Men at Work

Slide 47 - Drag question

You made it!!!!
Now you know everything you need to know about the key concepts.

Time to light the Barby!

Slide 48 - Slide