2.2 The Soviet Union under Stalin

9. The Time of World Wars
2.2 The Soviet Union under Stalin
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HistoryMiddelbare schoolhavo, vwoLeerjaar 3

This lesson contains 24 slides, with interactive quizzes, text slides and 5 videos.

Items in this lesson

9. The Time of World Wars
2.2 The Soviet Union under Stalin

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people in this lesson
Joseph Stalin
Soviet Union
Vladimir Lenin
Communist leader
Soviet Union
Leon Trotsky
Stalin's rival
Soviet Union

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Propaganda poster. The text says: ‘And Stalin raised us to be loyal to the people, inspired us to work and to deeds!’, Leonid Golovanov, 1949,

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Lesson 9.2.2 

1922: Lenin had won the Civil War. 
But he started the NEP (New Economic Policy)

  • What? NEP = going from communism  a bit back to capitalism.
  • small businesses were allowed again. Farmers could sell part of their            crops and keep the profit.
  • Why?  Civil war had caused famine.
  • Why? There was much opposition towards the new communist system.               Farmers chose to destroy their crops rather than give them to the  state.

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Lesson 2.2
After Lenin's death in 1924 the new dictator was STALIN.
Stalin ended the NEP and came up with his own plans:

A. Turn the S.U into a modern communist superpower:  
  1. Industry: Five-Year Plans
  2. Agriculture:    Collectivisation
B. Turn the SU into a totalitarian state:
  1. Great Purge: kill all opponents
  2. Cult of Personality: use propaganda to lift his status to superhuman hero

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Lesson 2.2
A1. INDUSTRY: Five Year Plans. (1928 - '32), (1933 - '37).

  • development of heavy industry - coal, oil, steel, electricity.
  • factories, dams, power-stations, whole new cities built.
  • Industries are given 5 year targets to meet.
  • appalling amount of industrial accidents
  • harsh penalties for failure & some rewards for success
  • targets are unrealistic & rarely met

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Propaganda poster: "we will achieve the Five Year plan in four years"

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Lesson 2.2
Five Year Plans. 

  • good progress is made, but...
  • at terrible human cost 

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Lesson 2.2
A2. AGRICULTURE: Collectivisation.


  • Russian farming backward and inefficient
  • Millions of tiny farms to be forcibly gathered into large state-run farms   (= collective farms = "kolchoz")
  • surplus grain used to buy modern machinery abroad for modern farming or to feed the population needed in the cities for industrial growth.

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Lesson 2.2


  • poorest peasants happy (steady job and wage)
  • richer farmers (kulaks) stood to lose, so resisted fiercely (burn crops, kill livestock). The state took the grain that was left.
  • famine; appr 7 million die.
  • kulaks seen as enemies, either killed or sent to work camps (Gulags)
  • collectivisation generally seen as a disaster.

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One death is a tragedy.
A million deaths is simply a statistic

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Lesson 2.2
B1. The Great Purge (1930s)

  • Stalin's efforts to eliminate all opposition to his power.
  • Millions of "enemies of the state" were arrested, sent to gulags or executed.
  • show trials were held to give the impression of a fair justice system, but the outcome ("guilty") of these show trials was decided beforehand.
  • Enemies who were killed were also "erased from history"
  • Stalin even purged the Red Army, killing thousands of his own officers.

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Lesson 2.2
B2: the Cult of Personality

  • a propaganda campaign to lift Stalin to the status of a demi god
  • make people believe they owed everything to him and the communist party. Slogan: "thank you comrade Stalin"

  • mass parades with people cheering Stalin
  • propaganda films, photos, posters
  • sculptures of Stalin everywhere.

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16. The timeline and the table below is divided in three parts. Drag the sentences underneath the right part:

Lenin arrives in Petrograd
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
Founding Soviet Union
World War I is going badly for Russia (1)
World War I is going badly for Russia (2)
April theses
civil war
Tsar Nicholas is in power
Bolsheviks are in power

Slide 22 - Drag question

2. make the correct combinations
businesses are owned by the state
big difference between poor and rich
you work to make a profit for yourself
peasant must sell their crops to the state
the state controls the economy

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