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Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo t, havo, vwoLeerjaar 1

This lesson contains 20 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 45 min

Items in this lesson


Slide 1 - Slide

Today's Programme
  1. Tiny vocab quiz
  2. Listening exercise with questions 1
  3. Listening exercise with questions 2
  4. Reading a text together

Slide 2 - Slide

Wat betekent het woord:
to take care of
de auto pakken
ervoor zorgen

Slide 3 - Quiz

Wat betekent het woord:

iemand die komt logeren

Slide 4 - Quiz

Wat betekent het woord:
to fill with awe
vullen met rotzooi
pijn hebben
met bewondering
groot respect hebben voor iets of iemand

Slide 5 - Quiz

Maak een zin met het woord:

Slide 6 - Open question

Wat betekent het woord:
to be at risk

Slide 7 - Open question

Listening Exercise
Je gaat zo luisteren naar een fragment over Sophie, een Australische vlogger die een markt met voedingsmiddelen bezoekt . Lees de zin en maak deze af met het juiste antwoord.

Slide 8 - Slide

Listening 1 - intermediate
- Sophie is going to visit the cottage / the market.
- Sophie is impressed by the beautiful area / the taste of the mangos.
- The fish doesn't need a lot of other ingredients / a side dish to taste good.
- Breadfruit tastes a bit like bread / potatoes.
- Sophie is going to order a lot of dragon fruits / a couple of dragon fruits.
- Sophie says she might eat dragon fruit in the morning / in the evening.

Hawaiian fruit

Slide 9 - Slide

Listening 1 - answers
- Sophie is going to visit the market.
- Sophie is impressed by the beautiful area.
- The fish doesn't need a lot of other ingredients.
- Breadfruit tastes a bit like potatoes.
- Sophie is going to order a lot of dragon fruits.
- Sophie says she might eat dragon fruit in the morning.

Slide 10 - Slide

Listening Exercise
Je gaat zo naar een podcast luisteren van Alex, een jongen uit Los Angeles die in Londen verblijft. Lees de stellingen in de volgende slide door en luister daarna naar het fragment. Geef vervolgens aan of de zinnen waar zijn, niet waar zijn of niet genoemd worden.

Slide 11 - Slide

Listening 1 - difficult
- Alex is surprised by how busy London is compared to LA. (True/False/Doesn't say)
- Tyburn Road used to be a road which connected a prison to a place of punishment. (True/False/Doesn't say)
- A city transport card costs one hundred seventy-four pounds in London. (True/False/Doesn't say)
- Oxford Street is longer than Rotherhithe Street. (True/False/Doesn't say)
- Alex misses having a large garden to play in. (True/False/Doesn't say)
- Alex is very disappointed about the location of his new home. (True/False/Doesn't say)
- Great Russell Street is on the right after the traffic light. (True/False/Doesn't say)

Greetings from London!

Slide 12 - Slide

Listening 1 - answers
- Alex is surprised by how busy London is compared to LA. (True)
- Tyburn Road used to be a road which connected a prison to a place of punishment. (True)
- A city transport card costs one hundred seventy-four pounds in London. (True)
- Oxford Street is longer than Rotherhithe Street. (Doesn't say)
- Alex misses having a large garden to play in. (False)
- Alex is very disappointed about the location of his new home. (False)
- Great Russell Street is on the right after the traffic light. (False)

Slide 13 - Slide

Reading exercise
  1. Read the text together
  2. Write down difficult words
  3. Create your own vocabulary list 
  4. Answer questions 

Slide 14 - Slide

Shane Harper
“When I was younger, I was in a dance class with all these girls. This was right at the age when I was noticing them as cute girls, so I was always trying to look good and be cool. It was my turn to leap across the floor and I was wearing pants that were a little too tight. Suddenly, there was a loud rrrrip. I’d torn my pants and it was so obvious that everyone gasped. I ran to the bathroom,
shed a couple of tears and went back out there like I’ll get ‘em with my personality!”

Shane Harper (American actor, singer, songwriter, dancer)

Have an embarrassing story to share? Send it to: traumarama@seventeen.com

Slide 15 - Slide

Waarom schaamde Shane Harper zich tijdens een dansles?
Hij kreeg de deur van het toilet niet open.
Hij liet een harde scheet.
Hij moest huilen nadat hij hard was gevallen.
Hij scheurde uit zijn broek tijdens een sprong

Slide 16 - Quiz

Lost in translation
Boys confess
My parents took me on holiday to Japan. I was really excited and on my first day in Tokyo, I proudly wore my Japanese symbol T-shirt.
Everywhere I went people were pointing and laughing at me. I couldn’t understand why until the English-speaking waiter in a café asked me, “Why does your shirt say kissing boys and fish?”
Joe, 15, Devon

Slide 17 - Slide

Waarom werd Joe op vakantie in Japan uitgelachen?
omdat de afbeelding op zijn shirt iets raars in het Japans betekende.
Omdat een ober hem plotseling een zoen gaf.
omdat hij probeerde Japans te spreken.
Omdat hij een vis had gekust.

Slide 18 - Quiz

A weighty issue
Is your school bag weighing you down? Here are some top tips to avoid back pain.

1 Try to move around every 20 minutes or so.
2 Sit properly in chairs – instead of slouching, sit up straight with your bottom square on the seat, ideally with your knees lower than your hips.
3 Physical activity can help immensely with back pain, despite what you might think! Playing outdoors, going to the leisure centre or even playing a computer game which allows for physical movement, such as a Wii, will help you feel better.
4 Join a sports club or after-school team. Keeping active not only keeps joints exercised, but it builds confidence and strength in both body and mind.
5 Back pain can also be caused by your choice of footwear. Make sure your footwear has cushioned soles and support the natural arch of your feet.
6 Know when to get help – if your back pain is ongoing tell your parents and seek medical advice.

Question: welke 3 tips gaan over voldoende beweging om rugpijn te voorkomen?

Slide 19 - Slide

A weighty issue
Is your school bag weighing you down? Here are some top tips to avoid back pain.

1 Try to move around every 20 minutes or so.
2 Sit properly in chairs – instead of slouching, sit up straight with your bottom square on the seat, ideally with your knees lower than your hips.
3 Physical activity can help immensely with back pain, despite what you might think! Playing outdoors, going to the leisure centre or even playing a computer game which allows for physical movement, such as a Wii, will help you feel better.
4 Join a sports club or after-school team. Keeping active not only keeps joints exercised, but it builds confidence and strength in both body and mind.
5 Back pain can also be caused by your choice of footwear. Make sure your footwear has cushioned soles and support the natural arch of your feet.
6 Know when to get help – if your back pain is ongoing tell your parents and seek medical advice.

Question: welke 3 tips gaan over voldoende beweging om rugpijn te voorkomen?

Slide 20 - Slide