MODA - AGS Biomimicry - Day 5

• Fill out persona worksheet
 • Be ready to circle up & sgares:
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Slide 1: Slide
DesignBiology6-8 Grade

This lesson contains 50 slides, with interactive quizzes, text slides and 2 videos.

time-iconLesson duration is: 60 min


To complete this lesson, you’ll watch a film that explains biomimicry and gives you some examples of how designers and engineers have used biomimicry to solve problems. You’ll also learn why learning from nature is an important skills to have.

Items in this lesson

• Fill out persona worksheet
 • Be ready to circle up & sgares:

Slide 1 - Slide

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Learning from Nature:

Day 4

Slide 2 - Slide

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Our Big Goal
We will imagine new possibilities for a better world inspired by nature!

• You (+crew?) will work on final project Week 2

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Where people ask: WWND?
We will officially start the lesson @10:40am
Until then, you can watch as many videos on
- a big wind blows
- our functions
- our struggles
Let's circle up!

Slide 4 - Slide

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Today's Schedule
Read article

Circle up
Read today's schedule

Drawing exercise


Intro to design models



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• Lead with questions
• Respond “Yes, and…”
• Allow for multiple views

• Pay attention to info+others
  (don't interrupt)
• Quiet unless sharing
• Accepting of questions
• Collaborate

Our Working Agreements
*Describe • Express • Assert • Reinforce • Mindfulness • Appear confident • Negotiate

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Slide 7 - Link

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our faves...

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*a note on anonymity
What could or has helped
you (the user) learn better
in virtual workshops?

Slide 9 - Mind map

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Where people ask: WWND?
We will officially start the lesson @10:40am
Until then, you can watch as many videos on
  an introduction!
Design models

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*Example: Stanford Design Thinking Process

Slide 12 - Drag question

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Slide 14 - Video

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Slide 21 - Link

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Now let's wrap up...
We did it!

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Write one word to
describe today's lesson.

Slide 24 - Mind map

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Did you enjoy this lesson?

Slide 25 - Poll

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Thanks for
your hard work!
See you tomorrow!

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Now you know more about biomimicry. 

Want to know how whales generate energy? We will on Day 2!

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Today's Schedule


Closing Activity
Opening Activity 


What is Biomimicry?

Brain Break

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You are going to learn
Touch or drag
Go to the next slide

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Goals for this lesson:
We will learn what lift is
We will learn how Frank E. Fish from Whalepower used whales as an example to make windmills more efficient
We will learn how whales generate energy

Slide 30 - Slide

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Name one thing you would like to know more about:

Slide 31 - Open question

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Ready, set, design!

Now you know how whales generate energy. 

Want to know how beetles help people to get fresh water? 
Go to lesson three!

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Goals for this lesson:
We will learn about the Namib beetle.
We will learn how designers and engineers
drew inspiration from the beetle
We will learn how it can capture water in areas that don’t have much freshwater.

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Ready, set, design!

Lesson Three:
How Can a Beetle Help People Get Fresh Water?

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Click here!
What do you notice about this picture?

Slide 35 - Slide

Click on the hotspot to show the picture of the Namib beetle and start the timer. Show the picture for one minute and go to the next slide. Let the students write down what they remember from this picture.
What did you observe?
Questions to help you remember
What was the main focus of the picture?
What kind of creature was it?
What was the texture on its back?
Can you describe some details of this creature?

Slide 36 - Mind map

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What does it make you think?

Slide 37 - Open question

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What does it make you wonder?

Slide 38 - Open question

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Slide 39 - Video

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How does the beetle collect water
in the dessert?

Slide 40 - Open question

Question: Describe in your own words what the tubercles do for a whale.
Answer: The beetles climb to the top of a hill and water droplets condense on little bumps it has on its back. Then, the water runs down the beetle’s exoskeleton and into its mouth!
What have humans
learned from the beetle?

Slide 41 - Open question

Question: Describe in your own words what the tubercles do for a whale.
Answer: The tubercles give humback whales more lift, which helps them manoeuvre more easily in the water. That’s important because these huge animals — which can weigh as much as 13 Hummer SUVs — eat by catching fish. And, to catch fish, the whales have to make tight turns while they swim. Their tuberculed fins help them do that. 
Name two things you learned
during this lesson:

Slide 42 - Open question

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Biomimicry Lesson 4
How can spiders save birds' lives? 

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You will build on your knowledge of biomimicry
You will learn how designers and engineers
drew inspiration from spiders' webs
You will learn how spiders protect their webs from birds

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What's going on in this picture?

Slide 45 - Mind map

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How might studying spiders' webs
help us keep birds from flying into glass?

Slide 46 - Open question

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What did humans do with their
spider research to help save birds' lives?
*irony anyone?

Slide 47 - Open question

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Supplies Needed
- Pencil and paper

- A personal account at

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