L3 Week 3 - H& S recap- Consultation support.

Consultation Support 
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HairdressingFurther Education (Key Stage 5)

This lesson contains 58 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 120 min

Items in this lesson

Consultation Support 

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In this unit we will cover: 
  • Consultation support for colleagues- Types of support  
  • Revisit Hair and Skin Tests, Contra- Indications, Factors, Hair and Skin Disorders 
  • Analysis problems 
  • Recommendations/ Other specialist

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Session Outcomes 
In todays session we will cover:
Recap- Staff support for Health  and safety
Infection and Hygiene control
Types of insurance 
Introduction to unit 303- Consultation Support 
Contra- Indications/ Factors 
Dealing with analysis problems 
Hair Characteristics/ Classifications 

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Expectations- Classroom Rules
  • No entering the classroom without a tutor 
  • No food or drinks  when entering the classroom- Only water in a clear bottle
  • Log onto a Chromebook
  • Complete 'Do Now' task
  •  Participate fully in your session
  • No Hands up- Questions- No opt out 
  • No use of mobile phones- unless instructed to by tutor
  • Learning Review booklets/ Knowledge organisers- \set individual target/focus for the session 
  • Remember to put Chromebooks at the end of session and remember to log out and put back on charge. 

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Do now Task....
Recap the types of Insurance that needs to in place for a business

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Employers Liability Insurance 
Employers are responsible for health and safety of their staff by law
The employer’s liability insurance is compulsory and covers contracted staff and apprentices
The contract can be written or verbal

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Public Liability Insurance 
This insurance covers claims made by members of the public, but not employees
This insurance is compulsory when dealing with the public, and is especially relevant in a salon environment
If a client injures themselves on the premises or is injured by a member of staff during the a service then they can make a claim through the salons public liability insurance

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Employers Liability Insurance 
Who it covers….
The insurance covers existing employees who suffer an injury or illness associated with their work, such as an allergic reaction or has a trip or fall
It also covers employees who have left the salon and become ill at a later date if they believe this was caused by their work in the salon

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Employers Liability Insurance 
A employer must have employer’s liability insurance if:
They deduct National Insurance and Income Tax from the money they pay you
They have the right to control where and when you work
They supply work materials and equipment
They have the right to any profit you make- this could include commission
You are treated the same way as other employees- e.g. doing the same work under the same conditions as someone else

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Product and Treatment Liability Insurance 
This insurance protects the employer against claims for injury or damaged caused by the treatments carried out in the salon and that are sold
If you do not skin test a client prior to colouring and they suffer an allergic reaction resulting in the claim being made against the salon- under this insurance the employer and employee are protected

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What does Employers Liability Insurance cover?
Health and safety information updates
Claims made by members of the public
Damages caused by treatments in the salon
Injury or illness associated with work

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Which type of insurance covers claims made by members of the public?
Public Liability Insurance
Employers Liability Insurance
Health and Safety- Staff Support
Product and Treatment Liability Insurance

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What are the four types of micro-organisms?

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There are 4 types of infections caused by Micro organisms:

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Bacterial infections
Bacteria are single celled organisms which vary in size and exist as spores.
Bacteria can multiply very quickly in the right conditions (warm and moist environments)
Examples of bacterial infections are:
Impetigo, Conjunctivitis, Acne Vulgaris  

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Fungal infections
Fungi infections include moulds and yeasts and are naturally occurring on the human skin.

They feed on organic matter. They secrete enzymes which break the organic matter down, and the fungi then absorb the nutrients which are released as the organic matter decomposes.
Fungi produce spores

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Viral infections
Viruses are tiny infectious micro-organisms which multiply in the cells of other living organisms.
Such as:

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Infestations are caused by tiny insects which live off the blood of their host
Example of infestations are:
Pediculosis capitis (head lice)

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Infections and Infestations transmitted by:

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Which method is used to kill most micro-organisms in the salon?

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What is the difference between sterilisation and disinfection?
Disinfection eliminates cross-infection
Sterilisation completely destroys micro-organisms
Sterilisation eliminates cross-infection
Disinfection completely destroys micro-organisms

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Health and Safety- Staff Support 
It is vitally important that staff are aware of all health and safety information and updates- this could be either in a formal meeting format or a discussion in the staffroom

It is imperative that all staff attend the meetings to ensure they gain all the relevant information
If you have to chair the meeting you may need to send a meeting agenda, record when the date/time and where the meeting took place and record any important information discussed
Always ensure you update any absent members of staff

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Health and Safety- Staff Support 
Induction of New Staff
When a new member of staff starts you need to ensure you carry out a staff induction.
You must provide them with all the health and safety information they need to carry out their jobs properly. This should include:
Staffroom and toilets- new staff should be shown where all the facilities are as part of their induction.
Fire exits, escape routes and designated assembly points- new staff must be made aware of the fire safety procedures and what to do in the event of an emergency
All staff need to also know where the fire extinguishers are located.

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Health and Safety- Staff Support 
Induction of New Staff
New staff also need to be aware of disposal and storage of chemicals- COSHH
Chemicals and products- All staff must be trained how to use a chemical before they come into contact with it.
Personal Protective equipment- (PPE)- Employers must provide free PPE equipment for all staff to use
Adjusting styling chairs- All staff should be fully aware of how to adjust the styling chairs to limit the risk of injury- i.e. neck/ back issues
Training in safe use of equipment- All staff must be fully aware of how to use all machinery and equipment- i.e. hairmaster, rollerballs, scissors/ razors

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Chose a Keyword task- Remember to check Spellings 
List as many Keywords you can think that relate to ' Consultation'

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Define what is meant by
Contra- Indication.

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Contra- Indication....
'Something that may limit or effect the service’

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List the different contra- indications that may limit or prevent the service form being carried out.

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Contra- Indications
Incompatibility with previous products and services
History of allergic reactions
Adverse hair, skin or scalp
Suspected infections and infestations
Medical advice

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Hair Growth patterns
Hair Length
Head and Face shape
Client Requirements 

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Recall the different Hair growth patterns

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Double Crown: A standard hair crown is a circle of hair that grows around a visible centre point on the head in a clockwise direction. However, a double crown describes two small, circular areas of baldness on your head.
Cows Lick: A cowlick is a section of human hair that stands straight up or lies at an angle at odds with the style in which the rest of an individual's hair is worn. 

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 Nape whorl: a specific pattern of growth in which a section of the hair grows in a spiral or curved shape at the nape of the neck
Widows peak: A widow's peak is a V-shaped point in the hairline in the centre of the forehead. Hair growth on the forehead

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What is a widow's peak?
A V-shaped point in the hairline on the forehead
A specific pattern of growth at the nape of the neck
Two small circular areas of baldness on the head
A section of hair that stands straight up or lies at an angle

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What is a cowlick?
Two small circular areas of baldness on the head
A section of hair that stands straight up or lies at an angle
A specific pattern of growth at the nape of the neck
A V-shaped point in the hairline on the forehead

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What is a double crown?
A V-shaped point in the hairline on the forehead
A specific pattern of growth at the nape of the neck
A section of hair that stands straight up
Two small circular areas of baldness on the head

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Dealing with Analysis problems 
When dealing with analysis problems reported by your colleagues you need to make sure you have the following information:
Results of all hair and scalp tests carried out
Information on previous services and treatments- undertaken by client and the salon or another establishment
Thorough understanding of the hair and skin
Any Contra- indications

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Dealing with Analysis problems 
You are looking for anything that could affect or influence your decisions in these areas:

Hair texture 
 Hair condition
Hair length 
 Hair colour
Hair growth patterns 
Hair problems
Hair shape 
 Infections and scalp
Hair density problems

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Client Records
Once you have analysed the hair and scalp you need to complete the client’s record card
It is vital that you complete the record card correctly as this is an important document and will be used for future reference within the salon
Ensure you record responses to questions and any contra-indications identified

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Referral to other specialists 
If the client has a specialised condition that requires medical referral you need to advise you client correctly.
Pharmacist- i.e. if you have identified an infestation
Trichologist- if a client has adverse hair loss
GP- If you have identified suspected infection, viral, bacterial or fungal

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If you have identified suspected infection, viral, bacterial or fungal, which specialist should you refer the client to?

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If you have identified an infestation, which specialist should you advise the client to see?

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If a client has adverse hair loss, which specialist should you refer them to?

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Can you list the Characteristics

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Which hair characteristic refers to the thickness or diameter of an individual hair strand?
Hair density
Hair elasticity
Hair texture
Hair porosity

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Can you list the Classifications

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Which hair characteristic refers to the number of individual hair strands on the scalp?
Hair elasticity
Hair porosity
Hair texture
Hair density

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What is the term used to describe the ability of hair to absorb and retain moisture?
Hair density
Hair porosity
Hair elasticity
Hair texture

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