Sport Jaar 1

Today's planning

  • Reading strategies
  • reading 
1 / 40
Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMBOStudiejaar 1

This lesson contains 40 slides, with interactive quizzes, text slides and 5 videos.

Items in this lesson

Today's planning

  • Reading strategies
  • reading 

Slide 1 - Slide

Do you use reading strategies?
What are those again?

Slide 2 - Poll

Do you remember the reading strategies? Write down what you think they are.

Slide 3 - Mind map

Slide 4 - Slide

Predict what this
text is about?

Slide 5 - Mind map

Read the text and answer the questions

Click Here for the text

Slide 6 - Slide

Slide 7 - Video

Chapter 2 - Reading: Les 3

Slide 8 - Slide

Today's planning

  • Writing Strategies
  • Writing 

Slide 9 - Slide

Slide 10 - Video

Writing tips
1. Lees de opdracht goed door
2. Gebruik de informatie die je krijgt
3. Volg de opdracht en maak de opdracht volledig
4. Check of je alles hebt gedaan

Slide 11 - Slide

Veelgemaakte fouten
I (ik) is altijd met een hoofdletter!
Its zonder ' betekent niet hetzelfde als it's (ook don't & that's)
Gebruik nooit Nederlandse woorden
Dunglish - je kunt niet alles letterlijk vertalen
Let op 'wanna, gonna, kinda' -> schrijf voluit
Interpunctie: punten en komma's 

Slide 12 - Slide

Tell me something about your study. Write at least 3 sentences.

Slide 13 - Open question

What are your plans next year?

Slide 14 - Open question

Chapter 2: Les 4 Writing

Slide 15 - Slide

Today's planning

  • Speaking Strategies
  • Giving Directions
  • Spoken Interaction

Slide 16 - Slide

Slide 17 - Video

Slide 18 - Slide

Slide 19 - Slide

How to give directions to somebody else

Go straight on till you see the hospital then turn left.
Walk under the bridge and go straight ahead. 
Turn left when you see a roundabout.
Turn right at the end of the road and my house is number 67.
Cross the junction and keep going for about 1 mile.
Take the third road on the right and 

Slide 20 - Slide

Giving Directions
Go past = continue past something so that is is now behind you
Go across = cross something, like a road or crossroads 
Go along = continue down a road 
Go straight on = don’t turn left or right 
Go up = walk / drive up a hill 
Go down = walk or drive down a hill or a road 
Go through = pass through something, such as a tunnel or a town 
Go out of = exit (i.e. a railway station) 
It’s in front of you = you can see it facing you 
It’s opposite the bank = it faces the bank

Slide 21 - Slide

Maak twee routebeschrijvingingen in het Engels.

a) Startpunt: jouw huis - Eindpunt: (zelfgekozen plek)
b) Startpunt: Sport College - Eindpunt: Sport Park Zielhort

Slide 22 - Slide

Practice with a partner
Give your directions to a partner and tell them how to get from point A to point B

Done? Huiswerk: Chapter 02: Spoken Interaction

Slide 23 - Slide

Today's planning

  • Speaking Strategies
  • Spoken Production

Slide 24 - Slide

What is spoken production?

Slide 25 - Mind map

What is the difference between spoken interaction en production?

Slide 26 - Mind map

Chapter 02: Spoken Production 

Slide 27 - Slide

Today's planning

  • Listening Strategies
  • Listening 

Slide 28 - Slide

Have you ever done a listening test? What is your experience with Listening tests?

Slide 29 - Open question

Which listening strategies do you use or have you used before?

Slide 30 - Mind map

Listening strategies:
Listening for gist
Listening for specific information
Listening for detailed understanding

Purposes of spoken texts:
inform, instruct, persuade or entertain.

Slide 31 - Slide

Listening strategies
If listening is a difficult skill for you, you might like to know how to go at a test like this. On this slide (and the next) you will find some tips that can help you get through a listening test successfully. 

Slide 32 - Slide

Slide 33 - Slide

Slide 34 - Slide

Explain what listening strategies are and which you think are most important.

Slide 35 - Open question

Which English Accents do you know of? Write them down.

Slide 36 - Open question

Slide 37 - Video

Slide 38 - Video

Chapter 2 - Listening: Les 1

Slide 39 - Slide

Today's planning

  • Self-Reflection Opdracht

Slide 40 - Slide