H4C - week 21 - lesson 1 - prefixes, relative pronouns, the genitive

Today's class
Lesson 4.4
  • Reading comprehension  & strategies - ex. 3/4/5  
  • Finding Synonyms - ex. 6
  • Prefixes (TEST - BONUS) - ex. 7 & 8 = HW

HW Relative Pronouns (ex.  9 + 10)  & read about the Genitive

Listening practice finished??

1 / 12
Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 4

This lesson contains 12 slides, with text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 40 min

Items in this lesson

Today's class
Lesson 4.4
  • Reading comprehension  & strategies - ex. 3/4/5  
  • Finding Synonyms - ex. 6
  • Prefixes (TEST - BONUS) - ex. 7 & 8 = HW

HW Relative Pronouns (ex.  9 + 10)  & read about the Genitive

Listening practice finished??

Slide 1 - Slide

Reading strategies
Skimming - going over a text quickly to find what the text is about in general

Scanning - going over a text quickly to find specific information

Detailed information - read the paragraphs of a text for detailed info looking for synonyms, signal/linking words, specific words

Slide 2 - Slide

Relative pronouns (havo)
  • Whose = wiens/van wie (personen/dingen -> the school whose principal has left)
-> Whose car is that?

  • Whom = verwijst naar persoon in combinatie met voorzetsel (direct naast whom)
-> With whom are you going to Paris? ;  About whom are you talking?; Next to whom are you sitting?; For whom are you shopping?

vs. Who are you sitting next to?

  • Who = personen + huisdieren met naam

  • Which = dingen (ook in combinatie met voorzetsel)
-> the thing about which you told me;  the job for which you applied

  • That = personen / dingen (nooit met komma's; niet in combinatie met voorzetsel)

Slide 3 - Slide

Relative pronouns (havo)
  • That (personen/dingen) -> geen komma's

The man you saw is the killer = 1e voorkeur
The man who you saw is the killer. = 2e voorkeur
The man that you saw is the killer = iets informeler

  • Which (dingen) -> kan met komma's!

The lesson, which was quite boring, finished at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. (met komma's = uitbreidend/extra info)
The lesson which she needed to attend started at 9 o'clock. (zonder komma's = beperkend/restrictive -> je bedoelt alleen deze les)

Slide 4 - Slide

Slide 5 - Slide

's of s' 
-> the boy's car  (enkelvoud  = 's)
->  the boys' cars (de auto's van de jongens - elke jongen heeft er 1)  (meervoud eindigend op s = ' -> the boys'/the girls' cars)
-> the boys' car (de jongens hebben 1 auto)
The men's room (Am.) ;  the ladies' room (Am.). (UK: Ladies / Gents)

John's car 
The Jones's house / the Jones' house -> namen die eindigen op een "s" klank -> 1)  's OF 2)  ' 

Yesterday's newspaper 
Last week's offer
Tomorrow's special

Slide 6 - Slide

's of s' 
Klassieke namen uit de oudheid eindigend op "s" klank -> '
Jezus' disciples
Socrates' wisdom
Sophocles' plays

Shakespeare's plays

Slide 7 - Slide

's of s' 
At John's
At my mom's
At the butcher's
At the baker's

A million dollars' worth of goods
A day's journey
Twenty minutes' delay / a seven hours' walk 
A stone's throw away
At arm's length
A ladies' man
An old wives' tale
For goodness' sake

Slide 8 - Slide

A two hours' walk
A two-hour walk

A year's work
one-year anniversary

60's music
the 60s (the sixties)

Slide 9 - Slide

Gebruik "of" voor: zaken, hoeveelheden, aardrijkskundige namen

  • the back of the house 
  • a gram of salt
  • The city of London



the county of Essex

het graafschap Essex

Slide 10 - Slide

Slide 11 - Link

Lesson 4.3 
-Listening - ex. 10-14 (if you had not done this yet)

Lesson 4.4 
- Read grammar explanation on Relative Pronouns & The Genitive (these slides + Of Course online)
- Do Listening ex. 12 up to and including ex. 17

Slide 12 - Slide