Ipabo - English (SLA) - Lesson 1 - PA2

Second Language Acquisition
English BP - Lecture 1
Jessica Penning
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PABOHBOStudiejaar 1

This lesson contains 35 slides, with interactive quizzes, text slides and 1 video.

time-iconLesson duration is: 60 min

Items in this lesson

Second Language Acquisition
English BP - Lecture 1
Jessica Penning

Slide 1 - Slide

Programme for today
1. Introduction and practical items 
2. Assessments
3. Learning a second language

Slide 2 - Slide

Jessie Penning
High School English Teacher
CLIL and Diversity coordinator - Different tasks
31 years

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How about you?
Introduce yourself (name) and write down three interesting things about yourself

Slide 4 - Open question

How do you feel when you need to use English?
Fine. I'm proficient
Okay, but I get nervous
Help! I can't speak English
Mij niet bellen

Slide 5 - Quiz

Slide 6 - Video

Do you think English should be taught at school?

Slide 7 - Poll

Why should English be taught in primary schools, do you think?

Slide 8 - Open question

1. Lesson study in English - Presentation
2. NT2 in de praktijk
3. Niveau opdracht
4. Portfolio - onderdeel erover schrijven

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1. Lesson study, in English
In groepjes van drie bereid je een activiteit/les Engels voor je eigen klas voor (20-40 minuten).
Ontwerp de les (tijdens les 3)
Student 1 voert de les uit
Reflectie met z’n drieën; pas minstens één aspect aan
Student 2 voert de les uit
Reflectie met z’n drieën; pas weer minstens één aspect aan
Student 3 voert de les uit
Reflectie met z’n drieën; terugblik
In de laatste les presenteren jullie de lesson study in het Engels (5-10 min.)
Zie studiegids (pagina 17)

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NT2 in de praktijk
Bezoek een taalles in een AZC, schakelklas of inburgeringscursus, kopklas, interview een NT2-leerder (kind of volwassene) of kom op een andere manier in contact met NT2 in de praktijk.
Onderzoeksvraag: Hoe leert een NT2-leerder het Nederlands en hoe wordt hij of zij daarin begeleid?
Beschrijf de leersituatie (groep of individueel) en beschrijf het taalniveau.
Beschrijf de les of de ervaringen die de NT2-leerder heeft met taalonderwijs.
Reflecteer: wat vind je ervan? Wat werkt goed en wat kan beter?
Lever een kort verslag in (1 à 2 A4, toevoegen aan portfolio BT2).
In de laatste les bepreken we onze ervaringen. Bereid een korte bespreking van ongeveer 5-10 minuten voor.
Beoordeling: voldoende of onvoldoende actieve deelname

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Niveau opdracht
Video Engels eigen vaardigheid, inleveren via OneDrive

Here you will talk about a subject of interest within the topic of Second Language Learning
No more than 2 minutes

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Het is de bedoeling dat jullie een activiteit met het vak Engels uitvoeren en toevoegen aan het portfolio met de volgende vakoverstijgend leerdoelen.

  • 1. De student koppelt theorie uit de aangeboden vaklessen aan ervaringen in de werkplekleren-periode; ​
  • 2. De student onderbouwt hoe hij lesactiviteiten (lesdoelen en lesontwerp) afstemt op het niveau en de kenmerken van de doelgroep; ​
  • 3. De student beschrijft de effecten van authentiek en betekenisvol onderwijs aan de hand van de ervaringen tijdens het uitvoeren van de twee aaneengesloten betekenisvolle lessen die in PLG-verband zijn ontwikkeld; ​
  • 4. De student maakt aan de hand van minimaal twee voorbeelden inzichtelijk hoe en vanuit welke rol hij aan een veilig leerklimaat heeft gewerkt; 

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English and SLA

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Important definitions
  • Native language / mother tongue / L1
  • Second language (L2), third language (L3), …
  • Foreign language acquisition
  • Monolingualism – bilingualism – multilingualism
  • Simultaneous/successive second language learners
  • L1 interference

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Exercise ‘foreign language’
  1. Work in pairs and choose a language one of you (person A) speaks to a limited degree (not English, but French of Spanish for instance, you may look some words up) and the other one (person B) understand to a limited degree.
  2. Person A explains in the chosen language why (s)he wants to become a teacher. Person B tries to understand.
  3. Switch roles.


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  1. Was it difficult to speak the foreign language? Why?
  2. Did you improve after a few minutes?
  3. How did you try to express yourself? What were you thinking?
  4. How did you feel while speaking a foreign language?
  5. Was it difficult to understand the speaker?

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Foreign Language - Vocabulary and speaking
Discuss in pairs IN ENGLISH, discuss in class:
- Have you travelled to other countries for your holiday? Which country did you visit?
- Did you speak a foreign language?
- Do you speak any other languages than Dutch? Which ones? Do you consider those languages as your second/third… language? (In other words, how proficient should one be?)
- What do you think the advantages or disadvantages are of speaking other languages in addition to your mother tongue?

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Second language learning
There are multiple theories on how people learn a (second) language.
The ones you need to remember are from:
  • Chomsky
  • Skinner
  • Brüner

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  • Strict distinction between grammar and lexicon
  • Universal grammar which is innate
  • Language learners construct new utterances based on the universal grammar principles and the new words they learn (creative construction).
  • Counter argument:
  •  Children do need language input!

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  • Language is behavior = language learners imitate
  • A baby is a ‘tabula rasa’.
  • Counter argument:
  •  Children construct utterances that they haven’t heard before (“Nee, boek stuk”)

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  • Interactionist theory: language learning in a socio-cultural context
  • Zone of proximal development (Vygotsky)
  • Scaffolding = gradually building and diminishing help

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Stages in first language acquisition
Pre-linguistic stage (0-11 months)  cooing, babbling
2. One-word stage (12-23 months)  water
3. Two-word stage (24-35 months)  want water / no water
    • Telegraphic speech • Omissions, substitutions, overextension
4. Differentiation stage (36-60 months)  - Ida swimmed in the pool
    • Overgeneralization • Developmental errors
5. Completion stage (60 months - ...)

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Question: Is second language learning similar to first language learning?

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A second language learner goes through roughly the same stages as a first language learner.
  • Language learning = from input to output through interaction
  • Use of L1 in the new context (not effective for communication)
  • Silent period
  • Use of chunks
  • Productive L2 use (through a stage of interlanguage which gets closer and closer to the target language)

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Language Learning vs Language Acquisition
Factors that influence the course of (second) language acquisition

First language
Age = critical period;
Case of Genie (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6H2POnmvbPo)
Contact with the target language
Motivation & Attitude
Formal instruction

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Levels of language, levels of language development
  • Phonology - sounds
  • Lexicon - vocab
  • Morphology - forms
  • Syntax - sentences
  • Semantics - meaning
  • Pragmatics - linguistics 

At which levels do you expect L1 interference?

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EIBO (Engels in het basisonderwijs)
Learning a new language is difficult but fun at the same time.
As a teacher:
  • Try to create a positive attitude towards learning a new language.
  • Try to create a safe environment in which students feel confident enough to speak English.

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What does your school do in regards to English?

Slide 30 - Open question

Your school
EIBO: three variants
  • EIBO bovenbouw (7/8)
One hour a week
Stronger: more than one hour a week
CLIL: Content and Language Integrated Learning (English Methodology), 
  • Vervroegd EIBO (5/6)
  • VVTO: vervroegd vreemdetalenonderwijs (1)
  • Pilot: TPO (tweetalig primair onderwijs) = 30 to 50 % English - 17 schools

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Guiding the learning process
receptive > reproductive > productive use
Total Physical Response (TPR)
Until grade 5: no texts and no spelling to avoid confusion with Dutch spelling

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Your school - Homework
Which of the EIBO variants did your school choose for? And why?
  1. Have a look at the course books for English at your school.
  2. Name of the method?
  3. What is your impression of the coursebook and why so?
  4. How does your mentor (or colleagues) like to work with it?
  5. Observe an English lesson at your school.
  6. Bekijk kerndoelen (13-16 EIBO)?
  7. Bekijk de kerndoelen voor Engels in de SLO.
  8. Upload it?

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Can change!

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Food for thought
Engels in het basisonderwijs (email or upload)

Onze taal (email or upload)

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