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BiologieMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 3

This lesson contains 10 slides, with text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 60 min

Items in this lesson



Slide 1 - Slide

  • Open the reflection form on Google Classroom.
  • We are going through the quiz step-by-step
  •  Use a coloured pen/pencil to mark or correct your mistakes.
  • Put a star on the left of the page if you think I made a mistake. 

Slide 2 - Slide

TVA Q.1 - TVB Q.2:
A - T1-1p - Circulatory system, Respiratory system, Integumentary system, etc.
B.T1-1p - Digestive system, Muscular system, Excretory system, etc.
C.T1-1p - Muscular system, Skeletal system, Nervous system, etc.

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TVA Q.2 - TVB Q.1:
A. R-4p - Biosphere - ecosystem - environment - organism - organ system - organ - tissue - organelle - molecule
1pt off for every word in the wrong position.
2pt off for the wrong order.
B. T1-3p - 4 valid examples for 4 of the words from above. No explanations, but actual concrete examples.
1 pt off for every mistake.

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TVA Q.3 - TVB Q.3:
3A.- T2-6p - 1p - per correct sentence, it does not need to be perfect as long as it shows a clear understanding of the process. Words that have been key words must in correct context.
The glucose levels in the blood rise
The pancreas starts producing insulin to convert glucose Into glycogen . 
The glycogen is stored in the liver .
The glucose levels in the blood fall.
The pancreas starts producing glucagon to convert glycogen Into glucose . 
The liver releases the glucose into the bloodstream.
3B. - T2-2p - The answer must contain:
1pt - negative feedback loop
1pt - The body takes an action to bring levels back to homeostasis.
3C. - R-1p - The answer must contain:
1pt - negative feedback loop restores back to homeostasis a positive feedback loop amplifies the effect.
½ pt can be awarded if an element of the answer above is missing. 

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TVA Q.4 - TVB Q.4:
4A. - R-2p - ½ pnt is taken away for every mistake. 
A- Bacteria
B- Virus
C- Fungus
D- Parasite

4B. - R-2p
Many possibilities: an example for each one must be given.

½ pnt is taken away for every mistake. 

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TVA Q.5 - TVB Q.6:
5A. - T1-2p - 1pt for each definition. 
An antiseptic is a chemical that kills pathogens but it can be used on living tissue, a disinfectant is also a chemical that kills pathogens, but it is more corrosive and is used for non-living surfaces. A disinfectant cannot be used on living tissue, it will cause too much damage. 
5B. - T2-2p - 1pt - pathogens can become resistant
1pt - if you overuse it, it loses effect
If you use disinfectants and hand gels too often the pathogens could become resistant because they adapt to survive. The pathogens that are not killed by the gel, survive to reproduce and create super germs.

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TVA Q.6 - TVB Q.5:
6- T1-3p
1pt - COVID-19 is a virus
1pt - in the lungs
1pt - by wearing a facemask you prevent your own infected droplets spreading and also you prevent inhaling infected droplets from others.

By washing your hands regularly you prevent any infected droplets that might be in the world around you from entering your body through your eyes and mouth. 

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  • Finish the relfection form on Google Classroom.
  • Check your points and grade on magister.

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  • Complete phase 2 practical assignment
  • Hand in before tomorrows lesson
  • review all notes till now.

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