Session 11

Element 2 - Supporting Education 
Session 11 
T - Level in Education and Early Years
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MathematicsFurther Education (Key Stage 5)

This lesson contains 15 slide, with interactive quiz and text slide.

time-iconLesson duration is: 90 min

Items in this lesson

Element 2 - Supporting Education 
Session 11 
T - Level in Education and Early Years

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Learning Objectives 
By the end of the session, all learners will be able to:

  • Explore different pedagogical terms in which different cognitive approach may be applied.
  • Explain and understand Jerome Bruner's cognitive constructivist theory & social constructivist theory.
  • Create a practical resource to help revision for Jerome Bruner & the pedagogical terms explored in the session.

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Mind map everything you can remember about... 

John Bowlby's attachment theory.

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Cognitive constructivism pedagogy 
Over the past few weeks we have looked at many theory that support cognitive constructivism (e.g: John Watson, Ivan Pavlov, Jean Piaget).

So what is pedagogy?
The teaching practice and methods of teaching. How learning is supported. 
We use theory to structure pedagogy. 

- There are 3 pedagogical examples of how constructivism can be supported through the work of theory. (Highscope, project based learning & virtual reality)

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An educational research foundation that studies the method of childhood education, it was founded in 1970 by David Weikart and was developed from 40 years of research. It aimed at promoting children's life chances.

The programme was based on early childhood in the USA, teachers providing children experiences that were - child centered to promote independence and decision making. Children who attended the programme showed beneficial outcomes and now features of high scope are widely used. 

High scope promotes active learning, using a plan - do - review approach. 
This approach to play is a sequence of children initiating their own play (plan), then actively participating in the play (do). Lastly reflecting on their play, for example discussions (review).

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Benefit of Highscope?

Slide 6 - Mind map

Project based learning

Project based learning is often used in every day pedagogy (teaching practices) to support student engagement. 

This is when students are encouraged to design their own learning by making decisions. 

For example: making a power point to present.
Virtual reality 

Learning using virtual reality is embedding technology in learning, for example students may use VR headsets to visualise a virtual environment.

This allows students to test their own ideas and experiences how this might work out. 

On a VR headset you may visualise a real life situation in a nursery.

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Jerome Bruner 
Jerome Bruner is a key theorist who supports cognitive constructivism and social constructivism, he focused on how children learn, think and develop over an acquired time.

There are many different aspects of his theory to consider: 
 3 Modes of representation 
  • Discovery learning 
  • Language Acquisition Support System (LASS) 
  • Scaffolding 
  • Spiral Curriculum 
  • Sustained Shared thinking

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3 modes of representation
Enactive mode (0 -1 years)
First cognitive skills (sensory based)
Learning a skill through movement often linking to Piaget's sensorimotor stage. Babies repeat physical actions to support their understanding.

Iconic mode (1 - 6 years)
Icon refers to the use of a visual image. Bruner suggests that the iconic mode involves the use of visual prompts. Children can visualise words.
The child may know what a tree is visually but it not yet able to read or write the word.
Symbolic Mode (7+)
Bruner believed that children's thinking skills drastically change around the age of 7 years old. They are able to think and use sophisticated language. For example: children can listen to news on the radio and remember the information. Children are able to begin comprehending written language and spoken language.

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Discovery Learning
Discovery learning is a part of 
the 3 modes of representation.
Encouraging children to build on
their past experiences.

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Spiral curriculum 
Bruner believed that to master a specific skills children need to 
repeat it numerous times.  It is unlikely children will master a skill 
the first time they attempt it. Children need lots of support at the start 
of learning a new skills, however this support can then gradually be 
removed (also known an scaffolding). 

For example: 
Helping children write their names does not happen straight away they have to learnt o write specific letters and then learn to combine them. 

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1 x benefit of the spiral

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Scaffolding & Sustained Shared thinking 
Bruner believed that children need to be ‘scaffolded’ in their learning.He suggests that children learn through exploration play and through questioning.
Practitioners must scaffold children to help learn concepts and develop their reasoning and logic.
Scaffolding a child will help them reach their full potential in the spiral curriculum. Children will progress in the 3 modes of representation with the support and scaffold from a practitioner.Children will then develop the skills to ‘master’ their learning.

Sustained shared thinking is a process of when children come together to problem solve that further supports their individual learning. This occurs when two or more people come together to solve a problem or question. This when adults and children work together.

For example: 
Work with your partner to solve the following anagram. 

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Language Acquisition support system (LASS)
The adults and older children who help a young child to acquire language. Children learn language in and from conversation.

For example: Practitioners talking to children, tailoring their language to the child's level of comprehension and often using higher pitch and exaggerated intonation.

LASS works side by side with scaffolding and the spiral curriculum. Helping children understand the how to say a term correctly is helping them master the skills of 'linguistics'.

Linguistics? Structure and formation of words. 

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In the session we have covered lots of theory and pedagogical terms. 

Use this time now to create revision resources to your folders. 

There is must to remember and practice. 
Consider the best way you learn. 

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