Week 6.2 Review all grammar

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EngelsMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 3

This lesson contains 27 slides, with text slides and 4 videos.

Items in this lesson


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Read a story
Recap all grammar
Fun quiz?

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Narrative tenses
Narrative = story
Tenses = times you indicate with your verbs

Narrative tenses = tenses that you use to tell a story

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Past Simple
Past simple
To say that something happened in the past.
Add –ed OR an irregular form.
Signal words
Yesterday, last week, last month, two days ago, four days ago, months ago, a second ago, etc.
He walked her home last night.
I talked to him on the phone yesterday.
She tried to close her book but a fly got caught in between the pages.

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Slide 5 - Video

Past continuous 

Slide 6 - Slide

Past Continuous

Slide 7 - Slide


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Present perfect

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Present Perfect
When do we use the Present Perfect?
1. Iets is in het verleden begonnen en is nu nog aan de gang.  

VB.  Ethan has known Sam for three years.
2. Te praten over ervaringen tot nu toe.

VB. I have never eaten Sushi. 
3. Iets is is het verleden gebeurd en het resultaat is nu merkbaar. 

VB.  We've washed the car so now it's clean again.

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Present perfect vs Past simple
We use the present perfect to talk about an experience at any time in the past. The exact time it happened is not inportant.
Have you ever tried herring?

We use the past simple to talk about a specific occasion in the past.
I talked to my friend last night.

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Signal words
To identify the past simple look for time expressions. Last night, yesterday, two weeks ago, in 2020, etc.

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Slide 13 - Video

Used to
Gebruik je om te zeggen...
... dat iets in het verleden regelmatig gebeurde, maar nu niet meer.
... dat iets in het verleden zo was, maar nu niet meer zo is.
Hoe maak je deze vorm?
Used to + hele werkwoord

I used to be small.
You used to go there every week.
he/she/it used to have braces.
We used to play football.
They used to have long hair

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habits and repeated actions
things that happened once
used to
past simple
    I used to love energy drinks when I was 16
X I would love energy drinks when I was 16
X One day in September when I was 16 I used to have an energy drink

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Please note! - didn't use to
When 'used to' becomes negative, only did is still in the Past. You never have two verbs in the Past!

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Used to - negative
I didn't use to know all about the Roman Empire.
You didn't use to tell fantastic historical stories.
He didn't use to play the piano.
She didn't use to be a very honest person.
It didn't use to rain a lot in this area.
We didn't use to walk in the park every Sunday.
They didn't use to work on a project together.

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Used to - questions
You didn't used to play the piano.
Didn't you use to play the piano?

You used to make tea every afternoon.
Didn't you use to make tea every afternoon?

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'used to' vs 'would'
used to: past states and habits
would: repeated past actions (habits)
There is a little bit of overlap. 

"I used to take the bus to school when I was little"
"I would take the bus to school when I was little"
Both are correct. 

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Rule: Would & used to
To talk about habits and repeated actions in the past, we can use: used todidn't  use  to and would.

We don't use would with past state verbs
We don't use would in negations and questions!
Would is used to emphasize that the actions is typical of a person or a situation.

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Slide 21 - Video

Present perfect continuous
De present perfect continuous maak je als volgt:
has / have (not) been + infinitief (hele werkwoord) + ing. 

We have been studying all day.

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Grammar explanation

Je gebruikt deze tijd om aan te geven dat iets is begonnen in het verleden en nu nog voortduurt: I have been playing fortnight all morning.

Je gebruikt de present perfect continuous als je wilt benadrukken dat je vindt dat iets al lang aan de gang is, of om te benadrukken dat iets nog niet afgerond is:  This quarantine has been going on since March.

 Je gebruikt de present perfect continuous ook als iets ‘de laatste tijd’ vaker gebeurt: The sun has been shining a lot lately.

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Verschil present perfect en present perfect continuous
De present perfect en de present perfect continuous lijken veel op elkaar. Het is dan ook niet gek dat er soms verwarring ontstaat bij het gebruik van deze tijden.

Het grootste verschil heeft te maken met de afronding en invloed van de beschreven actie. De present perfect wordt vooral gebruikt bij acties die afgelopen zijn, maar nog wel invloed hebben op het hier en nu. De present perfect continuous gaat vooral over acties die nog steeds voortduren.

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 present perfect simple & present perfect continuous:
I’ve been decorating the house this summer (P.P.C).
Nadruk: tijdsduur

I’ve painted the house blue (P.P).
Nadruk: resultaat

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ex 5, 6, 7 page 27
ex 5, 6, 7 page 41

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