Linking words

Welcome Back!
Do you  remember me?
1 / 16
Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMBOStudiejaar 2

This lesson contains 16 slides, with interactive quizzes, text slides and 3 videos.

Items in this lesson

Welcome Back!
Do you  remember me?

Slide 1 - Slide

Who are you?

Slide 2 - Mind map

Who am I? 

Slide 3 - Slide

Any Questions? 

Slide 4 - Slide

Linking words!
Tell me what you know!

Slide 5 - Slide

Linking words

Slide 6 - Mind map


Slide 7 - Video

Quick recap
Emphasis: when you want to stress something
Addition: to give more information
Contrast: to say something is the opposite/ diffrent
Order: the order of events
Result: the outcome of something
Illustration: to give an example
Comparison: to set two things side by side 
Summary: to sum up all information

Slide 8 - Slide

Video time
  • What is the video about?
  • How much time can you spend underwater before you suffer brain damage?
  • Is chocolate deadly?
  • How long can you go without sleep?

Slide 9 - Slide

Slide 10 - Video

Spot as many linking words as you can!

Slide 11 - Slide


Slide 12 - Video

A few examples
But did know that 70 cups of coffee...
Because alcohol is a depressant...
Like breathing and heart rate begin...
Though it takes a lot...
...also leading to seizures...
However, in extreme cases...

Slide 13 - Slide

Your turn.
I want you to write a small story using 5 linking words. (atleast 3 diffrent types!) 
The story can be as big as you like. 
Hand it in before next lesson so I can give you feedback.

Slide 14 - Slide

What did you learn?

Slide 15 - Mind map

Before you go.....

Slide 16 - Slide