Test preparation

Test preparation
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Slide 1: Slide
GeschiedenisMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 1

This lesson contains 16 slides, with text slides and 3 videos.

time-iconLesson duration is: 45 min

Items in this lesson

Test preparation

Slide 1 - Slide

Big Change
  • Sadly, this will be our last week together.
  • Because of my 'iron woman' problem, I will be going to the hospital a lot.
  • Missing all those lessons wouldn't be fair to you.
  • Mrs. Hansen (from yesterday) will be taking over.
  • I will miss you of course, but you will still see mee during the week!  

Slide 2 - Slide

5.2 The Arab empire expands
Key words: Mohammad, Quran, Islam, Muslims, prophet, the Hijrah, the Ummah, Jihad, Caliph

  1. Who was Mohammad and how did the Islam become a religion?
  2. What does it look like to be a Muslim, what are the rules to follow?
  3. How did the Arab empire expand?
  4. Arab culture vs. Western culture (up until the Late Middle Ages), what are the similarities and differences?

Slide 3 - Slide

6.1 Pope against emperor
Key words: Spiritual, secular, hereditary, diocese, Investiture Controversy, papal bull, excommunicated, antipope

  1. What is the difference between spiritual and secular?
  2. What was the Investiture Controversy?
  3. How did the struggle between Henry IV and Gregory VII end?

Slide 4 - Slide

6.1 Pope against emperor
Secular vs. spiritual:
Secular = not connected to the church, worldly. Count, Lord, King.
Spiritual = connected to God and the Church. Pope, Priest, Monk.

Investiture Controversy = Church: only we can appoint Popes and bishops. Emperors: we want to lay investiture (appoint). Basically: who is more powerful, secular of spiritual leaders?

Slide 5 - Slide

Slide 6 - Video

Slide 7 - Video

6.2 The Crusades 
Key words: Crusades, Seljucs, Holy Land, Great Schism, Crusader States

  1. What were the reasons for the Pope to call for a Crusade?
  2. What does 'Deus Vult!' mean and what does it have to do with the Crusades?
  3. What were the effects of the Crusades?

Slide 8 - Slide

6.3 Development of new cities
Key words: Three-field system, urbanization, specialization, craft, Guild, Hanseatic League, Black death

  1. How were people able to increase their food production?
  2. How did the increase in food production lead to the development of cities?
  3. What are Guilds and what are the advantages of Guilds?
  4. What is the Hanseatic League?
  5. What is the Black Death?

Slide 9 - Slide

Slide 10 - Slide

Heavy iron plow

Slide 11 - Slide

Craftsmen and guilds

  • In order to control the training of new craftsmen, the quality of the products  (and prices of products) guilds were organized
  • Guilds were associations of people who had the same job
  • A guild also provided help to its members if somebody got injured, or died
  • And guilds were also clubs where members met, discussed business and held (religious) celebrations together

Slide 12 - Slide

The Hanseatic League
  • Most cities had a square where daily markets were held
  • The biggest market was the annual market, which lasted a few weeks (only in large cities) 
  • Many traders travelled from fair to fair
  • A group of cities in Europe worked together to get more trade
  • They called their association the Hanseatic League

Slide 13 - Slide

Slide 14 - Slide

Slide 15 - Video

6.4 Cities fight for freedom
Key words: Privileges, City Charter, City rights, Schepen, Schout, burghers

  1. Why were cities getting increasingly important?
  2. How did cities manage to get even more power? 
  3. Who was Count Floris V and what did he do?
  4. How was a city governed? Which people were appointed and what was their role? 
  5. What changed when burghers came to be? Why were these people 'special'/different?

Slide 16 - Slide