V2 Uitleg examenteksten

Exam questions reading
Week 1
1 / 19
Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavo, vwoLeerjaar 4-6

This lesson contains 19 slides, with text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 60 min

Items in this lesson

Exam questions reading
Week 1

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In class today
  • How to aproach common types of questions:
  1. Common questions
  2. Multiple-choice
  3. Open Question
  4. Quotations
  • Practice !

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General tips:
- The questions are in order of appearence in the text.
- The possible order of answers are randomized: 7xB is a possibility.
- Only answer using the information in the text. Do not add your own knowledge.

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Common Questions
- What is the main point made in paragraph 4? 
- What becomes clear from paragraph 4? 
- Which of the following summarises the author's main point 
   made in paragraph 4? 

= inhoud van een alinea

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Common Questions
- Which of the following characterises paragraph 5? 
- What is the function of paragraph 5? 
- What is the purpose of paragraph 5? 

= de functie van een alinea (vaak in verhouding tot een 
    andere alinea), bijv. illustreren, tegenargument geven, enz. 

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Common Questions
Soms zit het verschil in de antwoordmogelijkheden in 1 woord:
- To criticise theories behind ... 
- To explain the author's preference for ...
- To inform readers about ... 
- To warn people against ... 

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Common Questions:
Soms zit het verschil in de toon: 

- He considers it ... that has to be stopped.                = negatief
- He considers it ... not cause too much concern.   = neutraal
- He considers it ... an insult.                                              = negatief
- He considers it ... a useful instrument.                       = positief

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- Read the question first, the text second. 

- What is the core of the question? What do they want to know exactly?

- Circle/underline/highlight the sentence that is mentioned in the question.

- Read the part of the text that is needed. Pay close attention to linking-/signalwords (moreover, for example, ...) and function words (emphasise, illustrate, ...).

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- Pay extra close attention to the first and last sentences of a paragraph. These often contain the most important information. Only look for the most fitting answer after reading it.

- Cross out irrelevant or obviously wrong answers. 

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Citeer (quote) question
- Citeer (quote) questions are used very often. 
- Aimed at one specific piece of information in the text. 
- Often: 
       - an example
       - a reason
       - where/when in the text something has been stated before

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Tips Citeer Questions:
-Stick to the instruction:
   "Citeer de eerste twee woorden van de zin waarin ..."
    = give, for example the answer: "The main" 
   "Citeerde eerste en de laatste twee woorden van de zin ..."
   = example answer: "The main ... be resolved."

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Tips Citeer Questions:
- If the questions asks for a zinssnede or zinsgedeelte do not write down the entire sentence! It is often 1/3 or 1/4 of the original sentence.

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Gap texts


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  1. Kijk naar de titel, inleiding, eventueel plaatje etc.
  2. Bekijk de vraag die bij de tekst hoort.
  3. Lees de alinea waar de __________________ staat. 
  4. Probeer voor jezelf in te vullen wat hier moet staan. 
  5. Skim en scan de tekst.
  6. Kijk naar de antwoordmogelijkheden en probeer de woorden in categorieën in te delen. 

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Lees de zin (of 2 zinnen) voor de gap en de zin (of 2 zinnen erna). Wat voor soort woord moet er staan? Iets positief, negatiefs, neutraals?

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Hoe komen we tot het antwoord?
In het stukje voor ________13_________ zie je staan: 
"In one typical case an agent tried to convince a bar hostess to go back to her ex-husband. Over five months he frequented the woman’s club pretending to be a wealthy businessman, accompanied by a friend posing as a fortune teller. He spoke about how his friend’s psychic insights had helped him become rich, and before long the hostess agreed to have her fortune read. "

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Hoe komen we tot het antwoord?
In het stukje voor ________13_________ zie je staan: 
"In one typical case an agent tried to convince a bar hostess to go back to her ex-husband.

Na ________13_________ zie je staan:
"to return to her ex-husband. They reunited and eventually remarried."

Vind de schrijver dit 'fortunate, 'natural', 'sad' of 'surprising'? 

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Hoe komen we tot het antwoord?
In het stukje voor ________13_________ zie je staan: 
"In one typical case an agent tried to convince a bar hostess to go back to her ex-husband.

Na ________13_________ zie je staan:
"to return to her ex-husband. They reunited and eventually remarried."

B: Naturally. Het is een 'typical' case dat er werd gezegd 'ga terug naar je ex', dat gebeurt daarna weer. Dus het is 'naturally', iets wat te verwachten was. 

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Maak de examenteksten . 

Heb je ze al af? Maak dan NUMO Engels. 


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