HAVO4A blok 2 week 48 les 1/2

1 / 15
Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 4

This lesson contains 15 slides, with interactive quizzes, text slides and 1 video.

time-iconLesson duration is: 100 min

Items in this lesson


Slide 1 - Slide

Today's Mood

Slide 2 - Poll

Toets bespreken + bespreken huiswerk (15A+B, 46, 48) + uitleg adjectives/adverbs
Korte pauze (5 minuten)
Oefenen met adjectives/adverbs + oefenen met spreken  + uitleg spreekopdracht volgende week 

Slide 3 - Slide

1. Tel je punten na
2. Zet een sterretje + vraag op je blaadje als je iets niet snapt. Ik kom er zsm op terug.

Slide 4 - Slide

let's check the homework
15 A+B, 

Slide 5 - Slide

- Gives information about a noun
Adjective + noun (a fast car)
noun + copula + adjective (He's become good at knitting)
noun + sense verb + adjective (The food smells delicious)

Slide 6 - Slide

Give information about:
- a verb (He writes well)
- an adjective (That was a very good kick)
- another adverb (He writes really well)

Slide 7 - Slide

short break

Slide 8 - Slide

Schrijf voor de volgende zinnen de adverbs en de adjectives op.
1. When I came home late last night, I ate a delicious sandwich.
2. You're a really good singer, your rendition of 'Rolling in the Deep' is absolutely beautiful.
3. Have you heard any beautiful songs recently?
4. You're an amazing writer. I love reading your stories.
5. I can't speak French very well, but I find English easy.

Slide 9 - Slide

Let's practice speaking...
specifically discussions.

What are phrases we can use to introduce an argument or prove a point?

Slide 10 - Slide

Kijk naar de volgende video
en beantwoord de volgende vragen:
1. What are phrases we can use to express an opinion?
2. How can we express our opinion more strongly?
3. How might we give a positive, negative, or neutral response to someone else's opinion?

Slide 11 - Slide

Slide 12 - Video

Time to practice!
With your neighbour, discuss one of the following topics. One of you is in favour, the other is against. If you're finished before the timer runs out, move to another topic:
1. High school education should be more practical, and less theoretical.
2. Everyone should read the Harry Potter books, and see the films.
3. In order to learn a language, it's important to read a lot.

Slide 13 - Slide

Next Wednesday...
Hebben we een spreekopdracht waar jullie je morgen en vandaag in de les op mogen voorbereiden. 

Zie ook het document dat je via Magister hebt gekregen.

Slide 14 - Slide

Wat neem je mee uit deze les?

Slide 15 - Open question