My trial lesson

Over 100 million tons of fish caught each year.
By-catch in commercial fishing nets.
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This lesson contains 6 slides, with text slides.

Items in this lesson

Over 100 million tons of fish caught each year.
By-catch in commercial fishing nets.

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Whales get caught in the nets of large fishing vessels.  The nets are so big they trap even the biggest whales. Often they don’t get released in time and they die.

To help protect whales we have to make sure the fishing vessels do the right thing and watch out for whales when they are putting their nets out, or release the whales quickly.

Ask students why they think whales get caught in nets?
  • The whales are eating the same fish the fishing vessel wants to catch.

Illegal Fishing
Illegal fishing means that the fishermen enter the territorial waters of a country or regulated marine zone without permission or without a license for the fish they intend to catch.

They are stealing from these waters.

How can we help stop trash ending up in the ocean.

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Stopping the trash.
Ask students  “What do you think we can do to stop this trash ending up in the ocean?”

Teacher’s note:
You can discuss things like:
  • Reducing single use plastics being used.
  • Using reusable products.
  • How to properly dispose of rubbish.
  • Recycling plastics.
  • Doing clean ups. 
أنت رائع 

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Over 100 million tons of fish caught each year.
Whales species

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Comparing sizes.
This image shows the comparative size of some whale species.

Over 100 million tons of fish caught each year.
Dolphins are intelligent beings.

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Intelligent species
Dolphins are really intelligent. They have a brain larger than humans.

They show signs that they experience similar feelings like we do – pain, love and sadness when they lose a family member.