Best of Youtube - preparation for PO

On 2nd bell: Worksheet on your table


Starting assignment:

Mark (markeer/onderstreep) useful sentences and words to say in your video
Use pages 85, 86, 87, 93 and 102
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Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolmavoLeerjaar 1

This lesson contains 24 slides, with text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 60 min

Items in this lesson

On 2nd bell: Worksheet on your table


Starting assignment:

Mark (markeer/onderstreep) useful sentences and words to say in your video
Use pages 85, 86, 87, 93 and 102

Slide 1 - Slide

Today's goals
- know when to hand in the 'praktische opdracht'
- know what to hand in
- know where to hand it in
- write exactly what you are going to say
- get feedback from a classmate
- correct your work

Slide 2 - Slide

  • New deadline for PO
  • How to hand in your PO
  • Preparation for PO
  • Check each other
  • Write final version (teacher will copy your work)
  • Find PO in Teams

Slide 3 - Slide

Inlevermoment PO

Dinsdag 26 maart
vóór 18.00 uur

Eerder mag altijd
Voor elke dag later gaat er een punt van je cijfer af

Slide 4 - Slide

  • New deadline for PO
  • How to hand in your PO
  • Preparation for PO
  • Check each other
  • Write final version (teacher will copy your work)
  • Find PO in Teams

Slide 5 - Slide

You hand in 2 things
1. Your own recording
     (make sure I see your face, and make sure the sound is good)
2. The link to your YouTube or TikTok clip

Slide 6 - Slide

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Slide 9 - Slide

Slide 10 - Slide

Slide 11 - Slide

Slide 12 - Slide

Slide 13 - Slide

  • New deadline for PO
  • How to hand in your PO
  • Preparation for PO
  • Check each other
  • Write final version (teacher will copy your work)
  • Find PO in Teams

Slide 14 - Slide

Mentorenmededeling 1B
  • Vanaf volgende week op de dinsdag EERST huiswerkuur, daarna mentoruur (in Magister staat het wel andersom)
  • Maar..... mentoruur zijn (waarschijnlijk) individuele gesprekjes. 
  • Tip van mw Wouters en mw Bleiji: vul tot de meivakantie geen cup in op dinsdag 8/9, want er is een kans dat mentoruur voor jou uitvalt.

Slide 15 - Slide

How will we prepare for the 'praktische opdracht'?
Step 1: In your NOTEBOOK, answer the questions of the                                   worksheet                                              (mistake likes -> views)
Step 2: read the work of one classmate
               use page 98 of your book to score it
               give useful feedback
Step 3: use the feedback to write the final version the text for  your                                    'praktische opdracht'
Step 4: teacher will copy worksheet and hand them back

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Step 1
What: In your NOTEBOOK: answer the questions of the                                                             worksheet.
Tools: 1. book: pages 85, 86, 87, 93 and 102 for inspiration. 
             2. a laptop, if you don't have a video yet, your teacher will send you a                        link. You HAVE to use that video
             3. your notes (if you copied the example I showed)
How: alone, in silence
Questions? raise your hand


Slide 17 - Slide

  • New deadline for PO
  • How to hand in your PO
  • Preparation for PO
  • Check each other
  • Write final version (teacher will copy your work)
  • Find PO in Teams

Slide 18 - Slide

Step 2
What: 1. read your classmate's work
             2. score it, using page 98 of your book
             3. give feedback to help them improve
Tools: 1. pages 85, 86, 87, 93 and 102 for inspiration. 
             3. your notes (if you copied the example I showed)
How: pairs (=2!), whisper                     Questions? Raise your hand


Slide 19 - Slide

  • New deadline for PO
  • How to hand in your PO
  • Preparation for PO
  • Check each other
  • Write final version (teacher will copy your work)
  • Find PO in Teams

Slide 20 - Slide

Step 3
What: On the worksheet: write the final version of the things you are going to say.
Tools: 1. draft version (kladversie) in your notebook
              2. your classmate's feedback
              3. your own improvements
              4. book                                              Questions? raise your hand
How: alone, in silence                             Teacher will copy your work!
Done? Get a laptop and try to find the assignment in Teams (you may work in pairs)

Slide 21 - Slide

  • New deadline for PO
  • How to hand in your PO
  • Preparation for PO
  • Check each other
  • Write final version (teacher will copy your work)
  • Find PO in Teams

Slide 22 - Slide

Show your classmates
Who found the PO in Teams?
Can you show where you've found it?

Slide 23 - Slide

Today's goals
- know when to hand in the 'praktische opdracht'
- know what to hand in
- know where to hand it in
- write exactly what you are going to say
- get feedback from a classmate
- correct your work

Slide 24 - Slide