Reading skills HV1

Reading Comprehension Strategies and Skills
1 / 50
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EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavo, vwoLeerjaar 1

This lesson contains 50 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 90 min

Items in this lesson

Reading Comprehension Strategies and Skills

Slide 1 - Slide

Final test
1. Several reading texts
2. Irregular verbs

Slide 2 - Slide

                       Today's goal

At the end of this lesson:
  • You can use a strategy when reading a text and answering multiple choice or true/false questions about the text.
  • You can read a text and answer questions about the text within a given time limit.

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Reading strategies
Kinds of questions:
  • Multiple choice
  • True/false or correct/incorrect: Statements (beweringen/stellingen)

What kind of strategy should you use when reading a text and answering questions about that text?

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Reading Comprehension Strategies
  • What’s the title?  Is there a picture?...  Is there a source?  This gives you a general idea
  • Read through the questions (how many are there?)
  • Skim the text first
  • Read the text
  • Answer the questions.  When answering each question, scan the paragraph the question is referring to to search for the answer (if the question refers to a specific paragraph, only focus on that paragraph to find the answer!).
  • Don’t focus too much on words you don’t know!  Try and guess the meaning in the context.  You don’t need to know every word to understand the general idea.

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Reading Comprehension Strategies
  • What’s the title?  Is there a picture?...  Is there a source?  This gives you a general idea
  • Read through the questions (how many are there?)
  • Skim the text first
  • Read the text
  • Answer the questions.  When answering each question, scan the paragraph the question is referring to to search for the answer (if the question refers to a specific paragraph, only focus on that paragraph to find the answer!).
  • Don’t focus too much on words you don’t know!  Try and guess the meaning in the context.  You don’t need to know every word to understand the general idea.

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Reading Comprehension Strategies
  • What’s the title?  Is there a picture?...  Is there a source?  This gives you a general idea
  • Read through the questions (how many are there?)
  • Skim a text first
  • Read the text
  • Answer the questions.  When answering each question, scan the paragraph the question is referring to to search for the answer (if the question refers to a specific paragraph, only focus on that paragraph to find the answer!).
  • Don’t focus too much on words you don’t know!  Try and guess the meaning in the context.  You don’t need to know every word to understand the general idea.

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Words in context... that's when they get more meaning!

What does that word mean?

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And now some context...
Diane was lethargic.  She didn't have
the energy to get out of bed.

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Let's practice together!
Two short texts
Multiple choice and true/false questions

Remember: Read the title, read the questions, skim the text, read the text, answer the questions by scanning the text

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Multiple choice

Slide 15 - Slide

Multiple choice (read the text and question
and note your answer on the next slide)

Slide 16 - Slide

Waarvoor schaamde Karmen zich tijdens een zwemfeestje?

Slide 17 - Quiz

Statements (stellingen/beweringen)
Most of the time, a question with a statement about a text will be answered with true/false or correct/incorrect (wel/niet, juist/onjuist,...)

Let's read the paragraph on the next slide together.  Be ready to answer the questions.

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Statement 1:
De dokter zei dat een bacterie de ziekte veroorzaakt.

Slide 20 - Quiz

Statement 2:
De dokter vond een nieuwe kale plek.

Slide 21 - Quiz

Statement 3: De dokter vertelde dat de
ziekte snel over zou gaan.

Slide 22 - Quiz

Statement 4:
De dokter gaf haar medicijnen mee.

Slide 23 - Quiz

Do you feel like the tips you got have helped you prepare a little for your
Reading Comprehension test?
A little bit
Help, I find this really hard!

Slide 24 - Quiz

On to some more Reading Comprehension, but this
time you will read the
texts on your own

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Reading Comprehension Goals

  • Improve your reading skills
  • Expand your vocabulary about a topic in a specific context
  • Improve your time management skills (reading a text and answering questions in a given time limit)

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Reading comprehension practice
  • You will receive a handout with two texts (front & back)
  • Please do not start reading until the timer starts
  • 2 min. for the first text / 4 min. for the second text
  • You will answer the questions in LessonUp
  • Please do not write on the handout
  • Use the tips you learned earlier in this LessonUp
  • Quiet while reading please...

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Accidents happen. Be prepared for them.
Geef van elke bewering aan of deze juist of onjuist is.
Two minutes to read the
questions and text

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1. First call neemt al het werk uit handen.

Slide 30 - Quiz

2. First Call zorgt ervoor dat je maar één formulier hoeft in te vullen.

Slide 31 - Quiz

3. First Call helpt alleen degene die de auto heeft gehuurd.

Slide 32 - Quiz

4. First Call levert vervangend vervoer als dat nodig is.

Slide 33 - Quiz

Did you see Daniel?
Geef van elke bewering aan of deze wel of niet overeenkomt met de inhoud van de tekst.
Four minutes to read the
questions and text

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1. Met sponsorgeld zorgt Centrepoint ervoor dat dakloze jongeren
af en toe een nacht kunnen doorbrengen in een B&B.
komt wel overeen
komt niet overeen

Slide 35 - Quiz

2. Als sponsor kun je uit een bestand kiezen
welke jongere je wilt ondersteunen.
komt wel overeen
komt niet overeen

Slide 36 - Quiz

3. De sponsor krijgt informatie over zowel de kamer
als de jongere die erin verblijft.
komt wel overeen
komt niet overeen

Slide 37 - Quiz

4. Als je meerdere kamers sponsort, krijg je korting.
komt wel overeen
komt niet overeen

Slide 38 - Quiz

We're done. Good job!
What did you think of the first text ("Accidents happen")?
Very easy
Hmmm, not so sure...
Very hard

Slide 39 - Poll

What did you think of the second text
("Did you see Daniel?")?
Very easy
It was OK but I didn't understand everything
Very hard

Slide 40 - Poll

Time left?
Let's practice some Irregular verbs!

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Reading Skills

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Irregular verbs
Go to SomToday / Vakken / Engels / Jaarbijlagen
Open the document "Irregular Verbs"

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Je moet het antwoord altijd kunnen terugvinden in de tekst, soms staat het alleen in andere woorden. Onderstreep het tekstdeel waar je je antwoord hebt gevonden.

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Let's practice!

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Time's up
Antwoorden zullen we tijdens de volgende les checken.

But first, a few more questions.

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