English class - T1A

Grammar, Reading and Writing class

English class - T1A - Mr. Muratovic 
1 / 20
Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMBOStudiejaar 1

This lesson contains 20 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 60 min

Items in this lesson

Grammar, Reading and Writing class

English class - T1A - Mr. Muratovic 

Slide 1 - Slide

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Today's planning
  • Revision: 'be able to' vs. 'can'
  • Introduction: 'be allowed to
  • Exercises in the book (A)
  • Irregular verbs
  • T&T Chapter 5
  • End of class + Homework

Slide 2 - Slide

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What do you remember from Monday's class on 'can' vs. 'be able to'?

Slide 3 - Open question

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to be able to vs. can

Slide 4 - Slide

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'to be allowed to'
Mogen/ wordt toegestaan (door iemand anders)

Sentence structure:
To be + allowed to + het hele werkwoord

''They are not + allowed to + enter their hotel room yet''
''They are + allowed to + enter their hotel room now''

Slide 5 - Slide

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'to be allowed to' + tenses!
Present tense                                                                Past tense
Ik mag > 'I am allowed to'                                         Ik mocht > 'I was allowed to' 

Perfect tense
Ik heb gemogen > 'I have been allowed to'

Future tense
Ik zal mogen > 'I will be allowed to'

Slide 6 - Slide

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Slide 7 - Slide

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Is everything clear about 'to be allowed to'?
Yes, everything is clear
No, I don't understand it at all
Yes & No. I have a question

Slide 8 - Poll

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Exercises in the book
Make exercises 76 & 77 in book A > p. 272/273

Slide 9 - Slide

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Answer key: ex. 76
1. Well, I'm sorry, but I am not just able to work harder
2. Hey, Jack, are you able to speak Chinese?
3. People are now able to order all our products online
4. I am happy to inform you that I was able to find you a room 
5. You should be able to do the job on your own now

Slide 10 - Slide

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How many did you get right?

Slide 11 - Poll

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Answer key: ex. 77
1. We were allowed to enter the factory building.
2. You are not allowed to enter this dangerous area...
3. We would be allowed to go home a bit earlier...
4.I wonder if I am allowed to work with this machine...
5. Example: ''Dogs are not allowed to enter the store''

Slide 12 - Slide

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How many did you get right?

Slide 13 - Poll

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It's time to read out loud
Onregelmatige werkwoorden 
p. 337 & 338 (English book A)
Chapter 5: Excursie
p. 17 (Taal en Toerisme)

Slide 14 - Slide

Open your book on page 337/338

Who has the book?
Who does not have the book?

I am going to choose randomly someone to start reading out loud the irregular verbs > then pick someone else to write, etc until we reach the end! 
Who has the book? Is it open and on the right page?
I have the book and the right page!
I don't have the book. Sorry!

Slide 15 - Poll

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De gids 
De bezichtiging op afspraak
De rondleiding
De rondwandeling 
De wandelroute
De rondrit
De toch te paard 
De grachtenrondvaart 
De tocht op het water
De rondvaartboot
The guide 
The view on appointment
The guided tour
The walking circuit
The hiking tour
The tour
The trip on horseback
The canal cruise
The water excursion
The canal boat

Slide 16 - Slide

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De rondvlucht
De touristische route
De excursie per touring car
De autorit
De routebeschrijving
De afstand
De openingstijden
De sluitingstijden
Het museum
Het gemeentehuis
Het rijksmuseum
The sightseeing flight
the scenic route
The excursion by coach
The drive
The itinerary
The distance
The opening hours
The closing hours
The museum
The city museum
The national gallery

Slide 17 - Slide

Pick two words and create a sentence with them.

I will randomly choose someone to share their sentence.
Make a sentences with the T&T Excursie words. Finished? Hand them in here!

Slide 18 - Open question

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We have reached the end! Did you enjoy this way of class on LessonUp?

Slide 19 - Poll

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Studiemeter exercises

Can Do Online > Unit 3 > Uitdrukkingen 1 t/m 4

Finished? E-mail me the results before Friday!

Slide 20 - Slide

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