week 23 lesson 1: Selftest Unit 7

Today's class: Self-test unit 7

Please open up a tab with lessonup, one with the online method & one with ReadTheory

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EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 2

This lesson contains 54 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 60 min

Items in this lesson

Today's class: Self-test unit 7

Please open up a tab with lessonup, one with the online method & one with ReadTheory

Slide 1 - Slide

This semester
Summatieve toetsen
(Reading test 2x )
TW 2x   grammar - units 5 & (6 some grammer) & 7
unit 5 & 7 - Vocab and phrases   

Slide 2 - Slide

Unit 5 & 7 - Vocab and phrases   (= 23points out of 90)
Unit 5/6/7 grammer
Focus on:
- Possessives:  's of s' or ... of ...
- Past simple + irregular verbs 
- Word order (Place / Time) 
- Prepositions
- Comparisons
- Verb tenses!!! (present simple / present continuous / past simple / future met going to)

Slide 3 - Slide

Silent reading
Make sure you passed at least 12 tests this semester, show me in a printscreen: "My progress", select date from April 21 - June 13th and upload a printscreen in a document make sure that I can see your name, the date and the progress

1V1 Faber class:

Slide 4 - Slide

Silent reading

1V3 Faber class:

Slide 5 - Slide

Slide 6 - Slide

Homework check
Three strikes = you're out!
Make Unit 7 : Catch up

unit 5 : all grammar
unit 6: Much/many, can/could/should+ everything on p134
unit 7: all grammar
most important: past simple irregular (+p146)

Slide 7 - Slide

Grammar : possesive pronouns

Slide 8 - Slide

Chech Catch up
- vocab 

Slide 9 - Slide

Chech Catch up

Slide 10 - Slide

Chech Catch up

Slide 11 - Slide

Chech Catch up
Word order

Slide 12 - Slide

What is the rule for the word order of place and time?

Slide 13 - Open question

Chech Catch up

Slide 14 - Slide

Grammar : possession
's of ' achter een woord geeft aan van wie iets is. (het is van een persoon)

Bij enkelvoud: altijd -'s

Bij meervoud: eindigt het woord op -s, dan gebruik je alleen '. Bij meervouden die niet eindigen op -s gebruik je 's.
enkelvoud                                                                        meervoud
Sophie's gear                                                             his parents' team
Terry's biggest fan                                                     the children's toys

Als je het hebt over dingen, plaatsen of landen gebruik je ... of ... : (het is van een ding/plaats/land)
the front of the stadium
the start of the Olympics
the capital of New Zealand

Slide 15 - Slide

Chech Catch up

Slide 16 - Slide

Chech Catch up

Slide 17 - Slide

Chech Catch up

Slide 18 - Slide

Hey, that's __________ (mij)
bag! Leave it alone!

Slide 19 - Open question

Did you see that new coat
? It's much too big for him.

Slide 20 - Open question

I forgot my pen. Can I borrow

__________ ?

Slide 21 - Open question

Harry is a cousin___________ .( - ons)

Slide 22 - Open question

Is this _____ pet pig? It's so cute! (van haar)

Slide 23 - Open question

Chech Catch up

Slide 24 - Slide

Grammar: my, mine, of mine

Slide 25 - Slide

Grammar : Grammar: Days, months and dates
De dagen van de week schrijf je altijd met een hoofdletter.
Sunday – Monday – Tuesday – Wednesday – Thursday – Friday – Saturday

De maanden van het jaar schrijf je altijd met een hoofdletter.
January  February March April May June July August September October November   December

9 juni = June the ninth (June 9th)         of                        the ninth of June (9th June)
5 mei = May the fifth (May 5th)              of                    the fifth of May (5th May)
(Sat 12 Aug)     = Saturday the twelfth of August 

Slide 26 - Slide

Grammar : past simple 
Write down the answers to the following questions for yourselves: 

- What is the past? 
- How do you make the past simple of a regular verb?
- How do you make the past simple of irregular verbs?
- Write down a sentence about something in the past simple with the verb "to be". 

Slide 27 - Slide

Nog een keer in het kort: Past Simple in bevestigende zinnen
Past simple
Om aan te geven dat iets in het verleden is gebeurd.
Met -ed OF een onregelmatige vorm.
Yesterday, last week, last month, two days ago, four days ago, months ago, etc.
He walked her home last night.
I talked to him on the phone yesterday.
She swam a lot in her spare time.
The math teacher taught us a lot.

Slide 28 - Slide

 Past Simple in ontkennende zinnen
Past simple negatives
I didn't like dogs.
The teacher didn't talk all day.
The woman didn't scream very loudly.
Look! Sorry, I didn't see it.
She didn't swim a lot in her spare time.
The math teacher didn't teach us much.

Slide 29 - Slide

Past Simple in vraagzinnen
Het allerbelangrijkste om te weten over vragen in de Past Simple is dat een vraag begint met “did” (of een wh-vraagwoord gevolgd door “did”), dan volgt het onderwerp en hierna volgt het hele werkwoord:

(Wh- question) - Did - onderwerp - hele werkwoord

Slide 30 - Slide

 Past Simple of "to be" 
Past simple 
I was wrong.
The teacher was wrong
The woman  was wrong
Sorry, but you were wrong
We were wrong
They were wrong

Slide 31 - Slide

Past Simple of to be in ontkennende zinnen
Past simple 
I wasn't wrong.
The teacher wasn't wrong
The woman  wasn't wrong
Sorry, but you weren't wrong
We weren't wrong
They weren't wrong

Slide 32 - Slide

Uitzondering: to be
Het werkwoord “to be” heeft in de verleden tijd 2 vormen: was & were. Wanneer “was” of “were” in de zin staat kun je hier de vraag mee beginnen en heb je geen “did” nodig.

Bv. She was ill yesterday. 
Was she ill yesterday?
En dus NIET: Did she is ill yesterday?

Slide 33 - Slide

 Past Simple of "to be" in vraagzinnen
Past simple 
Was wrong?
Was the teacher wrong?
Was the woman happy?
Were you early?
Were we present? 
Were they wrong? 

Slide 34 - Slide

I _______(not be) at home last week .

Slide 35 - Open question

Why______(you– not be)in class last week .

Slide 36 - Open question

Grammar : word order

Place before time

Put the following sentences in the correct order, use the correct form of "to be"

Slide 37 - Slide

when you checked in – your passport – be – in your bag – ?

Slide 38 - Open question

on the Eiffel tower – three days ago – be – my friends

Slide 39 - Open question

Tuesday / the boys /to the mall/ their bikes / ride / every

Slide 40 - Open question

Grammar : have got
Have got (have/has + got) is used to talk mainly about possessions or personal attributes.

Slide 41 - Slide

Make a sentence with "have got"
(She – a second-hand bike)

Slide 42 - Open question

Make a sentence with "have got"
(I – not – computer)

Slide 43 - Open question

Make a sentence with "have got"
(She – red backpack?)

Slide 44 - Open question


Any questions?

Slide 45 - Slide

You work! 
Unit 7

Self- test
This needs to be finished today.

Finished? Work on the Catchup unit 5 or 
study the vocab and phrases Unit 5+ 7

Slide 46 - Slide

What specific part of the grammar do you want extra explanation on during the next lesson?
Ask your question here:

Slide 47 - Open question

On Friday I will ask this again and you will all ask (at least) one question about something you want to know about the grammar for the test in the test week

Slide 48 - Slide

On Friday I will ask this again and you will all ask (at least) one question about something you want to know about the grammar for the test in the test week

Slide 49 - Slide

Vocab exercises: 
Unit 7
Lesson 3: ex 32
Lesson 4: 41 & 46

Finished? Catch up U7

Slide 50 - Slide

Homework 1v1 
Make Unit 7 exercise 20,21,22
Study vocab Unit 7 + Phrases unit 7
unit 5 : all grammar
unit 6: Much/many, can/could/should+ everything on p134
unit 7: all grammar
most important:  past simple irregular (+p146)

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Homework 1v1: Thursday the eighth of June
Make the Self test of Unit 7

Study vocab Unit 7 + Phrases unit 7
unit 5 : all grammar
unit 6: Much/many, can/could/should+ everything on p134
unit 7: all grammar; most important: past simple irregular (+p146)

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Homework 1v3: Friday the nineth of June
Make the Self test of Unit 7

Study vocab Unit 5+ 7 + Phrases unit 5+ 7
unit 5 : all grammar
unit 6: Much/many, can/could/should+ everything on p134
unit 7: all grammar; most important:  past simple irregular (+p146)

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