Cambridge lesson 12: Writing in groups

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EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo b, kLeerjaar 3

This lesson contains 13 slides, with text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 120 min

Items in this lesson

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Writing is a skill ...
so make sure that you know all the grammar rules necessary to write a proper letter or story, a postcard, an email or a note:
- Past Simple, verleden tijd
- Present Perfect, voltooid tegenwoordige tijd (has/have+voltooid deelwoord)
- Present Simple (tegenwoordige tijd)
- Future (toekomende tijd)
- The word order of English sentence (woordvolgorde)
- The proper use of plurals (meervoud)

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Can you think of any more??
The interpunctions (interpuncties)
The capitals (hoofdlettergebruik)
The paragraphs (alineas)
The effective and efficient use of a dictionary (effectief gebruik van woordenboek.

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The roles and tasks
- Voorzitter (President): zorgt er voor dat alles in de groep gaat zoals het zou moeten gaan, controleert of iedereen in de groep de opdracht kan maken, leidt de samenwerking in goede banen
Secretaris (Secretary): verwerkt resultaten uit de groep schriftelijk in het net,  nadat de groep de opdracht heeft uitgewerkt in het klad

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Vragensteller (Questioner) : mag – als enige – vragen aan de docent stellen en mag naar andere groepen gaan om overleg te plegen
Tijdbewaker (Time guard): is verantwoordelijk voor het bewaken van de tijd = deadline

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The info
A man was found on a street in Edinburgh
He was about 40/45 years old and he has no memory
He spoke English with a strong French accent
He wore pink pyjamas/pajamas
He had a bag and in that bag there were:
- two letters (one to Serge and one to John)
- $ 40.000
- a photo of a black girl
- the address of the British Prime Minister
In his hands he had a gun (without a number)
His hands were dirty

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How to do the assignment 
1. Decide on the roles and tasks, e.g. who is going to write the story (500 words min.)
2. Read the information about the man and think of a story. Do this by ‘brainstorming’ as a group (in English or in Dutch).
3. Take notes to write the actual story.
4. The secretary writes the story for all the group members. Every group member is responsible for checking the spelling, grammar etc.
5. Hand-in your story as a group,

Your mark will also be a group mark!! You will be judged on creativity, spelling and grammar.
The highest mark you can get is an 8, the lowest is a 4

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finally ...
Each and every one of you is responsible for the group’s task and for the end product.

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Any questions?

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Ok, let’s do it!!!

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