Unit 2 Lesson 9

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Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo bLeerjaar 1

This lesson contains 19 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 45 min

Items in this lesson

Slide 1 - Slide

Previous class...
...we did the exercises from this LessonUp.
...we learned how to say that you have got or haven't got something.
...we learned how to ask questions with have/has got.
...we used Classroom English.
Finish the 5 questions to Bill Gates.

Slide 2 - Slide

Today we will...
...use Classroom English again.

...discuss the test.
...discuss the answers to the exercises in the LessonUp.
...learn how to make questions in English.
...discuss the interviews you have made.
...learn how to study.

Slide 3 - Slide

Classroom English
Did you bring the paper? 

Lay it on the table. Use it!

Slide 4 - Slide

The test.

Slide 5 - Slide

Exercise 1
Take out your notebook.

Answer the questions in Dutch (Nederlands): 
When do you use 'have got'?
When do you use 'haven't got'?

Slide 6 - Slide

Exercise 2
Write down:

I have got.                                                         We .....................
You ..............                                                      You ....................
He ................                                                      They ..................
She ..............
It ...................

Slide 7 - Slide

Exercise 3
Write down:
3 things you have got (for example: I have got a brother).
3 things someone you know has got (for example: My mother (=she) has got two sons).

3 thing you haven't got (for example: I haven't got a dog).
3 things someone you know hasn't got (for example: My mother (=she) hasn't got two fathers).

Slide 8 - Slide

Exercise 4
Verander nu de eerste 6 zinnen die je net hebt opgeschreven, in vragen.
I have got a brother             -->             Have I got a brother?

Slide 9 - Slide

Have you got ten million Euros?
Bill Gates is richest person in the world.
Ask him 5 questions about what he has got! 

For example:
Have you got an airplane?
Have you got your own McDonalds?

Slide 10 - Slide

How to study for the test?
Start ruim van te voren (minimaal twee weken).
Doe iedere dag een klein stukje.
Blijf herhalen!
Geef jezelf een beloning als het goed gaat.
Laat kleine foutjes NIET zitten (spelling is overal belangrijk)!

Let op mij!!

Slide 11 - Slide

Nu jij!
Het eerste rijtje met woordjes. 
10 minuutjes. 

Daarna testen we of je het nu ook echt weet of niet!

Slide 12 - Slide


Slide 13 - Open question


Slide 14 - Open question


Slide 15 - Open question


Slide 16 - Open question

Today we ...

...used Classroom English again.
...learned how and when to use have got/haven't got.
...learned how to make questions in English with have/has got.
...learned how to study.

Slide 17 - Slide

What did you learn?

Slide 18 - Open question

Next lesson...
...we will do Classroom English again.
...we will practice with the expressions.
...we will study for the test.

Copy the 'personen' on page 38 (like this: ik/me = I/me).
Study the months (maanden).

Slide 19 - Slide