First look at the Present Continuous

Present continuous / Brugklas
1 / 30
Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolmavo, havo, vwoLeerjaar 1

This lesson contains 30 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 50 min

Items in this lesson

Present continuous / Brugklas

Slide 1 - Slide

Goals of the lesson
At the end of the lesson:
- You are able to recognize the present continuous
- You can tell a situation in which it is used
- You can find it in a text

Slide 2 - Slide

Before we start:
What is the most irritating thing someone can do when you are making a test? Write it down in one minute!

Slide 3 - Slide

Let's read a text!
- This story is about a monster.
- If there is a word you don't know and you want to know what it is, look it up or ask me.
- When you are done with reading, type "done" in the chat.

Slide 4 - Slide

What was the story about?
(write a sentence, not 1 or 2 words!)

Slide 5 - Open question

Now in groups of two
8 minutes
- Underline at 5 places in the text a form of "to be". (am, are, is)
- Underline 5 verbs in the text  that end on "-ing".
- If you are done, write down why you think that these two things are connected. 

Slide 6 - Slide

What did you find out?
Wat heb je onderstreept?

Is er iemand die weet waarom die twee woorden veel na elkaar voor komen?

Slide 7 - Slide

Welke zin gebeurt NU in het verhaal?
Bernie and Henry are walking down the street.
“Normally you talk my ears off”.
“You are looking a bit pale as well”.
I think I saw a monster”

Slide 8 - Quiz

Welke zin gebeurt NU in het verhaal?
When I walk past the bin, I can hear it.
You are talking nonsense
“I saw him myself"
I think I saw a monster”

Slide 9 - Quiz

What you found is: The present continuous
Gebruik je als je iets zeggen over wat NU gebeurt.
I am breathing heavily <- is nu bezig.
I am looking at a screen and at a class at the same time

Slide 10 - Slide

Welke zin staat niet in
de present continous
I am working today
I always ride my bike on a sunday
I am eating noodles
I am calling an ambulance

Slide 11 - Quiz

Welke zin staat niet in
de present continous
Are you talking to me?
Is he looking at the tree?
Why are we walking?
Is he always a nice guy?

Slide 12 - Quiz

Present continuous
- Gebruikt dus altijd vorm van "to be" (am - is - are)
- Het werkwoord daarna krijgt "-ing" er achter.

dus bijvoorbeeld: 
She _______ (to eat) icecream
She is eating icecream
is = to be.  eat + ing.

Slide 13 - Slide

Maak hiervan een present continuous zin: She_____(to work).

Slide 14 - Open question

Maak hiervan een present continuous zin: They____(to walk)

Slide 15 - Open question

Maak hiervan een present continuous zin: We_____(to sing).

Slide 16 - Open question

Wat denken jullie dat klopt?
(to dance)
She is danceing
She is dancing
She are dancering

Slide 17 - Quiz

Wat denken jullie dat klopt?
(to shave)
I am shaving
I am shaveing
I am shavering

Slide 18 - Quiz

What happens to the E?
Als we "ing" toevoegen, valt de E in een werkwoord weg.
Dance - Dancing
Shave - Shaving
Ride - Riding
Behave - Behaving
Als je de letter niet hoort, kun je hem vervangen door -ing.

Slide 19 - Slide

Wat denken jullie dat klopt?
(to cry)
We are crying
We are crieing
We are cryeing

Slide 20 - Quiz

Welke denken jullie dat klopt?
(to say)
He is saing
He is saying
He is sayng

Slide 21 - Quiz

What is the difference between present simple and present continuous?
Present simple:
- Dingen die altijd gebeuren, gewoontes, feiten
- vaak te herkennen aan woorden zoals: Always, usually, normally, every day
- Shitrule, het werkwoord veranderd.
Present continuous:
- Dingen die nu gebeuren, op dit moment.
- To be + ing

Slide 22 - Slide

My dad always cuts the gras
Present continuous
Present simple

Slide 23 - Quiz

My mother is doing the dishes
Present continuous
Present simple

Slide 24 - Quiz

My sister is singing in the shower
Present continuous
Present simple

Slide 25 - Quiz

My sister is not a very good singer
Present continuous
Present simple

Slide 26 - Quiz

And in dutch?
Ik kook altijd op dinsdag
Ik kook nu / Ik ben aan het koken
I always cook on Wednesdays
I am cooking (now)

Slide 27 - Slide

Name one thing you will remember from the present continuous.

Slide 28 - Open question

Goals of the lesson
At the end of the lesson:
- You are able to recognize the present continuous
- You can tell when it is used
- You can find it in a text

Slide 29 - Slide

Good bye!

Slide 30 - Slide