Step 1.2 Gender bias

2/ Gender bias
1 / 47
Slide 1: Slide
EngelsSecundair onderwijs

This lesson contains 47 slide, with interactive quiz and text slide.

Items in this lesson

2/ Gender bias

Slide 1 - Slide

Ex. 1
What are assumptions like ‘Boys don’t cry’ called?

Slide 2 - Slide

Ex. 1
What are assumptions like ‘Boys don’t cry’ called?
They are often stereotypes and examples of gender bias because they assume
certain truths about all females or all males without any proof.

Slide 3 - Slide

Ex. 2
Now watch the first part of the video and answer the questions.
a Try to solve the riddle.

Slide 4 - Slide

Can you solve the riddle?

Slide 5 - Poll

Ex. 2
b Watch the answer. Did you guess correctly?
c Why do you think the people in the video didn’t get the answer right?
d What does the word gender mean? What does it involve?

Slide 6 - Slide

Ex. 2
b Watch the answer. Did you guess correctly?
c Why do you think the people in the video didn’t get the answer right?
Because we still primarily think of men in high–end jobs. These jobs are also still mostly filled by men.
d What does the word gender mean? What does it involve?
Gender refers to the characteristics of women, men, girls and boys that are socially
constructed. This includes norms, behaviour and roles associated with being a
woman, man, girl or boy, as well as relationships with each other.

Slide 7 - Slide

Ex. 3
How does this video illustrate gender 
a Try to formulate this in your own words 
using information from the previous 

timing: 10 min.

b Share your opinion with the class. Check the Useful expressions on p. 262.

Slide 8 - Slide

Ex. 4
Read these statements and tick the box that best reflects your opinion.

Slide 9 - Slide

1) We can never fully obtain gender equality.
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree

Slide 10 - Poll

2) Men are the weaker sex.
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree

Slide 11 - Poll

3) We are raising sexist sons and men.
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree

Slide 12 - Poll

4) Women should serve in the military.
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree

Slide 13 - Poll

5) Housewives and mothers should be paid for housework.
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree

Slide 14 - Poll

6) Beauty pageants for women are actually empowering and not sexist.
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree

Slide 15 - Poll

7) Arranged marriages are a valid way to find love.
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree

Slide 16 - Poll

8) A woman has the sole decision in requesting an abortion.
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree

Slide 17 - Poll

9) Men are more aggressive than women.
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree

Slide 18 - Poll

11) Men are better at science while women are better at social sciences.
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree

Slide 19 - Poll

10) Men make better sportsmen.
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree

Slide 20 - Poll

12) Female actresses / models / influencers should not use their femininity to promote themselves / their careers.
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree

Slide 21 - Poll

13) Working mothers hinder their children’s development.
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree

Slide 22 - Poll

14) Men are better in decision-making roles than women.
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree

Slide 23 - Poll

15) Universities need more female teachers while kindergartens need more male teachers.
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree

Slide 24 - Poll

17) Women are better communicators.
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree

Slide 25 - Poll

16) Toys should be gender neutral (for instance dolls are for both boys and girls).
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree

Slide 26 - Poll

18) There are “jobs for men” and “jobs for women”.
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree

Slide 27 - Poll

19) Women are vainer than men.
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree

Slide 28 - Poll

20) Women who dress provocatively cannot complain about the extra attention they get.
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree

Slide 29 - Poll

Ex. 5
Discuss the statements.

a Prepare your discussion:
– Highlight the 3 statements you feel most strongly about.
– Think of 2 reasons for each of the statements why you think this.
– Check the useful expressions in the Summary, p. 262 on ‘How to express your opinion’.

Slide 30 - Slide

b Action: follow this structure in your discussion:
- You have 15 minutes to round up the debate. 
- You each get 5 talking chips. Put a talking chip 
in the middle of your desks if you want to say 
After everyone’s chips are down, you keep debating. This time you can interact and react as you please!
- Speak only English.
- Talk for the full 15 minutes (not only when your teacher is around).

Slide 31 - Slide

Ex. 6
Were you able to find enough valid arguments during your discussion? Let’s try that again, shall we? Watch the video on International Women’s Day history.
a Focus on the numbers below. and write down what the numbers represent.

Slide 32 - Slide

Ex. 6
Were you able to find enough valid arguments during your discussion? Let’s try that again, shall we? Watch the video on International Women’s Day history.
a Focus on the numbers below. and write down what the numbers represent.

8 March is International Women’s Day

Slide 33 - Slide

Ex. 6
Were you able to find enough valid arguments during your discussion? Let’s try that again, shall we? Watch the video on International Women’s Day history.
a Focus on the numbers below. and write down what the numbers represent.

8 March is International Women’s Day
beginning of suffrage

Slide 34 - Slide

Ex. 6
Were you able to find enough valid arguments during your discussion? Let’s try that again, shall we? Watch the video on International Women’s Day history.
a Focus on the numbers below. and write down what the numbers represent.

8 March is International Women’s Day
beginning of suffrage
Women’s Social and Political union is formed

Slide 35 - Slide

Ex. 6
Were you able to find enough valid arguments during your discussion? Let’s try that again, shall we? Watch the video on International Women’s Day history.
a Focus on the numbers below. and write down what the numbers represent.

8 March is International Women’s Day
beginning of suffrage
Women’s Social and Political union is formed
representation of the people act

Slide 36 - Slide

Ex. 6
Were you able to find enough valid arguments during your discussion? Let’s try that again, shall we? Watch the video on International Women’s Day history.
a Focus on the numbers below. and write down what the numbers represent.

8 March is International Women’s Day
beginning of suffrage
Women’s Social and Political union is formed
representation of the people act
Equal Franchise act

Slide 37 - Slide

Ex. 6
Were you able to find enough valid arguments during your discussion? Let’s try that again, shall we? Watch the video on International Women’s Day history.
a Focus on the numbers below. and write down what the numbers represent.

8 March is International Women’s Day
beginning of suffrage
Women’s Social and Political union is formed
representation of the people act
Equal Franchise act
First British female wins an Olympic gold medal.

Slide 38 - Slide

Ex. 6
Were you able to find enough valid arguments during your discussion? Let’s try that again, shall we? Watch the video on International Women’s Day history.
a Focus on the numbers below. and write down what the numbers represent.

8 March is International Women’s Day
beginning of suffrage
Women’s Social and Political union is formed
representation of the people act
Equal Franchise act
First British female wins an Olympic gold medal.
Sex Discrimination act

Slide 39 - Slide

Ex. 6
Were you able to find enough valid arguments during your discussion? Let’s try that again, shall we? Watch the video on International Women’s Day history.
a Focus on the numbers below. and write down what the numbers represent.

8 March is International Women’s Day
beginning of suffrage
Women’s Social and Political union is formed
representation of the people act
Equal Franchise act
First British female wins an Olympic gold medal.
Sex Discrimination act
years since Women’s Union was established that the UK had a female prime minister

Slide 40 - Slide

Ex. 7
Try to define the following concepts as they are explained in the video.
a Gender equality:
b Suffrage:
c Stereotype:

Slide 41 - Slide

Ex. 7
Try to define the following concepts as they are explained in the video.
a Gender equality: regardless of gender, everyone is granted the same rights, privileges
and access to opportunities.
b Suffrage:
c Stereotype:

Slide 42 - Slide

Ex. 7
Try to define the following concepts as they are explained in the video.
a Gender equality: regardless of gender, everyone is granted the same rights, privileges
and access to opportunities.
b Suffrage: the right to vote in political elections
c Stereotype:

Slide 43 - Slide

Ex. 7
Try to define the following concepts as they are explained in the video.
a Gender equality: regardless of gender, everyone is granted the same rights, privileges
and access to opportunities.
b Suffrage: the right to vote in political elections (kiesrecht)
c Stereotype: a generalised opinion of a person or a group of people

Slide 44 - Slide

Ex. 8
Women’s rights around the world.
a Preparation:
• Click on the interactive map for ‘Women’s rights around the world'.
• Find a country or region in the world that violates the principles of gender equality in one
or more ways. Maybe they still have laws that prove we still need International Women’s
• Make sure you do your research!
b Action: collect the information you found in the table below. Discuss what you found with your

Slide 45 - Slide


Slide 46 - Slide

Ex. 9
 What questions do you still have regarding gender bias that you would like to ask your

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