BO1 session 3

SLB+BO1 Session 3 
Try to explain the item on your card to the person next to you. Start with a difficult hint and make them easier as you continue.
- It is a thing you use in the house.
- You use it in the bathroom.
- You usually use it in the morning and evening.
- You put something on it before you use it.
- You use it to clean your teeth.

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Slide 1: Slide
TaalHBOStudiejaar 1

This lesson contains 29 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 60 min

Items in this lesson

SLB+BO1 Session 3 
Try to explain the item on your card to the person next to you. Start with a difficult hint and make them easier as you continue.
- It is a thing you use in the house.
- You use it in the bathroom.
- You usually use it in the morning and evening.
- You put something on it before you use it.
- You use it to clean your teeth.

Slide 1 - Slide

How are you feeling today?

Slide 2 - Quiz

30 mins SLB, 30 min mentor talks
  • School visits 
  • Stagemarkt 
  • Application / motivation letter
  • WPL 2e graads (check BS course selector WPL1)

Slide 3 - Slide

Who has already got an up-to-date CV and the draft for a motivation/application letter

Slide 4 - Poll

Slide 5 - Slide

Any questions so far about SLB? Or suggestions for what you would like us to discuss next time?

Slide 6 - Open question

Next 40 minutes: Mentor talks
Already had your mentor talk? Use the time to 
  • make or improve your CV
  • write or improve your letter of application/motivation letter
  • fine-tune your mini-lesson (homework)
  • Get yourself a cup of coffee/tea
  • Socialize

Slide 7 - Slide

BO1 Session 3 today:
  • Recap of last week and discussion of homework
  • Role number 3: The Methodologist

Slide 8 - Slide

Recap of last week: The host and the presenter
Left: disagree                                                                                                       Right: agree

  • A good host always stands at the door.
  • The role of the host is more important than the role of the presenter.
  • Body language is more important than words.
  • A good lesson doesn’t always need an aim (or outcome).
  • Teachers can decide on their own rules in their classroom
  • There are big differences in the roles of host and presenter at the HvA and at secondary schools.

Slide 9 - Slide

BO1 Session 3
AIM: At the end of this lesson, students are able to give a detailed explanation of the role of the methodologist
SC: Students can describe and identify basic characteristics of the 
SC: Students can translate at least 3 of the behavioural indicators to practice
SC: Students can describe the three phases of a lesson
SC: Students can explain the importance of a well-structured lesson
SC: Students can explain what questions should be addressed when giving 
        complete instructions

Slide 10 - Slide

Quick check: Who can list at least 5 of the 9 behavioural indicators/effective behaviour of the methodologist?

Slide 11 - Poll

Which one of these is not a behavioural indicator of the methodologist?
The teacher gives instruction and makes use of visualisation.
The teacher activates the students' thinking proces by asking questions.
The teacher makes sure all students have their books with them.
The teacher gives feedback on the answers given.

Slide 12 - Quiz

And another. Which one of these is not a behavioural indicator of the methodologist?
The teacher leaves the classroom to get a cup of coffee.
The teacher makes use of simple didactic activities.
The teacher does not disturb the learning process but observes how students work
The teacher gives relevant feedback on students' work while they are working.

Slide 13 - Quiz

And the last one. Which ones are not behavioural indicators of the methodologist?
The teacher teaches at the correct level.
The teacher asks the students to make their learning visible.
The teacher makes sure the work of all students is checked twice during class.
The teacher checks all technology is working before class.

Slide 14 - Quiz

The methodologist
Elaborate role to learn, focus on level 1 for now: Observe and understand

In the future: 
BO2: Lesson phases
BO3: Forms of interaction in the classroom, asking questions at the right level and activating 
BO4: Different lesson phasing, task based learning
BO5: Differentiation 

Slide 15 - Slide

Summary of the methodologist
WHO to teach
WHAT to teach
HOW to teach (gives instructions, models, chooses didactic activities)
LENGTH of activities and what to do when finished
the HELP needed

Slide 16 - Slide

Indicator 1
The teacher gives instructions (explains, models, thinks out loud) and makes use of visualisation.

The teacher gives an example how to approach the assignment. Shows the students how (s)he would do it and explains the steps to take. Points out typical pitfalls.

Slide 17 - Slide

Indicator 2
The teacher activates the students' thinking process by asking questions at different levels.
  • Do the students understand what to do? 
  • Do the students understand what has been explained? 
  • Do the students master the content of the lesson? 
  • Have the students achieved the aim of the lesson?
Bloom's taxonomy comes in very handy here!

Slide 18 - Slide

Indicator 3
The teacher gives  feedback on student answers.

Effective feedback = SMART feedback
Positive feedback (what is 'good'?)
Constructive feedback (what would be even better if....?)

Slide 19 - Slide

Indicator 4
The teacher gives complete instruction so students can work independently
RESULT + what next?

Slide 20 - Slide

Indicator 5
The teacher makes use of simple and effective  didactic activities.

The teacher encourages pair or group work

Slide 21 - Slide

Indicator 6
The teacher observes and monitors the (individual) learning process without interrupting. 

The teacher moves around the classroom while students work (individually). Identifies what goes well and what needs action.

Slide 22 - Slide

Indicator 7
The teacher gives useful and effective feedback on the students' learning approach and process. 

The comments are meant to encourage students to continue their own learning process. Let them know what they are doing well and ask reflective questions to improve their learning.

Slide 23 - Slide

Indicator 8
The teacher teaches at the right level

The teacher adjusts language to student level. Asks questions to get down to student level. Differentiating.

Slide 24 - Slide

Indicator 9
The teacher makes students show their learning.

The teacher lets students show their learning verbally or in writing/digitally to get find out if the lesson aim has been achieved. Is re-teaching needed? Can the next level be approached? 

Slide 25 - Slide

Discussing today's prep work
The assignment was: 

  • Read chapter 6 (6 rollen) about the methodologist
       - Design a mini-lesson (5 minutes max.) for your peers in which you include at least 5 of the 
          9 behavioural indicators described in the book 6 Rollen (translate them to ‘actions’). 
        - Your mini-lesson should be about something very simple (how to draw a house, fold a 
           paper plane, do a dance, etc.)

Slide 26 - Slide

I can give a detailed explanation of the methodologist

Slide 27 - Poll

What do you need to achieve the aim of this lesson?

Slide 28 - Open question

Next week
BO1: Preparation:
•    Read chapter 7 about the role of the pedagogue
•    Watch this short film about the pedagogical climate: 
•    Watch this film: and note down actions you see and which you can link to what you have read in chapter 7 of De zes rollen van de leraar. Bring your notes to class

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