
9.1.1 The Armed Peace -TEACH-

9.1: World War 1: The Armed Peace

9. The Time of World Wars
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HistoryMiddelbare schoolhavo, vwoLeerjaar 3

This lesson contains 55 slides, with interactive quizzes, text slides and 2 videos.

Items in this lesson

9.1: World War 1: The Armed Peace

9. The Time of World Wars

Slide 1 - Slide

people in this lesson
Wilhelm II
German Empire
Franz Joseph II
von Schlieffen
German Empire

Slide 2 - Slide

Start of the Lesson Task:
Read the text "The Belle Époque".
Which phrase from the text best describes the mood of the time?

Slide 3 - Open question

name an invention that we have today,
but wasn't invented in 1900 yet.

Slide 4 - Mind map

name an invention that existed in 1900,
but wasn't invented in 1800 yet.

Slide 5 - Mind map

Age 9: The Time of World Wars
1900 - 1950
  1. WW1  and  the Interbellum
  2. Totalitarian ideologies: communism, fascism and National-Socialism
  3. WW2 and the occupation of the Netherlands
  4. Racism and discimination leading to genocide in the Holocaust

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Lesson 9.1.1 The Armed Peace

  • The world around 1900: the Belle Epoch (the beautiful age)
  • New inventions: radio, film, airplane, car

Causes of WW1
  • Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, Nationalism (MAIN)
  • The Balkans: the powder keg of Europe
  • Germany’s plan of war: the Schlieffenplan.

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Paris during the Belle Epoque. The Eiffel Tower was built in 1887 - '89

Belle Epoch

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Constructing the Eiffel Tower (1887)

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New technology around 1900
radio 1895
airplane 1903
film 1895
color photography 1907

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Nightlife in Paris. During the Belle Époque, Paris was the cultural heart of Europe. Painting by Henri Gerveux, 1909.

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Factory around 1900

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Start of the class task:
Work in pairs or triplets

Write down one conclusion you can draw
about the arms race using the information in
the source

Slide 14 - Open question

Lesson 9.1.1 The Armed Peace

  • The world around 1900: the Belle Epoch (the beautiful age)
  • New inventions: radio, film, airplane, car

Causes of WW1
  • Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, Nationalism (MAIN)
  • The Balkans: the powder keg of Europe
  • Germany’s plan of war: the Schlieffenplan.

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  • more than one
  • further back in time

Direct cause:
  • only one
  • the event that triggers the start of the war
Causes of WW1

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Causes and the Direct Cause of WW1
M = Militarism (+ arms race)

A = Alliances

I = Imperialism

N = Nationalism

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1. Militarism
  • Glorifying the army: European nations were proud of their armies and liked to show weapons, uniforms, parades.

Causes of WW1

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2. Alliances
  • Countries made alliances to form a stronger block
  • Triple Entente: France, Britain and Russia
  • Triple Alliance: Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy

Causes of WW1

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Finish the map in your notebook.
Write under the map:

At the beginning of WW1:
Triple Entente          the ALLIES
Triple Alliance          the CENTRAL POWERS

Bulgaria and Turkey join the Central Powers
Italy switches sides and joins the Allies (1915).

In the map:
  1. Shade (arceer) the countries Bulgaria and Turkey in the same color that you gave the Triple Alliance countries.
  2. Shade Italy with the color of the Triple Entente countries.


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Being in an alliance has advantages and disadvantages.
Write down 1 advantage and 1 disadvantage.

Write it like this:
advantage: ........
disadvantage: ........

Slide 23 - Open question

Study the source.
What disadvantage of an alliance does this
source illustrate?

Slide 24 - Open question


3. Imperialism
  • European countries wanted to get colonies in Africa and Asia for resources and status.
  • Germany demanded its "place under the sun" . As a new country it felt that it had missed the chance to get colonies. Now Germany wanted to catch up.

Causes of WW1

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"The Scramble for Africa" was the occupation and colonization of the African continent by the major European powers between 1880 and 1914.

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Study this map.
Which two European countries
had the most colonial territory
in Africa in 1913?

Slide 27 - Open question

Emperor Wilhelm II with the Navy flag, eagle, sword and crown, and a warship in the background. German postcard, dated 1910.


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Start of the class task:
Work in pairs or triplets

Study this source. It is about imperialism
Explain what the artist meant with this cartoon.

Slide 29 - Open question



4. Nationalism
  • Europeans were very proud of their own nation
  • They felt that they were better than other nations
  • They felt that they should have more power than other nations

Causes of WW1

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Humiliating the French in 1871:
German emperor Wilhelm I is crowned 
in the French palace of Versailles...

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Before 1871 Germany consisted of several German states. Of these, Prussia (Pruissen) was the biggest and most powerful.
After the war with France the king of Prussia became the emperor of the united German empire.

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6. Give two reasons why, in France particularly,
there were strong nationalistic feelings.

Slide 33 - Open question

7. In your own words, explain the heading of this section: ‘The Armed Peace’.

Slide 34 - Open question

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The Balkans

Germany had made an alliance with Austria-Hungary; though a powerful empire, it had internal problems. It was a large, multi-ethnic state and many peoples wanted to have their own nation state. But the Austrian-Hungarian emperor wanted to increase his influence in the Balkan area. He claimed Bosnia, which made the Serbian population very angry. The nationalists of Serbia dreamed of uniting Bosnia and Serbia together into a big Serbian sovereign state. They already had Russia as their ally. Because of all the tension, the Balkan area was called ‘the powder keg of Europe’. It is not so strange that the direct cause of World War I came from here.

‘Balkan Troubles’. The heads of the European empires sitting on a tinder box. Political cartoon in a British magazine, 1912.

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21. Study the source.
Why was the Balkan area known as the
powder keg of Europe?
Use an element of the source in your answer.

Slide 37 - Open question

Slide 38 - Video

22. To identify the four main causes of the World War I, the word MAIN can help you.
If you break the word apart, every letter is the first letter of a main cause. Of each, explain why this was a cause of WW1.
- Militarism
- Alliances
- Imperialism
- Nationalism
If you already made a note about this, you can just reply: see notes!

Slide 39 - Open question

Finally, here you can write down a question about
something from this lesson that you don't fully understand yet.

Slide 40 - Open question

The Schlieffen Plan

German general von Schlieffen knew that his country would face a hard time fighting a two-front war with France and Russia. Because of this, he devised a strategy. According to his plan, the Germans started to built up railways from the Western border towards the Eastern. In case of war he would send his troops to France first, because he expected that the Russians would need weeks, maybe months to prepare their army for war. He predicted that he could defeat the French within a few weeks, because he would surprise them. The German army would evade the strongly defended French-German border by passing through Belgium. He predicted that the Belgians would let the German army pass through so it could invade northern France and head straight for Paris. He also expected that the French would surrender after their capital was lost. The German soldiers would then be put on trains towards the Eastern Front to fight the Russians. The strategy was named after the general and became known as the Schlieffen Plan.

general Alfred von Schlieffen

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Start of the Lesson Task:
1. Why did Germany want to avoid fighting a two-front war?
2. What two-front war were they facing?
3. And how did they plan to prevent a two-front war?

Slide 42 - Open question

Slide 43 - Video


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The Alliances
summarizing the Alliances and their ambitions and concerns

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  • democratic monarchy
  • colonial empire where "the sun never sets"
  • largest navy (needed to protect the empire)
  • does not want Germany to build a larger navy
1. Great Britain
The Allies

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  • democratic republic
  • lost Alsace-Lorraine to Germany in 1871 
  • wants revenge
  • fears growing military power of Germany
2. France
The Allies

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  • absolute monarchy (emperor Nicholas II)
  • large, but backward country (90% peasants)
  • no modern industry
3. Russia
The Allies

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  • absolute monarchy (emperor Wilhelm II)
  • only one state since the unification of 1871
  • wants "it's place under the sun" (= colonies)
  • modern industry
  • largest army
  • wants to build larger fleet than Britain
1. Germany
The central Powers

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  • absolute monarchy (emperor Franz Joseph)
  • internal problems (multi-ethnic state)
  • no modern industry, no colonies
  • has annexed (= conquered) Bosnia
2. Austria-Hungary
The central Powers

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  • an empire in decline 
  • had lost much territory on the Balkans
3. Ottoman Empire
The central Powers

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  • Only joined the Central Powers during WW1 (1915)
  • had a score to settle with Serbia
4. Bulgaria
The central Powers

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Nation, state, nationalism, ethnic group
  • a nation (volk) is a group of people that feel connected because they share the same language, religion, history, culture.
  • examples: The Dutch, The Spanish, Turks, Poles, Chinese etc.

  • a state is the territory (with boundaries, infrastructure and a government) in which a nation lives.
  • examples: The Netherlands, Spain, Turkey, Poland etc.

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Nation, state, nationalism, ethnic group
  • Nationalism: a strong love for one's own nation. The feeling that one's own nation is the best. 

  • nationality: the status of belonging to a particular nation by birth or naturalization.

  • Ethnic group : a group of the population that, in a larger society, is set apart and bound together because they share race, language, nationality, or culture.

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Siemens vacuum cleaner, 1906

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