vwo1, unit 6 lesson 2, second lesson

Welcome  1R! The lesson will start at 9:50.
Wednesday 19 May 2021
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Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 1

This lesson contains 22 slides, with interactive quizzes, text slides and 3 videos.

Items in this lesson

Welcome  1R! The lesson will start at 9:50.
Wednesday 19 May 2021

Slide 1 - Slide

  • Review the Past Simple tense
  • Learn useful phrases for debating
  • The student can talk about past events and discuss them with the group.
  • The student can explain why he likes (or doesn't like) something.
  • The student can take part in a debate.

Slide 2 - Slide

Measures to handle pandemic

Slide 3 - Mind map

Mia and Jai talked about the lockdown in 2020
Watch the film and answer the questions in full sentences in the Past Simple tense.
  1. Was Singapore in lockdown when Mia and Jai were chatting?
  2. What was different than normal during the lock down in Singapore? Give some examples.
  3. What did Mia discover during the lockdown?
  4. What did Jai want to finish up in lockdown?
  5. Who of the two teenagers was satisfied with the way the government handled the pandemic?


Slide 4 - Slide

Slide 5 - Video

1. Was Singapore in lockdown when Mia and Jai were chatting?

Slide 6 - Open question

2. What was different than normal during the lock down in Singapore? Give some examples.

Slide 7 - Open question

4. What did Jai want to finish up in lockdown?

Slide 8 - Open question

3. What did Mia discover during the lockdown?

Slide 9 - Open question

Who of the two teenagers was satisfied with the way the government handled the pandemic?

Slide 10 - Open question

Copy the link and paste it on another tab. Then enjoy the quiz!

Regular verbs: add -ed

Slide 11 - Slide

Irregular verbs -> learn by heart
Copy the link and paste it on another tab. Then enjoy the quiz!


TIP: Check online dictionary like Cambridge, Oxford,...


Slide 12 - Slide

Past Simple
  • I learnt them by heart.
  • Did you learn them by heart?
  • You did not (didn't) learn it by heart.

Slide 13 - Slide

More explanation in Dutch?
More challenging exercises?

Slide 14 - Slide


Slide 15 - Video

Do exercise 12, p.244 or online

Slide 16 - Slide

Listen to the song and fill in the gaps.
Step 1: Put on your earphones.
Step 2: Copy and past the link in a new tab. Click 'Open this website in a new tab'.
Step 3: 'Press here to start the game'
Step 4: Don't create a free account, click 'May be later'
Step 5: Play the video and fill in the gaps. If you don't know an answer, click NEXT , you'll see the answer 

Slide 17 - Slide


Slide 18 - Video

Useful phrases for debating
Are there new words for you? 

Do you know how to pronounce them?

Slide 19 - Slide

What? Discuss measures of different countries to contain COVID-19.
How? Work in groups of four. 
  • Step 1 (5 minutes): Each pupil searches for information about the corona policies of a country that you think it had the best corona policies in 2020. Make a pitch of around 1 minute about the policies and explain why they are the best.
  • Step 2 (2 minutes x 4 pupils): Give your pitch and try to stand up for your choice. Other members can interupt you, but they must not interupt you in your first minute of speaking. After your presentation, listen carefully to other members and attack them. 
  • Step 3 (2 minutes): Each group discusses and chooses a country with the best corona policies and explain why.
Time? 20 minutes
Help? internet, your group members, useful phrases for debating
Result? Every pupil has a chance to give a presentation for at least 1 minute. A choice is made and supported with good arguments.
Finished? Act out the debate

Slide 20 - Slide

Evaluation + Homework
Finish up exercise 9, 10, 11 + Do 'Test yourself'
Learn everything in unit 6 lesson 2

Slide 21 - Slide

Slide 22 - Link