4HV- Week 5 English - Essay Prep 2

4HV - Week 5 English - Essay Prep 2
Today we have a double hour, but short: 40 min each so 80 min total 
Please sit down, get out your laptop and Extremely Loud Book
We start with 10 min reading time
Good to see you!
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Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 4

This lesson contains 20 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 80 min

Items in this lesson

4HV - Week 5 English - Essay Prep 2
Today we have a double hour, but short: 40 min each so 80 min total 
Please sit down, get out your laptop and Extremely Loud Book
We start with 10 min reading time
Good to see you!

Slide 1 - Slide

Just a quick reminder
Gold Experience
Chapter test is coming (probably 20 oktober!)
Plan Accordingly!
(you can expect a practice test next week...)

Slide 2 - Slide

Today you will..
  1. ...review what you know about authentic questions
  2. ... explore the book with the help of an authentic question
  3. ... understand more about writing a literary essay
  4. ... start writing your essay.

Slide 3 - Slide

A quick review: What makes a question authentic? How is that different from another type of question?

Slide 4 - Open question

  • Nagaan wat de antwoorden zijn
  • Kies er een paar uit
  • Bewaar antwoorden
  • Nog vragen over authentic questions? 

Slide 5 - Slide

"Why are there weird pages in the book?"
Why are there weird pages in the book?

Slide 6 - Slide

Verdeel klas in groepjes en geef uitleg
  • 10 min de tijd om te discusseren over de gekozen/gekregen gekke pagina
  • kader geven qua geluid
  • waar ik ben  - loop rond om aan te moedigen en te faciliteren
  • timer aanzetten

Slide 7 - Slide

1. Pages with only one sentence

2. Pages with photo’s that reappear multiple times

3. Pages with unique photographs… (that do not reappear)

4. Regular printed pages that are annotated in red or with crossed out words (like p. 170-172 or p. 208-216)

5. Pages where writing is scattered or clustered (p. 203-207 or p. 273-284)

6. Pages in colour (p. 47-49 and p. 63)

7. Pages with nothing

8. Pages with only numbers (pp. 269-271)

9. Any other weird pages?

Slide 8 - Slide

The Assignment
Lets take a look at it

Slide 9 - Slide

What is a literary essay ?

Slide 10 - Open question

A literary essay is really an analysis of a literary work, in this case: our book Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close.

It is not merely a summary. Instead, it is an argument about the work that expresses a writer's (that's you guys) personal perspective, interpretation, judgment, or critical evaluation of the book.
A literary essay is really an analysis of a literary work, in this case: our book Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close.

It is not merely a summary. Instead, it is an argument about the work that expresses a reader's (that's you guys) personal perspective, interpretation, judgment, or critical evaluation of the book.

Slide 11 - Slide

How should a literary essay look?

Slide 12 - Open question

It should have these 3 elements:

1. An introduction that tells the reader what your essay will focus on.

2. A main body, divided into paragraphs, that builds an argument using evidence from the text.

3. A conclusion that clearly states the main point that you have shown with your analysis.

Slide 13 - Slide

Which essay assignment are you going for?
1: Characters & isolation (HV)
2. Meet the Blacks (HV)
3. Oskar's emotional opposites (HV/VWO)
4. Oskar's learning curve(HV/VWO)

Slide 14 - Poll

Was this also the topic you picked last night?

Who changed their topic after today's continued lesson on authentic questions?

Slide 15 - Slide

Homework for next week Thursday
  • Write the Introduction to your Essay - Word document handed in via Magister 

Slide 16 - Slide

Individual Essay Writing Time

Slide 17 - Slide

Looking back on this lesson

Slide 18 - Open question

Homework for next week Thursday
  • Write the Introduction to your Essay - Word document handed in via Magister 
  • Prepare for a Practice test on Chapter 1 (Gold)

Slide 19 - Slide

Have a lovely Weekend!

Slide 20 - Slide