Presentations 4M

Presentations 4M
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EngelsSpeciaal OnderwijsLeerroute 5

This lesson contains 6 slides, with text slides.

Items in this lesson

Presentations 4M

Slide 1 - Slide

Dit verwerk je in je presentatie:
- Hoofdstuk 1: Dromen over later (de punten die je hebt verwerkt in je verslag, licht je kort toe)
- Hoofdstuk 2: Leef je droom uit (Vertel kort wie je hebt geïnterviewd of waar je hebt meegelopen, wat heb je hiervan geleerd?)

Slide 2 - Slide

- Hoofdstuk 3 en Hoofdstuk 4 : Wie ben ik? Wat past bij mij?
Licht kort toe wat er uit de persoonlijkheidstest, competentietest, beroepentest en studiekeuzetest kwam. Licht toe hoe dit past bij jouw keuze.
- Hoofdstuk 5 en Hoofdstuk 6: Rol droombaan in Nederland en buiten Nederland. 
Vertel welke aanvulling dit beroep heeft in de Nederlandse maatschappij maar ook in het gekozen land buiten Nederland.

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  • You will present in English.
  • You will present on your own.
  • The presentation will be given during class time.
  • You will be allocated a slot in week .....
  • Each person should present for about 5 minutes. 
  • You are not allowed to read out during your presentation, so you will either learn your part by heart or bring a cheat sheet/cue cards with the most important points. (5 words per person maximum)
  • You will stand in front of the classroom while presenting. 

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What should your Powerpoint look like?

  • Making a Powerpoint presentation is mandatory.
  • Your Powerpoint presentation should at least contain the following slides:
  • - a title slide including what you are presenting about, your names and class (and probably a photo/picture)
  • - a contents page including what you are going to talk about during your presentation
  • - a couple of slides containing information about the topic/subtopics (de hoofdstukken)
  • - a slide containing the question whether there are any questions
  • - a final slide with some sort of conclusion
  • Powerpoints should not contain (too many) complete sentences, use key words.
  • Powerpoints should contain pictures/photos to support your presentation
  • Powerpoints should be in (correct) English.

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How will your presentations be graded?

  • I will grade your presentation.
  • You will be graded on: use of English (vocabulary, grammar, sentence structure, fluency, pronunciation), production strategies, content, whether you've followed the assignment properly (time, powerpoint, working together) and presentation skills
  • Marks will be returned in the week after the final presentations.  

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