1MHV Period 5 Grammar herhaling

1MHV Period 5 Grammar herhaling
- SOME/ANY uitleg
- Present Simple, Present Continuous uitleg
- Oefeningen
1 / 18
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EngelsVoortgezet speciaal onderwijsLeerroute 1

This lesson contains 18 slides, with text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 15 min

Items in this lesson

1MHV Period 5 Grammar herhaling
- SOME/ANY uitleg
- Present Simple, Present Continuous uitleg
- Oefeningen

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Wanneer gebruiken we: Any of Some
1. Bevestigende zin -> SOME
(+) I need to add some flour.

2. Ontkennende en vragende zin -> ANY
(-) I don't need to add any flour.
(?) Do I need to add any flour.

Slide 2 - Slide

- Is it an offer or request? (aanbod of verzoek)  / You expect the answer to be a 'YES'(verwacht je JA als een antwoord)
 (?) Would you like some tea?
- When it doesn't matter which
(+) You can sit on any chair you'd like.

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- things we do often and that are our hobbies (dingen dat we met regelmaat doen en zijn onze hobby's)
- things that are always true -facts (feiten)
- things we like or dislike (dingen dat we leuk of juist niet leuk vinden)

I play tennis 3 times a week.
The Sun rises on the East and sets on the West.
Sacha likes tea but doesn't like coffee. 

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1. Bij SHE/HE/IT zetten we -s op het eind van het werkwoord (SHIT RULE!)
She plays piano every day.
Marcel drinks coffee every morning.
My dog always eats at 8 p.m.

2. Bij I, WE, THEY, YOU blijft het werkwoord gewoon hoe het is
They play piano every day.
Marcel and John drink coffee every morning.
My dogs always eat at 8 p.m.

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1. Bij SHE/HE/IT moet je doesn't voor het werkwoord zetten 
en het is geen s meer achter het werkwoord
She doesn't live in this house.
John doesn't love me.

2. Bij I, WE, THEY, YOU moet je don't voor het werkwoord zetten
en het is geen s achter het werkwoord
They don't live in this house.
John and Jane don't love coffee.

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1. bij SHE/HE/IT moet je DOES in het begin van de zin zetten
en het werkwoord heeft geen s meer!
Does she live in this house?
Does John love me?

2. Bij I, WE, THEY, YOU moet je DO in het begin van de zin zetten
en het werkwoord heeft geen s
Do they live in this house?
Do John and Jane love coffee?

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Present Simple
1. Lucy ________ (like) tea but she __________ (love) coffee.
2. I _________(not drink) tea.
3. _______ they _______ (love) rock music?
4. She _____________ (not drive) a car.
5. The dog ___________ (not eat) vegetables.
6. ________ John ________(fly) to London every week?
7. They ________ (walk) very fast.

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Present Continuous
am/is/are VERB+ing

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Present Continuous
- When we want to say what is happening RIGHT NOW 

Signal words: now, right now, at the moment, as we speak
AND if you are describing a photo!!
I am drinking coffee right now.
Tijn is writing in his notebook at the moment.
Loes and Roos are daydreaming about lunch.

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Verb to be:
I -> am writing
he/she/it -> is writing
they/we/you -> are writing

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Ontkennende zin Present Continuous

I am not speaking English. 
Floor is not/isn't writing in her notebook.
You are not/aren't listening to the teacher.

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Vragende zin Present Continuous

Am I speaking English right now?
Is Floor writing in her notebook?
Are you listening to the teacher?

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Present Simple vs Present Continuous
1. She __________ (like) coffee but as we speak she ___________ (drink) tea.
2. The students _____________ (run) 5km at the moment.
3. We always _________ (write) a lot during our English class. But right now we ___________ (listen).
4. It ________ (get) dark every day at 5p.m. already. Look! It is 4:50 and the sun _____________ (set). 

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TODAY: Revision
Online exercises
Study the words

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Check your notes, workbooks...
1. What do you know about when do we use words SOME or ANY?
2. What is Present Simple? When do we use it? Give an example (bevestigende, vragende en ontkennende zin)
- What is Present Continuous? When do we use it? Give an example (bevestigende, vragende en ontkennende zin)
3. Prepositions (voorzetsels). Choose 4 prepositions from your workbook and create 4 sentences with it. 

Slide 17 - Slide

1. SOME/ANY exercise: https://www.internationalschooltutors.de/English/activities/grammar/multi2/some.html
2. Present Simple vs Present Continuous
3. DONE? DO -> Leerblad op WIRED, Reading, listening op WIRED
Study the words

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