Pruiken en revoluties - Les 2

- What do I need to know for the test?

- Where did we left off last week?

- Paragraph 2.3: The French Revolution, part I
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This lesson contains 14 slides, with text slides.

Items in this lesson

- What do I need to know for the test?

- Where did we left off last week?

- Paragraph 2.3: The French Revolution, part I

Slide 1 - Slide

Need to know for the test..
- Provincial states and what they do
- The system of voting in the States-general and why not every province had an equal vote
- peace of munster and how it made The dutch republic a sovereign state
- What did maurice and Oldenbarnevelt fight about?
- When was the twelve years truce?

Slide 2 - Slide

Need to know for the test..
- How did holland became so wealthy?
- VOC and stock exchange
- Why did many Jews fled to the Republic? 
- freedom of conscience
- absolutism
- What makes King Louis XIV of France a absolute king?
- What happened during the Disaster Year?

Slide 3 - Slide

What do you remember from last week?

Slide 4 - Slide

Slide 5 - Slide

Slide 6 - Slide

2.3 Revolution in France: What happened?!

Slide 7 - Slide

An empty treasury
Expensive wars led to immense debt for France.
In 1789 King Louis XVI summoned the Estates-General (Staten-Generaal) to find a way to pay off the debt via taxing the first and second estate. 

This was the first time since 1654 that the Estates-General had been summoned, so it was a big deal!

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The French estate system
France had a estate system (klassen systeem): A system where the population is divided into estates with their own rights and duties.

First estate: Clergy  
Second estate: Nobility  
Third estate: rest of the people

Third estate were farmers or prominent citizens or labourers.

Slide 9 - Slide

First two estates had many privileges:
- Only nobleman could become army officers
- Did not had to pay taxes to the king 

Only the third estate had to pay taxes. Not only directly but also over the price of food, which made life very expensive

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The Estates-General meet
1789: States-General comes together in Versailles.
Disagreement about the way of voting
Each estate had one vote. Does that sound fair to you?

The third estate declares themselves the National Assembly (Nationale Vergadering), they now represent the French people

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The National Assembly abolished all privileges of the 1st and 2nd estate. 

In september 1791 the constitution (grondwet) was completed
France became a constitutional monarchy (constitutionele monarchie)
>> What does this mean?

Slide 13 - Slide

Work independently 

Slide 14 - Slide