Keuzedeel 5/3/19

Word of the Day
Ballyhoo (bal·​ly·​hoo)

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Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMBOStudiejaar 2,3

This lesson contains 20 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 50 min

Items in this lesson

Word of the Day
Ballyhoo (bal·​ly·​hoo)

Slide 1 - Slide

Word of the Day
Ballyhoo (bal·​ly·​hoo)

A noisy attention-getting demonstration or talk.

Slide 2 - Slide

  • Wat doe je?
  • Hoe pak je deze tekst aan?
  • Waar kijk je naar voordat je de tekst lees?


Slide 3 - Slide

Which city is the text about?

Slide 4 - Quiz

Where do you have to go to see the
Millennium Wheel, the Tower Bridge and
the Tower of London?

Slide 5 - Open question

What can you see at 11 O'clock in Buckingham Palace?

Slide 6 - Open question

What is the Millennium Wheel
also called?

Slide 7 - Open question

What does it say?
The group leader cannot go on the trip of Saturday.
The trip to London will take place on a different day.
Miriam will not be able to visit London at the weekend.

Slide 8 - Quiz

What does it say?
Anyone can visit the private rooms from 10am to 2pm.
You can get your membership cards from the Private Rooms between 10am and 2pm.
Only members can visit the Private Rooms from 10am to 2pm.

Slide 9 - Quiz

What does it say?
The water fitness classes are free to people who swim ten times in a month.
This month, you can go to Water Fitness Classes and use the swimming pool ten times without paying.
The swimming pool is free to people who go to the Water Fitness Classes.

Slide 10 - Quiz

What does it say?
Jess will meet Tom at the bar.
Tom should go to the restaurant without Jess.
Jess can’t go to the restaurant. She will meet Tom at the bar.

Slide 11 - Quiz

What should people at
the restaurant do first?
Go to the bar
Find a table
Pay for their food

Slide 12 - Quiz

What does it say?
You need a special type of ticket if you travel regularly.
Cheaper tickets are available for people who travel often.
The Super Weekly Saver ticket can help all travellers to save money.

Slide 13 - Quiz

Students who do
not sign up before
Friday lunchtime...
will not be able to do afternoon activities next week.
will have to work in the afternoons next week.
won’t be able to choose their afternoon activities next week.

Slide 14 - Quiz

Wat heb je geleerd deze les?
Wat ging goed en wat kon nog beter?

Slide 15 - Open question

Aan welke vaardigheid wil jij nog werken?
(Schrijven, lezen, spreken, luisteren)

Slide 16 - Open question

You are going to make a presenation/vlog/play about a city of your own choise. You can pick any city of an English speaking country

Slide 17 - Slide

Step 1
Go and look up some information about 5 interesting landmarks in the city you choose and write them down.

Slide 18 - Slide

Step 2
You are going to work towards the final product. By answering the questions below you are going to make a pitch about your chosen city.

Question 1
You are going to work together with a classmate. Brainstorm together about the city you choose. What do you know about London and what do you know about the ways of transport in this city?
Question 2
Figure out together what kind of landmarks or attractions you would like to visit. Create a top three together of the most attractive landmarks to go to.
Question 3
Collect usefull information about your top three landmarks and attractions. Write down this information, using your own words!

For example, look up what you can do in this attraction or what the opening times are of the attraction. You can use the internet.
Question 4
Use the information that you wrote down in question 1, 2 and 3. You are going to make a pitch about these attractions. You should include the following points:

- at least three attractions

- the ways of transport used to travel

- the prices of the attractions


Your final product, the pitch, shoud be 1 minute long. We will do the presentations of you final product in next weeks class, so bring all the materials you need to class.

Slide 19 - Slide

Use the information that you wrote down in question 1, 2 and 3. You are going to make a pitch about these attractions. You should include the following points:

- at least three attractions
- the ways of transport used to travel
- the prices of the attractions

Your final product, the pitch, shoud be 1 minute long. We will do the presentations of you final product in next weeks class, so bring all the materials you need to class.

Slide 20 - Slide