Ted talks lessons

 havo 5 - First class
Getting to know you and TedTalk start

Karen van der Eng-Özcan
1 / 69
Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 5

This lesson contains 69 slide, with interactive quiz and text slide.

time-iconLesson duration is: 120 min

Items in this lesson

 havo 5 - First class
Getting to know you and TedTalk start

Karen van der Eng-Özcan

Slide 1 - Slide

Getting to know each other

Slide 2 - Slide

You know each other by now but I don't yet

So bear with me
I want to get to know you a bit

Slide 3 - Slide

Please share a picture from your reel or a picture you can pull from the internet that tells me something about yourself (you have 1 minute)

Slide 4 - Open question


Slide 5 - Open question

Introduce each other to me

> Name, age, background, fun fact
> You'll do so in English of course
> Do you need  a minute to prepare or do you have all the info you need in your head?

Slide 6 - Slide

Thank you!
Now let's get started with the first order of business: spreekvaardigheid schoolexamen

Slide 7 - Slide

Welcome to 5havo
English class

Karen van der Eng-Özcan

Slide 8 - Slide

The year in SE's
> Tedtalk (spreekvaardigheid SE) - periode 1
> Literatuurdossier + mondeling (SE) - periode 2 +
> Schrijfvaardigheid (SE) (essay + brief / report) - periode 2
> Kijk- en luistervaardigheid (SE) - periode 2
> Maus (graphic novel) literatuurtoets (SE) - periode 3

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TedTalk assignment

Slide 10 - Slide

Steps on how to create a tedtalk
Step 1: Get familiar with the form 
Step 2: Develop an idea 
Step 3: Make an outline and script 
Step 4: Create slides 
Step 5: Rehearse 
Step 6: Give your talk 
Step 7: Savor the glory :)

Slide 11 - Slide

Slide 12 - Slide

How familiar are we? Any tedtalks you've seen and remember?

Slide 13 - Mind map

Live tedtalks are on 

10/11 Oct
17/18 Oct

In the auditorium

Slide 14 - Slide

Step 1: getting familiar
That means: we'll watch a couple of talks and analyse those
> For the first one: page 12 of the Tedtalk booklet
> For the second/thrid: page 16/17/18 of the booklet

Slide 15 - Slide

Slide 16 - Link

What's the what again?
> TedTalk (School exam 15%)
> Rubric is on page 75 of the preparation booklet.

> Today: analyse another TedTalk (p. 16/17/18 in the booklet)
> Start work on your own preparation

Slide 17 - Slide

Slide 18 - Slide

Step 1: getting familiar
That means: we'll watch a couple of talks and analyse those
> For the first one: page 12 of the Tedtalk booklet (we did this yesterday!)
> For the second/thrid: page 16/17/18 of the booklet

Slide 19 - Slide

Slide 20 - Slide

Which one are we going to watch now?
the brain changing effect of exercise
how every child can thrive by the age of 5
beginner's guide to quatum phychics
How conspiracy takes flight

Slide 21 - Quiz

Group of 3

1 person does "Ted talk analysis"
1 person does "Ted talk record 1"
1 person does "Ted talk record 2"

Afterwards, you will discuss your findings

Slide 22 - Slide

brain changing effect of exercise

Slide 23 - Slide

Slide 24 - Link

How every child can thrive by five

Slide 25 - Slide

Slide 26 - Link

beginner's guide to quatum

Slide 27 - Slide

Slide 28 - Link

Birds aren't real? How conspiracy takes flight

Slide 29 - Slide

Slide 30 - Link

Observations /  notes
p. 16 - 17 - 18

Share your notes with your group


Slide 31 - Slide

What's most important about Ted Talks and creating your own?

Slide 32 - Slide

What do we now know about ted talks and this assignment? (p. 19: individually)

What worries you?

Slide 33 - Slide

Working time
> Do the work in "Step 1: find your passion" (p. 19-26)

> Feel free to watch another talk if you want to 

> Come to me with the
"Teacher checkpoint" (p. 26)
 and receive my feedback & "go" on it. 

Slide 34 - Slide

I want to do my tedtalk...
Live in the auditorium
On video and send it to you

Slide 35 - Poll

How happy are you with the progress you made today?

Slide 36 - Quiz

WEEK 2: TedTalk

Connect through storytelling
Teach the audience something new

Slide 37 - Slide

 Again: the planning
Week 5+6 Live tedtalks / inleveren video

Slide 38 - Slide

Connect through storytelling
What type of story is the next speaker telling (ethos, pathos, logos)?
How is it different from the talks we've seen before? 

Slide 39 - Slide

Slide 40 - Link

Observations /  notes
Share with a neighbour 

Slide 41 - Slide

Working time: develop an idea
Pull out the worksheet! > "Find your passion" (p. 20-26)

When you're ready: come to me for the "teacher checkpoint"

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Slide 43 - Link

This week you'll need to finish:

2) Connect through storytelling
3) Teach the audience something new

! Teacher's checkpoint ! 
Then: find a TedTalk about your topic (or adjacent). 

Slide 44 - Slide

Research time
> Watch a tedtalk(s) related to your idea
> Find new information ('teach the audience something new')
>Brainstorm angles
> Do more research (read! listen! watch!)

! Use reliable sources

Slide 45 - Slide

See you Friday 

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Ted Talks

> spreekbeurt of ted talk?
> what makes a good ted talk idea?

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Spreekbeurt of Ted Talk?

What's the difference?

Slide 48 - Slide

Ask yourself:
What makes a good idea for a talk?
Like a good magazine article, your idea can be new or surprising, or challenge a belief your audience already has. Or it can be a great basic idea with a compelling new argument behind it.

An idea isn’t just a story or a list of facts. A good idea takes evidence or observations and draws a larger conclusion.

Slide 49 - Slide

Write your idea down in one or two sentences. Ask yourself three questions:
Is my idea new?
Are you telling people something you're pretty sure they have not heard before?

Is it interesting?
Think about how your idea might apply to a room full of varied kinds of people.
Who might be interested in it?

Is it factual and realistic?
If you are presenting new research, make sure your idea is backed by data and peerreviewed.
If you are presenting a call to action, make sure it can be executed by members of your audience.

Slide 50 - Slide

Turn this main topic into a "ted idea": getting enough sleep.

Slide 51 - Open question

Turn this into a ted talk idea: teenager's brains

Slide 52 - Open question

Who needs help turning their topic into a "Ted idea"?

Slide 53 - Slide

Working time.
This week you'll need to finish:

2) Connect through storytelling
3) Teach the audience something new
> ! Teacher's checkpoint ! 

Then: find a TedTalk about your topic (or adjacent). Do research about your idea. Use reliable sources. 

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Week 3

Slide 55 - Slide

Ted Talk working time
Focus of today is:
> Collect reliable sources, do your research    (part of the rubric!)
> Ask for feedback from a peer and/or me        (part of the rubric!)
> Ted Talk Features: do you have them?             (part of the rubric!)

Tomorrow we will start with Reading Time again so bring your book. 

Slide 56 - Slide

3 minute bathroom break
Get up & move your body

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Reading time
Literature file deadline = beginning of January
Literature file needs 2 more books!

Slide 58 - Slide

Let's look at a student example
fill out the rubric for this ted talk

Slide 59 - Slide

Discuss your rubric with in your group

what do you take from this?

Slide 60 - Slide

Ted Talk working time
> Start with an outline (een plan in bulletpoints)
Zorg dat je feedback krijgt op je plan.

> Next week on Thursday you should be done 
with everything!

Slide 61 - Slide

Do you have feedback?
Did you give anyone feedback?

Do you have TedTalk Features?

Slide 62 - Slide

How will you use what we've done today in your talk?

See you next week!

Slide 63 - Slide

Working time
Next week: deadline of the tedtalk!
Make sure you have everything so you can share and get useful feeback. 

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Reading time

Slide 65 - Slide

Feedback session in groups of 3
Make your own groups for this

Fill out the rubric for each other and help each other improve. 
Take note of the feedback and what you change.

Slide 66 - Slide

Working time: writing time
Create a word document in which you share:
1) your outline/plan
2) the feedback you received and how you used it

Upload this document to "Magister opdrachten tedtalk"
It is part of your grade! ( planning/feedback: see rubric)

Slide 67 - Slide

Reading time

Slide 68 - Slide

Ted talk deadline = Thursday next week! (BEFORE class!) 
1) Preparation word document
Don't forget to create a word document in which you share:
1) your outline/plan
2) the feedback you received and how you used it
3) Upload this document to "Magister opdrachten tedtalk"
It is part of your grade! ( planning/feedback: see rubric)

2) Finalise and practise your talk. If you want to film it: you can go to 020 to do so right now. 

3) Done? Read your book and/or work on your literature file (see: magister opdrachten)

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