4.3 An Empire on which the sun never sets

4.3 An Empire on which the sun never sets
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Slide 1: Slide
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This lesson contains 17 slides, with interactive quizzes, text slides and 3 videos.

Items in this lesson

4.3 An Empire on which the sun never sets

Slide 1 - Slide

At the end of this lesson...
  • You know what the three Collateral Councils were called.
  • You can write down a number of differences and similarities between the Lutherans and the Calvinists.
  • You can explain the role of the inquisition in the persecution of the Protestants.

Slide 2 - Slide


Slide 3 - Mind map

Charles V

  • Charles of Habsburg inherits the Dutch regions (1506), Spain (1516) and the Roman-German Empire (1519)
  • His empire had grown enormously through marriages, conquests and inheritances
  • Although he is King of Spain and Emperor of the Roman-German Empire, he does not become king, but 'Lord of the Netherlands'
Charles' title?

Karel, bij de gratie Gods, Heilig Rooms keizer, Semper Augustus, Koning van Duitsland, Koning van Italië, Koning van heel Spanje, Castilië, Aragón, León, Navarra, Granada, Toledo, Valencia, Galicië, Mallorca, Secillia, Córdoba, Murcia, Jaén, Algarve, Algeciras, Gibraltar, de Canarische eilanden, Koning van de Beide Siciliën, Sardinië, Corsica, Koning van Jerusalem, Koning van de Westelijke en Oostelijke Indiën, Heer van de Eilanden en de Grote Oceaan, Aartshertog van Oostenrijk, Hertog van Bourgondië, Brabant, Lotharingen, Stiermarken, Karinthië, Krain, Limburg, Luxemburg, Gelderland, Neopatrië, Württemberg, Landgraaf van de Elzas, Prins van Zwaben, Graaf van Vlaanderen, Habsburg, Tirol, Gorizia, Barcelona, Artesië, Franche Comté, Henegouwen, Holland, Zeeland, Ferrette, Kyburg, Namen, Roussillon, Cerdagne, Drenthe, Zutphen, Markgraaf van het Heilig Roomse Rijk, Burgau, Oristano en Gociano, Heer van Friesland, het Wendland, Pordenone, Biskaye, Molin, Salins, Tripoli en Mechelen.

Slide 4 - Slide

Slide 5 - Video

  • Charles wishes to reorganise the Dutch government and to centralize the provinces.

  • How? Collateral councils!
  1.  The Secret Council, they give advice on domestic affairs.
  2. The Council of States, they give advice on foreign affairs and war cases.
  3. The Council of Finances, they give advice on the finances of the Habsburg provinces.
Central councils created by Charles V that governed the Netherlands. They were created to advance the centralisation of the Netherlands.

Slide 6 - Slide


Slide 7 - Video

John Calvin
  • Another religious reformer was the Frenchman John Calvin.
  • Predestination theory
  • Living according to strict rules.

Slide 8 - Slide

You do not have to obey a government order if it is in conflict with God's will.
All rulers are appointed by God and must therefore be obeyed.

Slide 9 - Slide

Slide 10 - Video

No protestants!
  • Charles V is unhappy with the increasing number of calvinists in the Dutch provinces.
  • He instigates the Edict of Blood.
  •  The inquisition is made to pursue and persecute heretics
A law, made by Charles V, against heresy.
A system of tribunals developed by the church made to pursue and persecute heretics.

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Slide 12 - Slide

After the Treaty of Augsburg Charles V abdicates....
...and is succeeded by his son Philip II

Slide 13 - Slide

Did Charles V succeed in maintaining the Chatholic faith in his realm? Explain your answer.

Slide 14 - Open question

Name 1 difference between Calvinism and Lutheranism

Slide 15 - Open question

Name the three collateral councils

Slide 16 - Open question

4.3 exercise 1, 2, 4 , 5 and 6

Slide 17 - Slide