Politics 2-9

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BurgerschapMBOStudiejaar 1

This lesson contains 27 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

Items in this lesson

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Learning Goals
-You can explain how the European Union works
-You can describe the European Parlement Fractions and what they stand for

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How does the European Union work?

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The European Council is elected by the people

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The European Council consists of the heads of state or government of all the Member States. Dus van ons is dat Rutte

The Parliament is chosen directly
What does the European Council?
makes proposals for European laws
legislative proposals and may reject, amend or accept them
Decides the EU strategy and broad outlines ofEU Policy

Slide 5 - Quiz

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What does the EU Commission?
makes proposals for European laws
legislative proposals and may reject, amend or accept them
Decides the EU strategy and broad outlines ofEU Policy

Slide 6 - Quiz

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What does the EU Parliament?
makes proposals for European laws
legislative proposals and may reject, amend or accept them
Decides the EU strategy and broad outlines ofEU Policy

Slide 7 - Quiz

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Which political parties are in the EU Parliament? 751 (705) members
- In groups of two 
- Present  your assigned political party
  • Which political party's are included in the fractions?
  • How did the political party came to excist?
  • What do the people of the political party think is important?
  • How many Dutch members does the group have and what are their names?
  • Which Dutch parties have joined the faction and why do you think they have joined this faction?

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How does the European Union Work?

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Fill in:

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Europese Raad (Council) - bepaalt de strategie
EU Commission- dagelijks bestuurd

The council of ministers- Vak ministers

Europeparliamentiaris- European Parliament

Passen voorstellen aan en stemmen voor of tegen een wetsvoorstel
Why is it important to vote? 

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End class 1 
Group A 

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What is a dialogue?

Slide 15 - Mind map

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In a dialogue you ask each other questions about the subject. With the technique of questioning (doorvragen) you let each other think: is it correct what you thought or can you discover new things? This way you will learn more and more together and on the subject.

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Asking versus Telling
Why did Socrates call his way of talking the midwife technique?

Because he thought people already know the truth, but often don't know it. By asking questions he made them discover this hidden knowledge.

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n het oude Athene sprak hij mensen op de markt aan en stelde
ze vragen over een onderwerp. Hij deed dan alsof hij er niets vanaf wist en dat hij daarom veel wilde vragen. Zo liet
hij mensen zo diep over hun ideeën nadenken, dat ze wel moesten toegeven dat die niet klopten! Hij liet mensen

ontdekken dat ze door diep na te denken dichter bij de waarheid konden komen. Plato, een leerling van Socrates,
schreef deze gesprekken op als de dialogen uit een toneelstuk.

By asking questions you make each other think!
Everyone is allowed in the conversation
to give his or her opinion. If you hear something that's not right or you disagree, try one critical question! 

We are now going to practice this technique with the method 'doorzagen'  (APPENDIX B)

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By constantly asking new questions, he makes the other person think about his opinion. You call this questioning (doorvragen). It is a game of questions and answers! 
Ultimately, the respondent will have to admit that driving is not only fun, but can also be dangerous. One conclusion may be that it is good that there is a maximum speed.

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  • The subject is Corona Rules
  • Write on a post it questions you can ask about this

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Geef een onderwerp en schrijf dit op een flap.
2. De leerlingen schrijven een vraag over het onderwerp op een post-it, plakken hem op de flap, lopen
terug om meer hout te sprokkelen ofwel een nieuwe vraag op te schrijven, gaan die weer opplakken,
etc... . Hang eventueel meerdere flappen op.
3. Plak je vraag zo mogelijk bij vergelijkbare vragen van anderen;
4. Benoem de vragenclusters kort, als de deelnemers hierdoor nog nieuwe vragen krijgen mogen ze die
er evetueel bij plakken. Je kunt hier ook vragen rubriceren naar soort: open, gesloten, informatief of
5. Ga verder met het gesprek met een selectie uit de bedachte vragen.
Open Questions 
  1.  student writes down an object on a note that is set aside.
  2. the rest of the group will now guess what the object is by asking about the properties of the object
  3. They may now only ask questions that you cannot answer with yes or no
  4. The student may only answer the open questions.


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3.2 Geen Ja / Geen Nee
Wat Leerlingen stellen elkaar vragen die je met ja/nee kunt beantwoorden, daarna vragen die je juist
niet met ja/ nee mag beantwoorden.
Waar In de kring, aan tafelgroep, tweetallen.
Waarvoor Ervaren van het verschil tussen open en gesloten vragen.
Materiaal Paar papiertjes en pen, bord of flappen
  1. Which questions are easier to ask / answer?
  2. Which questions invite more to tell?
  3. With which kind of questions do you find  most about the subject?
  4. With what kind of questions are you more likely to make someone think about the answer?

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  1. a student chooses a topic on which he has an opinion
  2. Then the class takes a moment to consider other ways to approach the subject/other opinions
  3. Then the class asks questions to make the student think about his opinion and tries to do this always by asking
  4. The questioned student answers.
  5. After a while / when the questions are gone, the student who was asked questions (doorgezaagd) tells if he thinks differently on the subject and how?

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  1.  student writes down an object on a note that is set aside.
  2. the rest of the group will now guess what the object is by asking about the properties of the object
  3. they may only ask questions that you can answer with yes and no
  4. The student may only answer yes and no.


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3.2 Geen Ja / Geen Nee
Wat Leerlingen stellen elkaar vragen die je met ja/nee kunt beantwoorden, daarna vragen die je juist
niet met ja/ nee mag beantwoorden.
Waar In de kring, aan tafelgroep, tweetallen.
Waarvoor Ervaren van het verschil tussen open en gesloten vragen.
Materiaal Paar papiertjes en pen, bord of flappen
VragenVuurtje With Criteria
  • Subject is: 
  • Only questions that start with: Who, What, When, Why and How

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Excersise; Voting in the Council
Your  class has collected money for a school trip and you  need to agree on a destination. Are you all of the same opinion or do you need to take a vote like in the Council? 
Let’s pretend that you are ministers at the Council of the European Union and want to put the proposed destination to a vote by double majority. Try out the voting calculator on the Council’s website to see how this system works: europa.eu/!rM38Ru 

  • One of you represents the European Commission and takes 1 minute to argue in favour of a certain destination. 
  • One of you represents the Secretariat of the Council and is in charge of the voting calculator. 
  • The role of minister from each of the 28 EU countries is divided up amongst the other students. 

  • Each country then declares whether it is for or against the proposed destination and the vote is recorded in the Council’s voting calculator. 

  • What happened? Were you able to agree on the proposed destination? Discuss your thoughts about this with the group. 

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Excercise (extra assignment)
If you could introduce a European law, what would you 
suggest? What advantagesand disadvantages would your law have for all citizens of theEuropean Union?

Use reasources 
Present it 

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