Introduction to English 16

English OP2
1 / 23
Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMBOStudiejaar 1

This lesson contains 23 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 90 min

Items in this lesson

English OP2

Slide 1 - Slide

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Last time January 4th..?

Slide 2 - Mind map

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Why though..?

Slide 3 - Mind map

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Last time: January 4th.
- Translate new healthcare vocabulary.
- Write two short e-mails, one informal, one more formal.
- Give and receive feedback.
- Everyone participates!
- Find out OP2 end project for next time. 

Slide 4 - Slide

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Goals today: January 11th.
- Translate new vocabulary.
- Look at the feedback from your peers on your first e-mail task. 
- Look at the End project for OP2 in your e-mail!
- Finished this week, handed in by Friday: January 15.
-> Write a reaction to my e-mail, make up details (dates) yourself :) 

Slide 5 - Slide

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Vocabulary healthcare :)
Get your notebooks and pencils out!

Slide 6 - Slide

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TranslateEN->DU & DU->EN
to develop 
to enable
the event 
to exchange information
DU-> EN de ervaringen
de richtlijnen
de evaluatie van gezondheid en veiligheid (op de werkplek)
de huurtoeslag                                                       Wheel of names


Slide 7 - Slide

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TranslateEN->DU & DU->EN
to develop -ontwikkelen
educational -educatief, opvoedkundig
to enable -mogelijk maken
the event -de festiviteit, het evenement
to exchange information- informatie uitwisselen
the experiences -de ervaringen
grateful -dankbaar
the guidelines -de richtlijnen
the health & safety assessment -de evaluatie van gezondheid en veiligheid (op de werkplek)
the housing benefit de huursubsidie, -de huurtoeslag                                                       Wheel of names


Slide 8 - Slide

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Task 1: Open a word file
1. You are planning to go on a trip. Write the details below.

Where are you going? _______________________________________________

What is the purpose of your trip? _______________________________________

How long are you going to stay? ____________________________________________

Why are you going? ______________________________________________________

What is your itinerary (the places you will visit)? _______________________________

Who will you meet? _______________________________________________________

How well do you know them? Have you written / spoken to / met them before? ______________________________________________________


Slide 9 - Slide

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Task 2.
Write two e-mails in your Word doc. using the situation you created in the previous exercise. The maximum length for each e-mail is 100 words.

e-mail 1: Write to the person you are going to meet abroad. What do you need to tell them? Perhaps you need to let them know how long you're staying. Do you want them to arrange anything for you?

e-mail 2: Write an e-mail to all your colleagues. Tell them about your plans and ask them if they would like you to take / do / find out / bring back anything.
Save your Word doc. under the name 'email task' 

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Exchange your assignment with a classmate. 
- Look at each other's work
- Give one tip & one top on their work
(What is really good about it, what could they improve?) 
- Hand it in @ Teams opdrachten inlever box. 
- We will discuss your assignment + feedback 

Slide 11 - Slide

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1.When you finish an email with 'yours sincerely', you start the email with

Slide 12 - Open question

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2. When you finish an email with 'yours faithfully', you start it with

Slide 13 - Open question

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3.Write a good opening sentence (after salutation)

Slide 14 - Open question

In reply to your letter ... .
Thank you for your letter of May 14th concerning … .
Thanks for your email ... .
Following our phone conversation ... .

4. Write a good closing sentence. (before end salutation)

Slide 15 - Open question

Please contact me again if you need any more information.
If I can be of any further assistance, please do contact me again.
Let me know if you need anything else.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Hear from you soon.
See you in ... .
Take care.

OP2 end project:
-Onderdeel 1: Je krijgt van de docent een e-mail toegestuurd op je mailadres. Onder de mail staan vragen over de inhoud van de e-mail. Drie meerkeuze en twee open vragen. Die moet je beantwoorden.  

-Onderdeel 2: Een zelfgeschreven reactie op de e-mail van +- 150 woorden. In de geschreven reactie laat je zien wat je hebt geleerd over het schrijven van een e-mail. Dan lever je het in door de e-mail terug te sturen mét de vragen die je hebt beantwoord + een geschreven reactie in het Engels op de e-mail.   


Slide 16 - Slide

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e-mail writing
1. The Subject Line. The subject line is usually the first thing someone reads before they decide to open your email. 
2. Start with an appropriate greeting (salutation)
3. Keep your message short and concise. 
4. Use standard fonts. 
5. Writing your closing. 
6. Schedule your emails.
7. Do a final spelling and grammar check.

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Slide 18 - Slide

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I think I'm ready to complete the end project because...

Slide 19 - Open question

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I think I'm not ready to complete the end project because...

Slide 20 - Open question

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To become able to complete the end project I need to...

Slide 21 - Open question

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Did we reach our goals?
- Translate new vocabulary.
- Look at the feedback from your peers on your first e-mail task.
- Look at the End project for OP2 in your e-mail!
- Finished this week, handed in by Friday: January 15.
-> Write a reaction to my e-mail, make up details (dates) yourself :) 
Write the correct answers above/ below your reply. 

Slide 22 - Slide

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Why though..?

Slide 23 - Mind map

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