Theme 2 - lesson 7 4a 25-11

Class 4
Theme 2 - Lesson 6
1 / 23
Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo t, mavoLeerjaar 4

This lesson contains 23 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 80 min

Items in this lesson

Class 4
Theme 2 - Lesson 6

Slide 1 - Slide

Today's lesson
  • 10 minutes of reading -
  • Grammar 5 - Word order
  • Check exercise 14/15
  • Listening exercise 18/19
  • Reading exercise 20/21/22

Slide 2 - Slide

What is the right order?
We often walk in the forest at night
We often walk at night in the forest.

Slide 3 - Quiz

Welke zin is juist ?
He bought a car yesterday in London.
He bought a car in London yesterday.
Yesterday he bought a car in London.
Yesterday in London he bought a car.

Slide 4 - Quiz

Let op: in vraagzinnen moet de tijdsbepaling altijd achteraan.

Slide 5 - Slide

Waar hoort het bijwoord always ?
He is late for school.
He is always late for school.
He always is late for school.
Always he is late for school.
He is late for school always.

Slide 6 - Quiz

Zet de volgende zin in de juiste volgorde:
a compliment – the teacher – in the classroom – me – last week – gave

Slide 7 - Open question

Zet de volgende zin in de juiste volgorde:
in Milan – goes shopping – always – she – for the -in summer- latest fashion

Slide 8 - Open question

Zet de volgende zin in de juiste volgorde:
for his girlfriend – on the market – he – some flowers – this afternoon – bought

Slide 9 - Open question

Zet de volgende zin in de juiste volgorde:
took – yesterday – we – to Manchester – the bus

Slide 10 - Open question

Today's lesson
  • 10 minutes of reading -
  • Grammar 5 - Word order
  • Check exercise 14/15
  • Listening exercise 18/19
  • Reading exercise 20/21/22

Slide 11 - Slide

  1. Lillian thinks wool is a great fabric to work with.
  2. Cheryl and Cecilia visited the Handicraft Fair in London last weekend.
  3. He is always interested in working together with new designers.
  4. John bought some cheap but beautiful design books at the book fair yesterday.
  5. Charlotte already finished the draft for the mural decoration.
  6. Did she reproduce the key with a 3D printer?

Slide 12 - Slide

  1. I didn't know you had a role in the school play
  2. We always come together in the
    workshop on Friday.
  3. What are you doing exactly?
  4. He is always thinking about new stage designs.
  5. He is really good at finding practical solutions.
  6. Haven't you read about it in the latest school newspaper?
  7. The play will be performed in the auditorium this Saturday.
  8. Can I still buy tickets?

Slide 13 - Slide

Today's lesson
  • 10 minutes of reading -
  • Grammar 5 - Word order
  • Check exercise 14/15
  • Listening exercise 18/19
  • Reading exercise 20/21/22

Slide 14 - Slide

G - Listening - exercise 18/19
Do exercise 18 - read the text on page 26 TB and match the correct descriptions with the correct subheadings of the text. 

Exercise 19 - Listen to Space colours your place.
Put the statements in the correct order.

Exercise 19

Slide 15 - Slide

G - Listening - exercise 18/19
Exercise 18
  • Store Things On Your Ceiling:
  • add some extra parts to put things on / in
  • you will use space you normally don't use
  • Stairs storage:
  • place to store your reading stuff
  • step on it, store under it
  • Murphy´s bed: 
  • put up your bed
  • upright sleepers
Exercise 19
  1. discussion at the dinner table
  2. Kevin talks about a creative man
  3. Mum wonders when Kevin will clean his room
  4. time to wake up
  5. Kevin impersonates his teacher
  6. preparing the wall to hang up things
  7. return from holiday
  8. surprise about changes
  9. washed clothes on the wall

Slide 16 - Slide

Today's lesson
  • 10 minutes of reading -
  • Grammar 5 - Word order
  • Check exercise 14/15
  • Listening exercise 18/19
  • Reading exercise 20/21/22

Slide 17 - Slide

H - Reading - exercise 20/21/22
Let's read the text together. 

While reading, write down at least 15 words you didn't know. 
We will discuss the text and we will find out what the words mean together.

Do exercise 20/21/22 on your own - first read the text again!

Done? - slim stampen - Picture me gone

Slide 18 - Slide

3a Homework
Wednesday December 1st
Do exercise 20/21/22
Study words A up to G
Study stone 4 and 5
Study grammar 4 and 5

Thursday 8th of December
Test T2 - Vocab/stones/grammar
Wednesday 15th of December
Test T2 - Listening and Reading

Slide 19 - Slide

3vm Homework
Monday November the 22nd
Read 3 more chapters
in your book
Read 2 texts on

Study words A up to D
Study stone 4 and 5
(translate both, if this help you study)
Study Grammar 4 and 5

Slide 20 - Slide

4e Homework
Tuesday 9th of November 
Do worksheet 
exercise 8/9/10

Study words A up to D
Study stone 4
(translate all sentences!)

Slide 21 - Slide

4b Homework
Tuesday 9th of November 
Do worksheet 
exercise 8/9/10

Study words A up to D
Study stone 4
(translate all sentences!)

Slide 22 - Slide

4a Homework
Wednesday 10 November 
Do worksheet 
exercise 8/9/10

Study words A up to D
Study stone 4
(translate all sentences!)

Slide 23 - Slide