U1 Lesson 4.1: Future Going to + Interrogative pronouns

Put your phone in the phonebag.
Sit down.
Grab your books

Monday the 11th of September
- Future Going to
- Interrogative pronouns

1 / 13
Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 2

This lesson contains 13 slides, with text slides.

Items in this lesson

Put your phone in the phonebag.
Sit down.
Grab your books

Monday the 11th of September
- Future Going to
- Interrogative pronouns

Slide 1 - Slide

At the end of lesson 4 you... 
... Make simple suggestions and react to suggestions in familiar situations
... express preference and opinion in a simple way
....make appointments and arrangements
...ask for and understand simple information regarding travel and the use of public transport
...make a short, rehearsed announcement which can be understood by attentive listeners.

Slide 2 - Slide

Find out, getting from A to B
Callum, Heidi and Alice are trying to find their way around Glasgow.


Listen to the audio & complete exercise 33

Slide 3 - Slide

Slide 4 - Slide

Turn to page 180
Repeat after me

Slide 5 - Slide

Future will/shall
  • What do you remember?
  • Will/shall + hele werkwoord
  • Gebruiken we om te praten over dingen in de toekomst die spontaan besloten zijn/ niet gepland zijn.
  • Bij I & We in een vragende zin gebruiken we altijd shall

Slide 6 - Slide

Future to be going to
'to be' going to +  hele werkwoord
Gebruik: om aan te geven dat je iets van plan bent, of wat zeker zal gaan gebeuren. 

+: I am going to do my homework after dinner.
+: We are going to travel to South Africa in December.
-: They are not going to wear face masks.
  ?: Is she going to tell him get lost?

Slide 7 - Slide

Fill in the proper form of to be going to.
  1. I ___ sleep.
  2. You ___ win.
  3. He ___ have a bath.
  4. She ___ play.
  5. It ___ rain.
  6. We ___ travel.
  7. You ___ eat.
  8. They ___ work.
  9. The cat ___ go fishing.
  10. The girls ___ be dentists.

Slide 8 - Slide

Interrogative pronouns

Slide 9 - Slide

+ Whose
= van wie/wiens

Whose bag is this?

Slide 10 - Slide

Lesson 4
Where? page 38-39
What? Do exercise 34 t/m 37
How? In pairs
Help? Ask the teacher
- Read Everything Everything to p. 90
- Study Vocabulary 1.4 (EN-NL & NL-EN)
- Work on another subject


Slide 11 - Slide

Leesvaardigheidtoets 1
Vrijdag 7 okt: het 7e uur. 

Slide 12 - Slide

Next classes A2Y
Thursday the 29th of September:
Bring Everything, Everything
Lees tot p. 90 (We zijn in de les gebleven tot p. 78)

Friday the 30th of September:
Maak af opdr. 35 & 36 op p. 38 & 39

Monday the 3rd of October:
No class :)

Slide 13 - Slide