12 FR venir de avant de pour pendant etc

12 FR venir de avant de pour pendant etc
Pour commencer c'est la révision en se servant de Plickers 

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Slide 1: Slide
FrenchFurther Education (Key Stage 5)

This lesson contains 4 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slide.

Items in this lesson

12 FR venir de avant de pour pendant etc
Pour commencer c'est la révision en se servant de Plickers 


Slide 1 - Slide

Une dictee : ecrivez ce que vous entendez

Slide 2 - Open question

Traduisez le texte:

1. After having been to France in May, I will return in July
2. They have been discussing the idea for 3 months
3. Nobody is going to stay there for 3 weeks!

Slide 3 - Open question

4. She visited him in Japan for 1 week
5. My parents have just bought me a new car - I am so happy
6. I want to take a gap year before going to university
7.Before getting interested in volunteering, Christopher was rather selfish

Slide 4 - Open question