Policies and Procedures

Welcome to ASL
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American Sign Language10th Grade

This lesson contains 52 slides, with interactive quizzes, text slides and 2 videos.

Items in this lesson

Welcome to ASL

Slide 1 - Slide

Seating Chart

Slide 2 - Slide


Slide 3 - Slide

About Me (Mrs. Just)!

Slide 4 - Slide

My family
My pets

Slide 5 - Slide

My Inspiration

Slide 6 - Slide

This is my 4th school year teaching ASL at Whitney! Additionally, this is my 6th year in education.

Slide 7 - Slide

High School: Freshman year in Las Vegas
Soph-Senior Arizona 
College: Sacramento State University, majoring in Deaf Studies and American Sign Language

Slide 8 - Slide

Free time, hobbies
  • My favorite color is purple
  • I love coffee 
  • Kayaking is one of my favorite activities to do outside
  • In high school, I was in FBLA (future business leaders of America), track, band, orchestra, choir, dance, and art
  •  SF Giants are my favorite baseball team 
  • I took ASL in college as a language requirement and knew I wanted to major in it!

Slide 9 - Slide

What do you like to do in your free time?

Slide 10 - Mind map

 College/ Family

Slide 11 - Slide


Slide 12 - Slide

What I did this Summer

Slide 13 - Slide

List one thing you did this summer

Slide 14 - Mind map

Policies and Procedures 

Slide 15 - Slide

How do you want your classmates to treat you?

Slide 16 - Mind map

What is important to you in the classroom (environment, etc)?

Slide 17 - Mind map

Expectation Chart

Slide 18 - Slide

Cell phones

Slide 19 - Slide

Cell phones
  • Cell phone-free Zone
  • Make sure phones stay in your backpack at all times
  • I’ll let you know if you can use them during class
  • ASL is visual, if you are looking at your phone you will fall behind
  • Enjoy learning a new language, your phone can wait until after class
  • If I see it, I’ll ask you to put it in the phone bin
  • Please see me after class if you have to put it in the phone bin
  • If phones become a problem, everyone will place their phones in the organizer

Slide 20 - Slide

Music/Air Pods/Headphones
  • When entering the classroom please put AirPods/Headphones away
  • No music
  • Why? It’s extremely difficult to be listening to one language and learning/signing another language
  • I’ll let you know when you can listen to music

Slide 21 - Slide

  • You can take your computer out when you enter the classroom.
  • Must use a Chromebook!
  • Make sure you stay on task (ASL) when using your computers
  • Failing to do so will result in me asking you to put it away. How will I do my work? paper/pencil

Slide 22 - Slide

What are you a fan of when it comes to computers?
I like both

Slide 23 - Poll

Entering the classroom

Slide 24 - Slide

Entering the classroom
  • The desks are numbered please go to your assigned desk
  • Computer out, ready for class with phones in your backpack
  • Keep talking level to a low volume
  • Use the restroom before class

Slide 25 - Slide

During Class

Slide 26 - Slide

1. Check to see if the bathroom is available
2. Raise your hand and sign bathroom
3. Sign-out at the door (you must do this)
Participation is KEY in order to be successful in this class. Why? ASL is a visual and tactile language if you don’t sign you will struggle.
Staying on Task: make sure that you are focused on ASL instead of work from other classes and that you are awake and ready to learn.
Working with others: treat others with respect
Voices Off: we will go over this in an additional slide

1. Raise your hand and sign bathroom
2. Wait for me to respond (yes, no, wait) 
3. Sign out at my desk (you must do this) 
4. Place your phone in the phone cubby 
Participation is KEY in order to be successful in this class. Why? ASL is a visual and tactile language if you don’t sign you will struggle.
Staying on Task: make sure that you are focused on ASL instead of work from other classes and that you are awake and ready to learn
Working with others: treat others with respect
Voices Off: we will go over this in an additional slide

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End of Class

Slide 28 - Slide

Packing up- wait until I say you can pack up (I will usually give you the last 5 min of class to do this). 
Waiting for the bell to ring: Please stay by your desk until the bell rings.
Have questions? Please do not hesitate to ask me questions after class! I'm here to help you!

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Emergency or need to leave the room?
  • Make sure that you let me know (you can sign emergency)
  • Sign out at my desk and put where you are going (nurse, bathroom, office, etc.)
  • Do not just leave my room

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Voices Off
  • There will be times during class when you can talk and times when it’s a signing-only zone (I’ll let you know)
  • Please be respectful during the signing-only time.
  • Failure to keep your voice off during a sign-only time will result in losing points and email home.

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  • “Treat people the way you want to be treated. Talk to people the way you want to be talked to. Respect is earned, not given.”-Hussein Nishah
  • Remember we all have feelings!
  • When classmates are signing or presenting make sure you build them up, be respectful, and supportive.
  • Treat others the way you want to be treated
  • Showing and giving respect is extremely important in this classroom!

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  • Please make sure you are using school-appropriate language in class. It's not appropriate to use cuss words in class.
  • This also applies to signs!

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Late Work
  • Any work turned in late will receive a grade no higher than a C
  • Late work must be completed within the Unit
  • Work turned in after the Unit is finished will receive a zero

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  • Make sure you check in with me upon your return
  • You will have the same amount of days that you were absent to complete work (absent for two days you have two days to complete missing work)
  • Assignments will be on Schoology, including the weekly agenda (take a look at this to see what we did in class)

Slide 35 - Slide

Tests/Quizzes and Projects
  • Tests and quizzes will consist of a study guide/graphic organizer (some may require a video that you will record)
  • Test/Quizzes and projects are 60% of your grade

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  • Work that is not completed in class will turn into homework (unless I say it has to be turned in).
  • It is highly encouraged to study the lessonup vocabulary/slides for days you don't have homework.

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Platforms We Will Use
  • All assignments are located on Schoology
  • Video tests, quizzes, and assignments will be submitted on Schoology or lessonup
  • The weekly agenda can be found on the main page of Schoology
  • All material will be organized in Unit folders
  • Daily lessons/vocabulary will be linked to the weekly agenda (Lessonup)

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What do I need for this class?
  • Notebook
  • Folder or binder
  • Computer everyday
  • Whiteboard markers (optional, I supply them too)

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How can I be successful?
  • Participating in class (making sure that you are signing)
  • Staying on task
  • Turning in assignments on time
  • Completing and turning in tests/quizzes
  • Making mistakes
  • Communicating with Mrs. Just
  • Believing in yourself!
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help

Slide 40 - Slide

One goal you want to set for this class

Slide 41 - Mind map

How have you been successful in your other classes?

Slide 42 - Open question

If you are having problems make sure you:

  • Tell the teacher what program is not working or what is happening.
  • Send a screenshot of the issue.

Slide 43 - Slide

Additional help/challenge
This is located on Schoology

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  • Let's take a look at the Schoology page for ASL 

Slide 45 - Slide

  • We will go over this next period as well as how your parents will sign it  

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Why learn ASL?

Slide 48 - Slide

Slide 49 - Video

What are you looking forward to in this class?

Slide 50 - Open question

Why do you think learning another language and culture is important?

Slide 51 - Open question

Slide 52 - Video