4H week 2

Welcome 4H2
1 / 47
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EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 4

This lesson contains 47 slides, with interactive quizzes, text slides and 1 video.

Items in this lesson

Welcome 4H2

Slide 1 - Slide

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How was your weekend?

Slide 2 - Mind map

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What have you done for literature so far?
Read all the chapters that were homework
Read chapter 1/2
I looked up the information about the chapters online
Didn't do anything

Slide 3 - Quiz

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What do you think of the story so far?

Slide 4 - Open question

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Learning objectives P3: 

  • Ik houd mijn schrijfvaardigheid bij en zorg dat ik de ontwikkelingen die ik in P2 heb gemaakt, niet vergeet.
  • Leerlingen maken leeskilometers en reflecteren op hun leesvoorkeuren door een eerste boek voor hun leesdossier te lezen. Leerlingen gebruiken in de derde periode ook de ‘Lit Circle Roles’ als hulpmiddel bij het voeren van leesgesprekken
  • Leerlingen maken de eerste boekopdracht voor hun leesdossier. 
  • Ik kan zodanig deelnemen aan een vloeiend en spontaan gesprek, dat normale uitwisseling met moedertaalsprekers redelijk mogelijk is. Ik kan binnen een vertrouwde context actief deelnemen aan een discussie en hierin mijn standpunten uitleggen en ondersteunen

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    Final Assignments
    1. Reading file opdracht 1: Animal Farm
    2. MO: in groups of 4. Monologue + discussion.

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    Weekdoelen week 1 behaald?

    1. Words of the day t/m 4c geleerd
    2. Vragenlijst week 1 ingevuld (handout intro)
    3. H 1t/m 3 gelezen (+ annotation assignments 
    4. Worked in Lit groups (Breakout Rooms)

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    Weekdoelen week 2
    1. Words of the day t/m 5 geleerd
    2. H 4t/m 6 gelezen (+ annotation assignments besproken)
    3. Lit circle group: 1 discussie gevoerd. 

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    What did you learn last week?

    Slide 9 - Open question

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    Lesson Plan:
    Words of the day 
    Recap Ch2/3
    Read Chapter 4/5

    Slide 10 - Slide

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    Weekdoel  1: Woordenschat vergroten (t/m 4: mens en maatschappij)

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    words of the day
    Mens en maatschappij (4a/b/c)

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    Words of the day 4D: mens en maatschappij
    power macht, 

    Slide 13 - Slide

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    New words and their meaning
    perspective = interpretatie
    policy =  beleid
    political  = politiek
    poor  = arm
    poverty =  armoede
    power  = macht, kracht
    private  = privé
    queen  = koningin
    scene =  scène, wereldje
    security =  veiligheid
    social maatschappelijk
    society =  maatschappij
    system  = systeem, stelsel
    teenager =  tiener
    war =  oorlog

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    Slide 15 - Link

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    Animal Farm
    The power of language

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    Slide 17 - Link

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    Recap Ch 1
    1. Who is Old Major? Why is he important?
    2. Who is Mr Jones? Why is he important?   
    3. What do the following quotations mean and why are they important?
    a. “Man is the only creature that consumes without producing.”
    b. “What goes upon two legs is an enemy. Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.”

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    • Some of the novel's main characters are introduced in this chapter; the writer shows their strongest characteristics.
    • The first chapter presents Jones as more of an "animal" than the animals themselves,  who reacts to any disruption  with the threat of violence.
    • By addressing his audience as "comrades" and starting with the statement that he will not be with the others "many months longer," Major presents himself to his listeners as somebody who his wise because of his long life of twelve years and who views the other animals as equals.
    • This notion that "All Animals Are Equal" becomes one of the important points of Animalism, the philosophy upon which the rebellion will be based.

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    Language as a weapon??
    One of the novel's themes: Language can be used as a weapon and means of manipulation.

    How can you see this in the first Chapter?

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    The song "Beasts of England"

    Rousing an audience with a song is a well-known political maneuvre

    Powerful piece of propaganda

    Slide 22 - Slide

    It is a way in which Major rouses his audience. The use of a song to stir the citizens is an old political tactic, and the text of "Beasts of England" summarizes Major's feelings about Man.
    The song describes a day when all animals will overcome their tormentors. The singing of this powerful piece of propaganda reflects one of the novel's themes: Language can be used as a weapon and means of manipulation.
    Reading Groups

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    Maak in je eigen woorden een korte samenvatting van H2 (1/2 zinnen)

    Slide 24 - Open question

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    1. What is Sugarcandy Mountain?
    2. Which events lead up to the Rebellion?
    3. What role do the pigs play?
    4. What is the first thing the animals do when the humans have been chased away?
    5. What do the animals do about the farmhouse?
    6. What is Animalism?
    7. What do you think happened to the milk?


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    Important question
    • Animal farm is an allegory. Which historical event is the equivalent of the rebellion on Manor Farm?

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    What would you like to take away from reading? Which reading skills would you like to work on and improve while reading?
    For example: vocabulary, fluency, concentration, thinking about the underlying meaning, making personal connections, sharing and discussing ideas about the text….?

    Slide 27 - Open question

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    Annotation questions CH2
    • Discuss why the animals rebel against Jones. Can you relate this to actual events and people?
    • Consider why the pigs don’t like Moses’ stories of Sugarcandy Mountain.
    • Which do you feel are the most important commandments? How are they justified?
    • Orwell uses a technique called foreshadowing. Which events might give a hint of what will happen later on? What do you predict? (Tip: look at the pigs’ behaviour).
    • Animal farm is an allegory. Which historical event is the equivalent of the rebellion on Manor Farm?

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    Slide 30 - Slide

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    Lesson plan
    • Recap previous lesson
    • Words of the day
    • Discussion CH4/5 (speaking)
    • Individual work:
      Work on questions

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    to demand 
    in exchange 

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    Study them! Quick!
    advertising = adverteren
    brand =  merk
    business  =  bedrijf, handel, zaken
    campaign  =  campagne, actie
    company  =  bedrijf
    customers =  klanten
    to demand  = eisen
    department  = afdeling
    expensive  = duur
    in exchange =  in ruil voor

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    Slide 34 - Link

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    Slide 35 - Slide

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    Chapter 3: After reading
    1. What do Snowball and Napoleon think of education?
    2. How do Snowball and Napoleon get on with each other?
    3. Why do you think Napoleon takes the newborn puppies?
    4. Who is Squealer, why is he important?
    5. How do the pigs abuse their position? what reasons do they give for their actions?


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    Personal reaction/discussion
    1. • A lot of this chapter is defining how socialism and communism work. Find examples of this in the way the farm is run and share your views on the fairness and effectiveness of this system.
    2. • Discuss how Squeeler is able to convince the other animals to accept Napoleon’s decisions.
    3. • What is propaganda? How is it used on Animal Farm?
    4. • Discuss your two favorite characters so far. Explain why they are your favorites.

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    Slide 38 - Link

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    Summarize the story up to Ch5 in your own words.

    Slide 39 - Open question

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    Check! Formative test
    Language as a weapon (rhetoric)
    Russian revolution

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    CH 4
    1. Who are Mr. Pilkington & Mr. Frederick, what do they think of each other and Mr. Jones?
    2. Where is Napoleon during the battle? Is this significant?
    3. Why is Boxer so upset about the stable-lad?
    4. Why do you think the animals place the gun at the foot of the flagpole?


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    Ch 5
    1. What’s the problem with Mollie?
    2. What’s the problem with the windmill?
    3. Why don’t the other animals protest Napoleon’s decisions?
    4. What is the significance of how the animals arrange themselves upon entering the barn for their orders? How is this different to before?
    5. What is the importance of Squealer having dogs accompanying him when he speaks to the animals?

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    Slide 45 - Link

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    Slide 46 - Video

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