v4d - 01-03-2021

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Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 4

This lesson contains 24 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

Items in this lesson


Slide 1 - Slide

- homework check (assignment 5, 6 and 7)
- repetition: futures

Slide 2 - Slide


Slide 3 - Slide

  1. Mother, where are my new jeans?’
  2. I have put them in the wardrobe, Jane’
  3. Does your father wear a pair of glasses
  4. Yes, but he broke his glasses last night.
  5. My girlfriend often wears a pair of shorts in summer.
  6. What colour are her shorts?
  7. She has two pairs of shorts one pair of shorts is (...) other shorts
  8. Does she wear a pair of tights in winter?
  9. Do you know where my scissors are?
  10. Yes. You can find them near your scales.

Slide 4 - Slide


Slide 5 - Slide

  1. The police think that these goods are stolen.
  2. In November the cattle were still in the meadow / pasture.
  3. A lot of people took off their jackets / coats.
  4. The contents of the book were interesting.
  5. Her clothes are very modern.
  6. His wages were one hundred pounds.
  7. These stairs are very high.
  8. Het sister is ten years old.
  9. You can buy a lot of goods in that shop.
  10. It is twenty miles from here to there.

Slide 6 - Slide


Slide 7 - Slide

1. Where are my glasses? They are on the table.
2. His son is nine years old.
3. His five-year-old daughter has got three pairs of shorts.
4. What is/are the content(s) of this books?
5. A lot of people only had little interest in this news.
6. These sheep have bad teeth.
7. This barracks is in the middle of the city.
8. The gasworks in these photos doesn't exist any longer.
9. This blind man has got five pairs of glasses.
10. The poor in these countries only wear shorts.

Slide 8 - Slide

11. He has got little money and few cares.
12. A few friends gave a little money.
13. He has got less books than his borther but his sister has the least books.
14. The crew has saved his life.
15. Five policemen are looking for the wounded person.
16. He has got a series of books on this subejct.
17. Politics is a difficult subject.
18. Many thanks for your letter.
19. He has got five euros.
20. They got on their bikes and left.

Slide 9 - Slide

21. We are making little progress. We make little progress.
22. There are less Japanese at work.
23. He gave me a piece of good advice.
24. The surroundings are beautiful.
25. The cattle graze/are grazing in the pasture.

Slide 10 - Slide


Slide 11 - Slide

We gebruiken de FUTURE om te praten over de toekomende tijd.

We maken onderscheid tussen 4 verschillende vormen die we in verschillende situaties gebruiken

Slide 12 - Slide

  1. will + hele werkwoord (present future)
  2. am, are, is + going to + hele werkwoord
  3. am, are, is + ww+ing (present continuous)
  4. hele werkwoord (+(e)s) (present simple)

Slide 13 - Slide

(1) will + hele werkwoord (present future)
gebruik: aanbieden te doen, afspreken te doen, beloven te doen, vragen te doen.
  • I will make you a cup of tea.
  • I will open the window for you.

Je kan bij I en WE ook SHALL gebruiken in plaats van WILL

Slide 14 - Slide

(2) am, are, is + going to + hele werkwoord
gebruik: van plan zijn / weersvoorspellingen
    • I am going to play tennis.
    • We are going to watch a movie.
    • It is going to rain tomorrow.

    Slide 15 - Slide

    (3) am, are, is + ww+ing (present continuous)
    gebruik: het staat vast, alles is geregeld, vaak met tijdsbepaling.
    • I am going on a holiday to Cuba this summer.
    • They are getting married next Friday.
    • She is going to the hairdresser at three o'clock.

    Slide 16 - Slide

    (4) hele werkwoord (+(e)s) (present simple)
    gebruik: dienstregelingen, programma's, roosters
    • The train leaves at 11 o'clock.
    • Tomorrow class starts at 8.15.
    • When does the movie start tonight.

    Slide 17 - Slide

    • Go to p.29 in your iBook
    • We will answer questions 1-5 in LessonUp
    • Write down the correct answers in your notebook
    • N.B!: use the present simple or the present continuous

    Slide 18 - Slide

    1. What time (this bus - get) to London?

    Slide 19 - Open question

    2. We (have) a party tomorrow. Would you like to come too?

    Slide 20 - Open question

    3. You and your friend are watching TV. Your sister asks: "When (this show - finish)?"

    Slide 21 - Open question

    4. Her friend (come) to see us this tomorrow. He (travel) by bus and his bus (arrive) at 7 o'clock p.m. She (meet) him at the station.

    Slide 22 - Open question


    Slide 23 - Poll


    Slide 24 - Slide