Van Gogh Museum
Haal Van Gogh in de klas

StoryZoo Van Gogh Museum E3: 'Colours'

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Slide 1: Video
Art and designPrimary Education

In deze les zit 1 slide, met 1 video.

time-iconLesduur is: 10 min


StoryZoo characters Bax, Toby and Pepper visit the Van Gogh Museum. In this episode, they take a good look at Vincent van Gogh’s use of colours.


All five episodes of StoryZoo at the Van Gogh Museum have a different topic, but start with the same introduction. The topics are:

Episode 1: The artist Vincent van Gogh
Episode 2: Autumn
Episode 3: Colours
Episode 4: Painting indoors and outdoors
Episode 5: Self-portraits, landscapes and still lifes

Onderdelen in deze les

Slide 1 - Video