Future - Les 3 week 7

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Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 2

In deze les zitten 27 slides, met interactieve quizzen en tekstslides.

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Slide 1 - Tekstslide

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Check homework

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

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The next 3 slides contain the answers to yesterday's homework.
Check your answers.

Slide 3 - Tekstslide

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Exercise 3:
  1. ringing
  2. playing
  3. describing
  4. touching
  5. sneezing
  6. smiling
  7. holding
  8. cooking
  9. getting
  10. telling
Exercise 4:
  1. coming
  2. blowing
  3. burning
  4. cheering
  5. melting
  6. getting
  7. cryin
  8. taking off

Slide 4 - Tekstslide

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Exercise 1:
  1. will fail
  2. will pass
  3. lazy
  4. worried
  5. yet
Exercise 7:
  1. look out
  2. read out
  3. find out
  4. go out
  5. try out
  6. take out

In lesson 4.2:
find out, read out & go out

Slide 5 - Tekstslide

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  1. go out
  2. find out
  3. read out
  4. try out
  5. look out

Slide 6 - Tekstslide

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The next slides will explain the 'future' to you.
Make notes on how to use this grammar tense.

Slide 7 - Tekstslide

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Slide 8 - Tekstslide

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The future
Je kunt de toekomst op 2 manieren aangeven:
  • am - are - is + going to + hele ww (to be)
  • I am going to run tonight. 
  • will + hele ww 
  • I will go to Africa someday.

blz 61 TB

Slide 9 - Tekstslide

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Going to = gaan
  • Iemand is iets van plan in de toekomst:
       I am going to buy a new spaceship.
       He is going to Utopia in 2020. 
       They are going to buy a new robot tomorrow.
       We are going to watch WALL-E tonight.  

Slide 10 - Tekstslide

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Going to = gaan
  • Je doet een voorspelling met bewijs:
Look at those clouds! It is going to rain.
I had all my answers wrong. I am going to fail the test.

Wall-E is not going to Earth, his batteries are empty.
Are you going to Utopia today?

Slide 11 - Tekstslide

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  • Om iets aan te bieden, beloftes, aankondigingen, besluiten
She will not buy a new robot. 
The race will start in a few minutes.
You will always be my best friend says WALL-E to EVE. 

Slide 12 - Tekstslide

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  • Je doet een voorspelling zonder bewijs.
I think we will win the lottery tomorrow.
They will not be here on time.
You will win the first prize. 
She will visit Autopia someday.

Slide 13 - Tekstslide

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  • Je stelt een iets voor d.m.v. een vraag met I of we erin.
Shall I put the baby to bed?
Shall we go to the dance?
Shall we call it a day?
Shall I listen to ABBA?

Slide 14 - Tekstslide

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Do the exercises that follow.

Slide 15 - Tekstslide

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Welke zin past hier het best? (Kijk naar de afbeelding!)
Look! It will rain soon.
Look! It is going to rain soon.

Slide 16 - Quizvraag

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Welke zin past hier het best? (Het is zeker dat dit gebeurt.)
Trump will build a wall.
Trump is going to build a wall.

Slide 17 - Quizvraag

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Welke zin past hier het best?
We're going to hit that horse!
We will hit that horse!

Slide 18 - Quizvraag

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Hopefully, I ........ my grammar test.
am going to pass
will pass

Slide 19 - Quizvraag

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My bus is delayed.
I ...... too late at the airport.
am going to be
will be

Slide 20 - Quizvraag

Vanwege de vertraging van je bus heb je nu aanleiding om aan te nemen dat je te laat gaat komen.
The next slides contain examples of sentences with the future in it.
Click the questionmark '?' to find out about more rules.

Slide 21 - Tekstslide

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The sea-level will rise 40 feet.
will is used for a prediction.
you THINK it will happen, but you're not sure.

Slide 22 - Tekstslide

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The phone is ringing! "I will get it."
will is also used for a spontaneous decision.
you do NOT have to PLAN it.

Slide 23 - Tekstslide

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I am going to buy a new car.
(to be) + going to
I AM GOING to buy a new car.
Use to be + going to for a PLANNED ACTION/ CERTAINTY

Slide 24 - Tekstslide

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He is going to fall.
(to be) + going to
He is going to fall.
You see it coming. Use (TO BE) + GOING TO if it is CERTAIN.

Slide 25 - Tekstslide

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Shall we dance?
SHALL is used (instead of will) in combination with
WE or I.
Usually asking a question.

Slide 26 - Tekstslide

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WB p 40/41 ex 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8

Slide 27 - Tekstslide

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