Week 1 Lesson 1 Introduction

Coming of Age Literature
Week 1 
1 / 19
Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo tLeerjaar 4

In deze les zitten 19 slides, met interactieve quizzen en tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 60 min

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Coming of Age Literature
Week 1 

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

In class today
  • Introduction to the theme
  • Anticipation & Ideas
  • What is Coming Of Age?
  • Assessment
  • Book choice
  • Start reading

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At the end of this class I will:
  • know what I will be working on this theme
  • know what will be tested this year for English
  • be familiar with the characteristics of Coming of Age  Literature
  • have chosen a novel to read and have starten reading

  • know what and how I will be assessed

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Slide 4 - Link

Slide 5 - Link

At the end of this class I will:
  • know what I will be working on this theme
  • know what will be tested this year for English
  • be familiar with the characteristics of Coming of Age  Literature
  • have chosen a novel to read and have starten reading

  • know what and how I will be assessed

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Coming of Age

Slide 7 - Woordweb

Characteristics of the Genre 1/3
Includes a protagonist who is socially and psychologically maturing.

Het verhaal gaat over een hoofdpersoon dat op sociaal en psychologisch vlak aan het ontwikkelen is, ouder aan het worden is.

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How have you matured (socially or psychologically) these past years?

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Characteristics of the Genre 2/3
Includes a protagonist who makes discoveries about self and the world 

De hoofdpersoon ontdekt dingen over zichzelf en over de wereld om hem of haar heen.

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What have you discovered about yourself or the world?

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Characteristics of the Genre 3/3
Includes a protagonist who experiences a turning point, a point of no return
  • This point is the character’s transition from childhood to adulthood
  • This can be an epiphany - when a protagonist experiences a realization, an  “aha!” moment that changes his/her thinking

De hoofdpersoon staat op een keerpunt in zijn of haar leven, het moment dat hij of zij de ontwikkeling doormaakt van kind naar (jong)volwassen. Dit kan een nieuw inzicht zijn, een aha! moment, iets wat hem of haar voorgoed op een andere manier laat denken.

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Coming-of-age novels are commonly called Bildungsroman or “formation novels” because they depict the intellectual or emotional development of a protagonist

Een 'Coming of Age' boek wordt vaak een 'Bildungsroman' genoemd; de emotionele en intellectuele ontwikkeling van een hoofdpersonage.

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When do you become an adult?

Slide 14 - Open vraag

Rites of Passage
  • Membership to a club or inclusive group
  • Completion of a challenge 
  • Overcoming an obstacle 
  • Conquering a fear 
  • Celebrating a birthday or an accomplishment 
  • Acceptance by a program or group of people 

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Assessment - what
This theme you will be graded on  your understanding of:
  • Your chosen novel
  • The Coming of Age genre
  • The use of literary devices

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Assessment - how
  • Verwerkingsopdrachten (in de les)

  • Creatieve opdracht & verantwoording (schrijfopdracht)

Deadline: vrijdag 23 oktober (eerder mag ook!)

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Book Options
  • Holes 
  • Bridge by Terabithia 
  • The Poet X  
  • Eleanor and Park  
  • King Dork

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Next lesson
During the next lesson you will get a brief introduction on the creative and writing assignment.

Furthermore, you will have time to read your novel.

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