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Check ex. 9, 10 and 13
Check Vocab ABC
Check Grammar 16

Finish eindexamensite.nl

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Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo g, tLeerjaar 2

In deze les zitten 14 slides, met interactieve quizzen en tekstslides.

Onderdelen in deze les

Check ex. 9, 10 and 13
Check Vocab ABC
Check Grammar 16

Finish eindexamensite.nl

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

9    Key:
    1 Can you tell me what Village People is about
    2 It's about city people who share a house in a village
    3 do you know why it's so popular
    4 I like it because it's about teenagers
    5 At what time is Village People on
    6 it's on at 9 o'clock and it's the third episode
    7 What actor was in it
    8 Damian Wells acted in it and directed it

10    Key:
    1 What's New Day about?
    It's a morning newscast with breaking news and weather report.

    2 Who played in Orangutan Island?
    Droscher Nielsen plays in Orangutan Island.

    3 Who plays Megan in this romantic comedy?
    Heather Donahue plays Megan in this romantic comedy.

    4 Who wrote and directed Jawbreaker?
    Darren Stein wrote and directed Jawbreaker.

13    Key:
    1 What was the name of that musical?
    2 Who played the main part?
    3 When did we see it?
    4 What was it about?
    5 Why did you mention it?

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

10    Key:
    1 What's New Day about?
    It's a morning newscast with breaking news and weather report.
    2 Who played in Orangutan Island?
    Droscher Nielsen plays in Orangutan Island.
    3 Who plays Megan in this romantic comedy?
    Heather Donahue plays Megan in this romantic comedy.
    4 Who wrote and directed Jawbreaker?
    Darren Stein wrote and directed Jawbreaker.

13    Key:
    1 What was the name of that musical?
    2 Who played the main part?
    3 When did we see it?
    4 What was it about?
    5 Why did you mention it?

Slide 3 - Tekstslide

Write down the English translation of the word: familielid

Slide 4 - Open vraag

Write down the English translation of the word: communiceren

Slide 5 - Open vraag

Write down the English translation of the word: overleven

Slide 6 - Open vraag

Write down the Dutch translation of the word: affordable

Slide 7 - Open vraag

Write down the Dutch translation of the word: record

Slide 8 - Open vraag

Write down the Dutch translation of the word: frequently

Slide 9 - Open vraag


Slide 10 - Sleepvraag

Create two questions for the following sentence:

We watched the Eurovision Songfestival

Slide 11 - Open vraag

13    Key:
    1 What was the name of that musical?
    2 Who played the main part?
    3 When did we see it?
    4 What was it about?
    5 Why did you mention it?

Slide 12 - Tekstslide

How do you study Stones?

Slide 13 - Open vraag

  1. Do ex. 16, 17 and 18
  2. Study Vocab ABCDE
  3. Finish reading on eindexamensite.nl

Slide 14 - Tekstslide