History of Bees pages 143-168

1) On page 144 Tao mentions "the thing that was between us" and that it had become "insurmountably large". She later repeats "my fault" in tricolon and in italics. How do the use of tricolon and italics support her earlier statement of "the thing"?
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In deze les zitten 7 slides, met interactieve quizzen.

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1) On page 144 Tao mentions "the thing that was between us" and that it had become "insurmountably large". She later repeats "my fault" in tricolon and in italics. How do the use of tricolon and italics support her earlier statement of "the thing"?

Slide 1 - Open vraag

2) On pages 147 and 148 the analogy of the bee is used as a foreshadowing moment. What is Lunde comparing the development of the bee with and why?

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3) After having read page 150, in a financial sense William and George are quite similar. Explain how.

Slide 3 - Open vraag

4) After having read pages 153-157 what are the three issues in the family that William isn't grasping? To which global issues do these issues link?

Slide 4 - Open vraag

5) How does Lunde make sure that her reader would understand that what had happened to Wei-wen was groundbreaking when reading the story with his mother as the narrator? use evidence from pages 158-161 to support your theory

Slide 5 - Open vraag

6) What is the effect of having ended George's story on pages 165 on a negative note and started William's story on page 166 with such a positive vibe? How do the different tones help the reader to distinguish between characters?

Slide 6 - Open vraag

Slide 7 - Open vraag