Grammar Year 1 Period 1 (Comparing things, SHIT rule, Prepositions, Plural with s)

English with Miss Salehar 
1 / 39
Slide 1: Tekstslide
engMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 1

In deze les zitten 39 slides, met tekstslides.

Onderdelen in deze les

English with Miss Salehar 

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

- LYRICS in English analysis

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

- In this period we talked about...
- TASK: Create your own festival flyer
- Flyer game
- Grammar and vocab of the flyer

Slide 3 - Tekstslide

TASK Period 1
- You will create a music FLYER for a festival

OK... but HOW?
Let's take a look

Slide 4 - Tekstslide

FLYER game
- I will give each of you a print out of the PART of the poster
- There are 3 different posters 
- You have to find 3 other students to complete your poster
- Look at the information that you have - it has to match your partners'
- You are finished if you have 1 full poster completed in your group

Slide 5 - Tekstslide

We got 6 groups
- In your groups - Look at the flyer
- What information does the flyer give us?
- Discuss & write it down in your notebooks

Slide 6 - Tekstslide

Slide 7 - Tekstslide

Grammar in the FLYER
- Comparing things
- Talking about the present
- Where things/people are
- Plurals (talking about more than 1 thing/person)


Slide 8 - Tekstslide

- Present Simple herhalen
- WIRED exercises (Independent work)

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- things we do often and that are our hobbies (dingen dat we met regelmaat doen en zijn onze hobby's)
- things that are always true -facts (feiten)
- things we like or dislike (dingen dat we leuk of juist niet leuk vinden)

I play tennis 3 times a week.
The Sun rises on the East and sets on the West.
Sacha likes tea but doesn't like coffee. 

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1. Bij SHE/HE/IT zetten we -s op het eind van het werkwoord (SHIT RULE!)
She plays piano every day.
Marcel drinks coffee every morning.
My dog always eats at 8 p.m.

2. Bij I, WE, THEY, YOU blijft het werkwoord gewoon hoe het is
They play piano every day.
Marcel and John drink coffee every morning.
My dogs always eat at 8 p.m.

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Slide 14 - Tekstslide

1. Bij SHE/HE/IT moet je doesn't voor het werkwoord zetten 
en het is geen s meer achter het werkwoord
She doesn't live in this house.
John doesn't love me.

2. Bij I, WE, THEY, YOU moet je don't voor het werkwoord zetten
en het is geen s achter het werkwoord
They don't live in this house.
John and Jane don't love coffee.

Slide 15 - Tekstslide

1. bij SHE/HE/IT moet je DOES in het begin van de zin zetten
en het werkwoord heeft geen s meer!
Does she live in this house?
Does John love me?

2. Bij I, WE, THEY, YOU moet je DO in het begin van de zin zetten
en het werkwoord heeft geen s
Do they live in this house?
Do John and Jane love coffee?

Slide 16 - Tekstslide

SONG assignment
1.  Listen to the song: Just the way you are - Bruno Mars
2.  Fill in the gaps
3. Do the assignments (the right column)
4. Discuss the rules for Present Simple

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Slide 19 - Tekstslide

PRACTICE putting the verbs from the 'I' form to 'He/she/it' form

Slide 20 - Tekstslide

Grammar part 2: 
Comparing things and people
Compare these 3 boxes

1. This box is small.

2. This box is... ______

3. This box is the _________.

Slide 21 - Tekstslide

1. Short words (one clap words)
short, small, long, tall)

Slide 22 - Tekstslide

2. Long words (3 claps - interesting, boring, amazing)

Slide 23 - Tekstslide

Hoe vergelijken we mensen en dingen (2 CLAP words)

Slide 24 - Tekstslide


Slide 25 - Tekstslide

1. My purse is _________ (large) than my backpack.
2. This lessons take ________ (short) on Mondays than they do on Tuesdays.
3. Look at Maria. Her hair is __________ (long) than it was yesterday.
4. Beyonce is ____________ (amazing) than Dua Lipa.
1. This is ____________ (incredible) thing I have ever done!
2. I studied so hard! I want to get _____________ (good) mark.
3. This is ___________________ (small) house I have ever seen!
4. Ugh, we have Maths again. It is ____________  (bad) subject.
Saying something is the most...

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Grammar part 3: Prepositions

Slide 27 - Tekstslide

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Slide 30 - Tekstslide

PLURALS (meervoud) -> when there are more than 1 thing / 1 person
1. word+s
1 book -> 3 books

2.  word+es
1 bus -> 2 buses

3. word+ies
1 melody - 4 melodies
(bij een medeklinker)

4. uitzonderingen
1 man - 2 men 
1 woman - 2 women
1 child - 2 children
1 person - 2 people
1 foot - 2 feet
1 tooth - 2 teeth

Slide 31 - Tekstslide

Plurals exercise
1. I have one dog. You have 3 _________. (cat)
2. Two _______ (bus) are waiting at the station.
3. OK __________ (person m.v), let's start with the lesson.
4. There are many _________ (man) in the world who are doctors and scientists.
5. My twin _______ (baby) are called Marsha and Masha. 
6. Oh no! Someone stole my ____ (key)! 

Slide 32 - Tekstslide

- LEERBLAD exercises afmaken
- Done? Learn the words (Quizlet or your workbook)

Slide 33 - Tekstslide

Grammar part 5: DATES
Monday, 1st September
Tuesday, 2nd October
Wednesday, 3rd May
Thursday, 4th July
Friday, 24th June
Saturday, 31st December

Slide 34 - Tekstslide

- £25
-  $25
- 25€

11 a.m. (11 in de ochtend)
11 p.m. (11 in de avond)

Slide 35 - Tekstslide

1. Go to Magister -> ELO -> WIRED
2. Choose your class (1MH1/2)
3. Go to Exercises: 1, 2, 3!!

Slide 36 - Tekstslide

QUIZLET inloggen

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Slide 39 - Tekstslide