French Revolution

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Slide 1: Tekstslide
HistoryMiddelbare schoolhavo, vwoLeerjaar 2

In deze les zitten 29 slides, met interactieve quiz, tekstslides en 10 videos.

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Slide 1 - Tekstslide

Why France revolted
In 1789, a revolution tore France apart. Some causes had been building up for years. 
King Louis XVI was an absolute ruler.
  • He and his nobles lived in luxury. Nobles did not have to pay most taxes. For ordinary people life was hard. They had to pay most taxes. 
  • The Church supported the king. It told people to obey him as a ruler chosen by God. It, too, did not have to pay all taxes. Ordinary people had to give the Church part of their income as a tax. 
  • From 1770, there were many bad harvests, which pushed up the price of grain (and therefore the price of bread). The population rose, pushing bread prices up even more. Bread was the main food of the poor.
Lodewijk XVI (16e)

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Slide 3 - Video

The Three Estates
(de 3 standen)
All the people in the country belonged 
to one of the 3 estates.

An estate is a group of people 
you belong to from birth.
An estate is hereditary.

You can not easily 
change into 

Slide 4 - Tekstslide

1e stand: geestelijkheid

Slide 5 - Tekstslide

2e stand: de adel

Slide 6 - Tekstslide

The Third Estate
The Third Estate representatives in the Estates General was made up mainly of professional people such as doctors, lawyers, bankers and rich merchants. Many third estate people were just as rich as nobles.

These rich people in the third estate are called: bourgeoisie
Most 3rd Estate representatives in the Estates General were bourgeois people. 
Farmers and poorly paid city workers did not have time or money to come to Versailles to join the Estates General meeting that lasted several weeks.

So, despite the fact that bourgois people were just as rich as many nobles, they lacked the same rights as nobles. 

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3e stand: boeren

Slide 8 - Tekstslide

3e stand: burgers (stedelingen)

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3e stand: bourgeoisie

Slide 10 - Tekstslide

  • In het 18e-eeuwse Frankrijk werden de mensen verdeeld in 3 groepen genaamd "standen"
  • 1e stand: de geestelijkheid
  • 2e stand: adel / aristocratie 
  • 3e stand: de rest, maar kan worden onderverdeeld in:
  •        - arme, ongeschoolde mensen: stadswerkers en boeren
  •        - rijke, goed opgeleide mensen: advocaten, bankiers,                       kooplieden, doktoren. Deze groep werd de bourgeoisie               genoemd
6.4 De Franse Revolutie

Slide 11 - Tekstslide

De 3e stand was ontevreden.
Ze waren 93 % van de bevolking, maar hadden veel plichten en weinig rechten:
1e stand
2e stand
3e stand
bestuurlijke macht
belasting betalen

Slide 12 - Tekstslide

Source A: A cartoon about the Three Estates, published in the 1780s.

Slide 13 - Tekstslide

Which estates do the people in the source represent?

A : clergy B: nobility C: commons
A: commons B: clergy C: nobility
A: nobility B: commons C: clergy
A: nobility B: clergy C: commons

Slide 14 - Quizvraag

What do you think the stone on top of the figure lying on the ground is supposed to mean?

The stone symbolizes the taxes the third estate had to pay (which is a
heavy weight) and the first and second estate did not.

Slide 15 - Tekstslide

Slide 16 - Video

in 1789 the king called for a meeting of the Estates-General.
He had run out of money and he wanted to ask the representatives of the 3 estates to agree to his plans to raise the taxes.
In May, 1200 representatives gathered in Versailles 
to listen to the king.

Slide 17 - Tekstslide

The 3rd estate members wanted to make some radical changes though......
The meeting would lead to the start of the French Revolution

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How to vote?
This is when trouble started..
The Estates-General sat for several weeks in May and June 1789 but came to an impasse over the first item on the agenda: whether they should vote by estate, giving the first two estates an advantage, which was the King's choice, or vote all together, giving the Third Estate the advantage.

first estate:        300 representatives
second estate:  300 representatives
third estate:       600 representatives
1 vote
1 vote
1 vote
2 votes
1 vote

Slide 19 - Tekstslide

The National Assembly and the Tennis Court Oath
June 20, 1789

Slide 20 - Tekstslide

The National Assembly and the Tennis Court Oath
June 20, 1789
Grondwet (of constitutie)

Dit is de BASIS wet waarop alle andere wetten zijn gebaseerd.
Hierin staan de RECHTEN van de burgers (grondrechten)
Maar ook de PLICHTEN van de regering.
Ook de koning moet zich aan de grondwet houden. Zijn macht wordt dus BEPERKT

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Slide 22 - Video


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Slide 25 - Video

Slide 26 - Video

Slide 27 - Video

Slide 28 - Video

Slide 29 - Video